Wednesday 28 February 2018

Can APP development used in the logistics industry ?

Recently, more and more people are shopping online, resulting in a lot of logistics growth. Recently, many courier companies launched the mobile APP service which undoubtedly is good news for the vast number of otaku housemaids. So these express APP in the end rely on it? Rely on reliable? I willl lead you to explore what, do not depend on it?

In terms of SF, the rapid development of SF Express is now standing at the top of the express delivery industry. Its rapid response to market changes is commendable. Nowadays, SF Express has also launched its own APP client on smartphones. Recently, SF APP's  client has been updated to recognize the authenticity of couriers . Consumers can directly identify the courier's identity through the phone screen, so that some of the bad guys who do not have the opportunity to use this measure to the fact that their own criminal behavior of android development.
I have randomly installed a courier software in app store, the software includes on-site service information, express mail tracking, one-click forwarding and other functions. Reporters "shake" found that software positioning is not accurate, I station in the temple nongkou has been positioned to Bureaucourt location. Finally orders a success, but also delay waiting for couriers come pick up, and finally I had to give up the phone orders, choose the traditional way of calling.
It is understood that EMS, tact, Shen Tong, rhyme, such as wind up express delivery companies have launched a mobile client. However, many mobile client functions are not yet perfect. For example, Shentong Mobile Client can not place an order at present and the other four provide functions such as ordering, checking orders, and customer service, but only pick-ups such as Wind will come. Want to launch reliable APP, I still recommend looking for a professional APP development company, professional custom APP development program. Use a professional technology to create a full range of APP.

Can IOS app development make money?

What does mobile app development mean? App is now a relatively wide application of an application, and mobile app development is based on the phone's operating system and functional requirements of a development and service. So what is the meaning of ios development? ios development is an app development based on the ios system of Apple's smart mobile device.

iOS is a mobile operating system developed by Apple Inc. Apple introduced the system as early as January 9, 2007 at the Macworld conference. It was originally designed for the iPhone and later used on iPod touch, iPad, and Apple TV on. Originally this system is called iPhone OS, because iPad, iPhone, iPod touch use iPhone OS, so 2010WWDC conference announced renamed as iOS.
app Development Since March 6, 2008, Apple released an application development kit for the iPhone for free download for third-party app developers to develop applications for iPhone and Touch, which makes App developers have direct The face of user opportunities, but also gave birth to many domestic APP development company. Apple's App Store has thus created a new chapter in the development of the mobile phone software industry, making the enthusiasm of the third-party APP providers participating in it unprecedented.

ios app development to make money? That's for sure, because APP STORE is app store management, so IOS, the value-added business IOS for running apps, can be purchased directly from the store, which is why many apps have IOS development as the starting platform.
ios app development methods can be broadly divided into: make the user pay or pay advertisers, compared to ordinary users, advertisers are more active, because they also need to market their products.
Although ios app has APP STORE support, more and more app apps now abandon the pay-as-you-go model because IOS users have higher demand for paid software and paid software are mostly games.
Selling advertising is ios app development a good choice to make money, app now advertising is simply ubiquitous, the form of advertising according to the different APP, different forms of advertising, APP developers charge the price is not the same, It is said that a microblogging start page is 30W yuan / day, of course, there are also click on the amount of installation to determine the cost.
Making the difference between the trading volume is also ios app to develop a way to make money, because the two app users are not equal or can not be transferred to each other, so the user base large naturally one side to receive cash as a small difference.

If the app has a lot of traffic, then the app can make money by using the guide if the app has more users than any other platform and can manipulate. For example, we often take a taxi for Weichai or Alipay for some reason, buy movie tickets and reserve a tour around. Because your purchase, WeChat and Alipay successfully lead you to taxi software and movie tickets APP and other third-party software, and successfully realized.
In recent years, with the momentum of o2o, offline channel market by more and more APP development company's attention, this ios app to develop ways to make money through online marketing and offline consumption, the difficulty lies in many offline Venues are forbidden for commercial promotion activities, and the costs are quite high.
Developing an app into a trading market is an option for many corporate brands that not only enhances the company's visibility but also defends its users and monetizes the app.
The last ios app development to make ways to make money is freemium model, the so-called free value-added is the first APP to the user, when the user developed a certain habit, we began to charge for some of the features of the user. There are many examples of this approach, but in APP's freemium model, there is a long way to go because users are accustomed to operating. Domestic system of freemium through app development to make money is a membership system.

Tuesday 27 February 2018

Building Materials App Development General Function Analysis

For the traditional building materials enterprises, the original marketing can no longer meet the development of enterprises, building materials companies must break the original marketing, so that enterprises in the era of development trend to better survive. App Development of building materials to increase the viscosity of customers, retaining the old circle of customers, to achieve word of mouth, is conducive to the development of new business users. Enterprises can quickly and effectively through the App to collect customer feedback, you can also implement real-time message interaction, the first customer feedback to collect information, but also conducive to the ios development singapore of new business users.

Building materials business in the App can be said that the lowest advertising costs, access to the best publicity.
Building Materials App Development singapore Features:
Products: The dazzling array of building materials upload pictures to the App client, the user can open the App to see the rich product display page, browse a variety of color samples of building materials.
A key search: Building Materials App can have a convenient one-click search function, allowing users to quickly find the building materials you want, and through the picture to understand the display of building materials.
Category Recommended: Based on different categories of building App development, such as furniture, bathroom and other building materials users, App users recommend the appropriate products for users to compare, to filter, in improving the user experience but also to the enterprise Free promotion opportunities.
Industry Information: Every day regularly update the building materials industry, industry information, to provide users with professional building materials industry information, allowing users to better understand the status of the industry.
Delivery of information push: In the development of building materials App can be a variety of building materials preferential information through data analysis, accurate push to each building materials App users, in order to improve the user conversion rate of consumer action.
LBS positioning: building materials App with LBS mobile positioning function, locate the current city and nearby building materials store, user-friendly shop quickly experience.
One-touch dialing: call the phone call function to achieve one-touch dialing function, you can call the hotline, a quick consultation building materials related issues.
A key to share: Set a button to share the button to enhance the user's sense of participation, but also played a free publicity building materials App role can be described as double benefit.

Medical app development get more and more attention

As medical technology advances, more and more Internet products are infiltrating our lives. As we have learned, more and more life service platforms are now emerging in the Internet world. Have to say that Internet life products have brought us great convenience. Among them, the android development of medical app represented the Internet is non-stop growth.
The healthcare industry has always been an unavoidable industry for China, and many people living in today's society are dealing with the industry. But the industry is not as easy to reach as we might imagine, as the medical industry in today's society has many opaque places as a lifestyle service. Most users have little time to understand the healthcare industry unless it is urgently needed.

Medical app development can provide users with more convenient medical services, allowing them to enjoy the changes brought about by more technology. Due to the tightness of our medical resources and the fact that medical apps can alleviate this kind of tension to a certain extent, it has attracted the attention of many users. Therefore, the potential of the medical industry is very huge. This is also a new industry form for the medical industry in the future. If the enterprise development team can enter this market as soon as possible, then the first batch of users will be able to be captured as early as possible.
Medical app development features
1, online consultation
As a medical mobile phone APP, online consultation entrance is very important, can provide users to consult the health and hygiene functions, directly on the phone APP to test their health status.
2, cell phone number
The use of medical mobile APP development registration number, eliminating the need to line up the trouble, the direct use of the convenience of mobile phone medical APP to overcome the scheduling difficulties, a long period of medical difficulties.
3, mobile medical records
The medical record is no longer just a paper book that needs to be filled in with all kinds of medical terminology that can not be read. It is also a clear and clear phone record of medical records, records of the number of visits, conditions, medication situations and so on.
4, electronic prescription
Past prescriptions are the doctor's handwriting, a hospital or clinic this prescription now mobile phone medical APP has electronic prescription function, allowing users to more easily understand the prescription.
5, price comparison
Mobile phone medical APP can also be integrated into the country's drug prices into a drug system, users can compare the drug prices on the phone client, convenience and the people.
6, health test
Users can test their health status on mobile apps, learn about their health, and then adjust the body or register for medical treatment.
7, mobile payment
Use the medical mobile phone APP for mobile phone number, appointment for medical treatment, the medical expenses spent can be directly mobile phone online payment.

Thursday 8 February 2018

Four future trends of major mobile APP development

At present, with the development of the mobile Internet, especially the popularization of smartphones and the increase of mobile signals, and the support of e-commerce stimulus and payment industries and courier services, a large number of traditional enterprises have to connect with the mobile Internet industry. This demand has promoted APP production areas of development. The reason why the application of mobile phone APP can develop rapidly in a short period of time is mainly due to its nature to meet the needs of today's social development and people's lives. As a result, a large number of mobile APP development products and markets based on the mobile Internet and smartphones are also now being launched. Then as the market continues to develop and improve, the future of mobile APP development will show what kind of trend? Here's a detailed look.

1, the mobile market is younger, after 90 developers admission
With the passage of time, after 90 gradually become the mainstream APP development crowd, to avoid the current Red Sea type of application market, look into the mainstream market for nearly two years after 95, the market began to layout after 95 users in preparation for a share in emerging markets soup.
2, low-code APP development
Skilled app developers who develop apps within a time frame have become a task for mobile APP developers. Low code speed up the development of mobile APP by not following the traditional encoding method. This means that applications that use low-code capabilities depend on prebuilt components, drag-and-drop functionality, WYSISWYG design, project templates, and automation services to easily build your application. Use low code, not only to develop mobile APP, you can also update.

3, AR augmented reality and VR virtual reality
Augmented reality and virtual reality: The truly immersive technology is amazing. Both of these technologies raise the customer experience to a new level never before expected. More and more brands use these technologies to attract the maximum customer attention and increase their revenue. According to Goldman Sachs research, the virtual reality market will grow substantially by 2025. Even leading social media outlets like Google are investing in these technologies.
4, APP application security
Recently, users have become increasingly concerned about the security of applications. However, in fact, the famous American information technology research and analysis company pointed out: "75% of applications will not pass seven basic security tests." As security issues become more and more important, APP developers have been forced to increase their focus on security issues such as unsafe data storage, accidentally compromised data, and imperfect encryption. For unsafe applications, the market will eventually be eliminated.

Two app development model in singapore

APP development model is usually divided into Native APP development and Web APP framework development of two models, each of these two models have their own advantages, in the development of the traditional model of development or the use of framework model development has been the industry debate Focus, first I  will introduced under the two APP development singapore:

Traditional mode
Native App development is a traditional APP development mode that is developed for different mobile operating systems such as IOS and Android in different languages ​​and frameworks. The mode is usually composed of two parts, "cloud server data + APP application client" APP UI elements of all applications, data content, logical framework are installed on the phone terminal.
Frame pattern.
Web application development is a framework-based APP development mode (HTML5 APP framework development mode). The development has the advantages of cross-platform. The mode is usually composed of two parts of "HTML5 cloud website + APP application client", and the APP application client Just install the framework part of the application, and the application of data is to open the APP each time to go to the cloud to take data presented to mobile phone users.
The following Avatar  comparison for everyone under the traditional model and the difference between the two framework models:
No network display

Traditional Mode: Mobile phone users can access the previously downloaded data in the APP application because they can not access the Internet.
Framework mode: mobile phone users can not access the data in the application. Access speed by the mobile terminal Internet restrictions, each use will consume a certain amount of mobile Internet traffic;
Call the device

Traditional mode: you can call the mobile terminal hardware devices (voice, camera, SMS, GPS, Bluetooth, gravity sensor, etc.);
Frame mode: Unable to call hardware device (voice, camera, SMS, GPS, Bluetooth, gravity sensor, etc.) of the mobile terminal;
Download and install

Traditional mode: Installation package is relatively large, including UI elements, data content, logical framework;
Framework mode: installation package is small, only contains the framework file, and a large number of UI elements, data content stored in the cloud;
Upgrade update

Traditional mode: Each time you get the latest APP features, you need to upgrade the APP application.
Framework mode: APP users do not need to frequently update applications, and real-time data exchange with the cloud; APP developers can access real-time latest cloud data every time;
For business

The traditional model: games, ezine, management applications, things such as the Internet without having to constantly update the framework of the applications.
Framework mode: e-commerce, finance, news, business groups and other frequently-updated applications.

Tuesday 6 February 2018

Children family app is popualr in singapore

According to the current demand of the second child family for the maternal and infant products, this platform has built a specialized shopping platform for it, thereby greatly improving the quality of life of the majority of families. Here, users can freely choose a variety of maternal and child goods online, so that their children enjoy better maternal and child services.
With the development of science and technology, people's consumption concept is also gradually upgraded, and the requirements for maternal and child products are also getting higher and higher. Therefore, this one mobile application side with thousands of maternal and child products suppliers, maternal and child goods everything, every one of the quality of the goods are guaranteed, allowing users to rest assured that bold to buy of mobile app development company.

So what are the main features of this phone application? Below, just follow the pace of starting small technology to understand it!
1, bringing together massive merchandise: This mobile application brings together a large number of overseas high-quality baby products, in order to ensure the quality of goods, the platform for each settled business will be assessed, so that users can buy 100% genuine, thereby enhancing Transaction amount.
2, popular products: maternal and child electricity supplier APP system real-time collection of user shopping behavior and reading habits, the daily hour of the popular products recommended, and each product will have a discount fight group packages, users can invite friends online Participation can be.
3, product categories: platform based on maternal and child commodity attributes and prices, the product vertical segmentation, according to the different sections to the classification, and set keywords, allowing users to quickly view.
4, the audience free shipping: When the user orders a success, the platform will provide users with professional delivery team, in order to improve the efficiency of delivery staff, it will provide the most convenient route, so that they can in the shortest possible time The goods are delivered to the user's hands.

5, after-sales service: maternal and child electricity supplier APP developer all the products are 100% authentic, platform promise 7 days no reason to return, so that users can be assured, bold to buy.

Wonderful app design in singapore

App design, can be said that in recent years a very hot emerging industries, many companies or companies will carry out some work on the site design, especially in recent years, the popularity of e-commerce industry. App design is basically getting higher and higher, it is precisely because of such a market so that more problems are exposed, so many places, but also those who need our website design to pay attention to.

  1, content and vision

    App design industry, the most important project is the visual design content, just a basis for website design, both of which are complementary and indispensable features. If you have a good visual design, then you can give visitors a sense of trust and comfort, good content is to catch the viewer's curiosity, although the network design has now become the people nowadays very much like Industry, but there are still owners in the app design can not be their own technology, give full play to it. In the face of some problems, I do not know how to solve it.

    2, novel and unique

    The current site is very large, but the real characteristics of the few, the vast majority of sites are relying on the existing template, and then make the appropriate changes to the content even if completed, in fact, this site is presented in the visitors In front of time, there is no mind at all, can not see any of the characteristics of the Department. This site gives a feeling of similar, of course, can not give visitors left a deep impression, so the network settings must learn to create a new template, so that when visitors see Have a fresh feeling of app development singapore.

    3, a clear division of labor

    One of the most crucial aspects of designing a website is to clarify the division of labor between different sections. Many webmasters may not have particularly mastered the technology of website design, which in no way affects the design of a clearly defined website. Website design must have a clear thinking when thinking and fill in the appropriate content inside the appropriate content, learn how to classify the ingredients, so that at least when everyone saw the site can feel that he is a clear level, And the classification is clear.

    App design, although the pre-process and the steps are very simple, but the real practice is not so easy to imagine, so be sure to plan well in advance, no details of the site can not let go.

Friday 2 February 2018

The trend of mobile app development in singapore

Nowadays, in the 21st century, mobile phones have become indispensable daily necessities, and the singapore app development of mobile phones can gradually replace the computers so far. As time goes by, the technology of mobile websites is constantly developing. Many people in life often say: "You can forget anything with you when you go out, but you can not forget the phone." Mobile phones are so popular with people because of their small size, cuteness and portability. Feel, have it, we can access any information and so on.

Mobile website development trend

Just some of the features inside the phone seem to be unable to meet the higher needs of people, so in recent years the mobile site began to gradually develop in this era of expanding Internet coverage, the establishment of mobile sites is very important, we all know, the traditional PC version of the page Although the phone scaling, but the font is still small, and the entire screen is very vague, more serious mobile phone traffic will be with the phone screen to enlarge the more consumption, it means spending more money customers, seriously affected Customer experience on the Web page. So, it is important to keep building mobile websites. Mobile website is very popular in modern small and medium-sized enterprises, the development trend is very good.

The benefits of mobile site

1, Compared with the traditional web page, it can be updated at any time, corrected at any time, saving time and effort, greatly reducing the operating costs of enterprises.

2, mobile site to a certain extent, can demonstrate the style of the enterprise, convenience, security, fast and other advantages can be instantly reflected.

3, many app maker tend to use the development of mobile sites to stimulate their own operational vitality, and the approval and is also ubiquitous, the development of technology is also very mature, why not try to bring the development of mobile site into the development of enterprises?

4, can enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, among other factors, is the mobile site, and we usually use the mobile Internet when the company employees can make the internal and external links more smoothly, and access to more information, more detailed, To ensure the security of enterprise information, such services can greatly enhance customer satisfaction, the advantages of these mobile sites are not the traditional PC Web page.

Combined with the above, the advantages of mobile web site can be summarized as 'easy', the pace of people's lives is accelerating, the demand for the Internet is increasing, people want a lot of things constantly simplified, so the mobile site is very good The trend of this era. Believe that with the improvement of science and technology, mobile website will become more convenient, bring people more convenient experience.

Thursday 1 February 2018

Wechat app development in singapore

WeChat public platform app development is to create the latest battlefield for micro-channel marketing companies, micro-site team Montgomery why there is such a big feeling, may be in this piece of experience a bit more. With the advent of the mobile Internet era, the concept of the WeChat public platform has become more and more hot. Today, WeChat has brought together more than 600 million people around the world and is forming a new ecosystem. Now many app development companies are also gradually aware of WeChat marketing promising, shopping malls such as the battlefield, WeChat public platform development WeChat marketing is already the latest marketing battlefield.

Now all businesses concerned about the business needs in the enterprise WeChat public platform account can be achieved. WeChat public platform account is already the majority of enterprises media release platform, sales information release platform, crisis PR platform, consumer interaction platform, promotional activities platform, new product display platform, product online sales platform, online payment platform, research platform, the company Corporate culture communication platform, talent recruitment platform.

The future of WeChat public platform influence is still able to continue to drive business marketing? Its prospects and what? Below, Mont Blanc will lead you to explain in detail together.

First, the trend of the mobile Internet WeChat use more people

Where there are people where there is business, where there is profit margins. Consumers are the chase of business goals, the number of people determines the amount of wealth. According to third-party statistics, 70% of mobile phone users have opened up personal WeChat, and their age ranges from primary school children to seniors and people of all ages. WeChat use more people, and closest to the user, the phone is essential personal items for everyone. WeChat and WeChat website docking, computer, mobile phone synchronization sales, the use of WeChat accounts to spread products and services, expand sales channels for enterprises to bring conversion rates and profits; previously shot ads, publicity, it is difficult to statistics exactly how many people read the We now have a WeChat QR code. As long as the viewer pays close attention to the WeChat public platform, he can conduct statistics well and can interact to make judgments based on the impact of statistics on the effectiveness of the promotion campaign and certain sensitive factors , And make corresponding adjustments to the relevant market behavior, to a certain extent, to achieve market surveillance and timely response.

Second, wechat viscosity and the use of inertia

No one will Taobao every day, no one will brush microblogging every day - but wechat can. First of all, WeChat is a communication tool. The characteristics of real-time communication determine the value of its use. The sharing of a circle of friends enables the social relationship to replace the peer-to-peer interaction. This is not only a relationship but also an influence! WeChat network, civilians also have the feeling of a star. The user's viscosity can not be compared to any one product. Wechat with its huge power to attract and stabilize the consumer, the consumer is ready, the business is not coming?

Third, wide coverage, speed of communication, word of mouth propaganda effect is good

WeChat spread a variety of ways, forwarding very convenient. Each follower (fan) of an enterprise WeChat public account has its own circle of friends, and its circle of friends may have the same trade or other people in all walks of life, and advertisers target it. And relaying between acquaintances or using the celebrity effect All have special word-of-mouth propaganda effects. Merchants can re-markete existing customers by initiating marketing activities. By continuously updating supplementary themes, users can repeatedly participate and drive peripheral friends to share with each other to form a strong marketing word-of-mouth marketing effect. And spread very fast.

Fourth, marketing information arrival rate is high

Relative Weibo, WeChat marketing information arrival rate higher. Information posted on Weibo You do not know if your fans are really seeing your news or knowing what you want to say. However, the WeChat is different. Since each piece of information is sent in the form of a push notification, each piece of information you post will be sent to subscribers who can reach 100%.

Fifth, low cost, targeted

WeChat marketing costs far less than advertising, the effect is no less. WeChat marketing is a new type of network marketing model that invests infrequently and rapidly, and its marketing mode and mode can get the maximum profit in a short period of time. For the same effect of the ads more economical, compared with the traditional mass media (newspapers, streaming media, television, etc.) the same audience, targeted, post-maintenance and feedback more convenient. Because WeChat is highly targeted, the vast majority of fans who are concerned about the company or product are consumers or potential consumers of the product. Enterprises can accurately market the products and finely classify them according to user characteristics. Users in the background can be grouped into groups And geographical control, to achieve precise push of the message, which means that different fans can be placed in different categories below, when the information is sent, can be based on the characteristics of the user to achieve precise message push.

Sixth, the diversification of marketing methods Automatic accumulation of customer resources has better commercial marketing effectiveness for android app development singapore.

Compared to a single traditional marketing, WeChat marketing is more diversified, technically, WeChat marketing can also facilitate the use of text, pictures, videos and other forms of presentation. From a user-friendly point of view, micro-brand enterprise website itself can be personified, more affinity. The WeChat marketing is pro-people without nuisance, the user can permit the choice and acceptance, WeChat public account content can push the initiative to push, you can also receive the power of information to the user, allowing users to choose their own content of interest, Making the process of marketing more humane, you can narrow the distance with the user, so that marketing activities become more vivid and more fun, more conducive to the development of marketing activities. Business audiences are about 600 million micro-channel users, the business opportunities are unlimited, businesses through the micro-Web site released products and services to enable customers to understand themselves and through the micro-channel public one-on-one and fans follow-up, Interaction, to achieve the relationship between the transaction, which can accumulate a large number of customer resources. WeChat marketing this light marketing model, but also to adapt to the development mode of modern web site, with the potential to bring unlimited commercial value.

Businesses have WeChat public platform: we can create a professional business image, establish a good marketing brand. At the same time to provide customers anytime, anywhere service, companies will also get more social and economic benefits. Has a public platform for corporate WeChat, in the mobile Internet world has a new business card.