Thursday 8 February 2018

Four future trends of major mobile APP development

At present, with the development of the mobile Internet, especially the popularization of smartphones and the increase of mobile signals, and the support of e-commerce stimulus and payment industries and courier services, a large number of traditional enterprises have to connect with the mobile Internet industry. This demand has promoted APP production areas of development. The reason why the application of mobile phone APP can develop rapidly in a short period of time is mainly due to its nature to meet the needs of today's social development and people's lives. As a result, a large number of mobile APP development products and markets based on the mobile Internet and smartphones are also now being launched. Then as the market continues to develop and improve, the future of mobile APP development will show what kind of trend? Here's a detailed look.

1, the mobile market is younger, after 90 developers admission
With the passage of time, after 90 gradually become the mainstream APP development crowd, to avoid the current Red Sea type of application market, look into the mainstream market for nearly two years after 95, the market began to layout after 95 users in preparation for a share in emerging markets soup.
2, low-code APP development
Skilled app developers who develop apps within a time frame have become a task for mobile APP developers. Low code speed up the development of mobile APP by not following the traditional encoding method. This means that applications that use low-code capabilities depend on prebuilt components, drag-and-drop functionality, WYSISWYG design, project templates, and automation services to easily build your application. Use low code, not only to develop mobile APP, you can also update.

3, AR augmented reality and VR virtual reality
Augmented reality and virtual reality: The truly immersive technology is amazing. Both of these technologies raise the customer experience to a new level never before expected. More and more brands use these technologies to attract the maximum customer attention and increase their revenue. According to Goldman Sachs research, the virtual reality market will grow substantially by 2025. Even leading social media outlets like Google are investing in these technologies.
4, APP application security
Recently, users have become increasingly concerned about the security of applications. However, in fact, the famous American information technology research and analysis company pointed out: "75% of applications will not pass seven basic security tests." As security issues become more and more important, APP developers have been forced to increase their focus on security issues such as unsafe data storage, accidentally compromised data, and imperfect encryption. For unsafe applications, the market will eventually be eliminated.

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