Thursday 8 February 2018

Two app development model in singapore

APP development model is usually divided into Native APP development and Web APP framework development of two models, each of these two models have their own advantages, in the development of the traditional model of development or the use of framework model development has been the industry debate Focus, first I  will introduced under the two APP development singapore:

Traditional mode
Native App development is a traditional APP development mode that is developed for different mobile operating systems such as IOS and Android in different languages ​​and frameworks. The mode is usually composed of two parts, "cloud server data + APP application client" APP UI elements of all applications, data content, logical framework are installed on the phone terminal.
Frame pattern.
Web application development is a framework-based APP development mode (HTML5 APP framework development mode). The development has the advantages of cross-platform. The mode is usually composed of two parts of "HTML5 cloud website + APP application client", and the APP application client Just install the framework part of the application, and the application of data is to open the APP each time to go to the cloud to take data presented to mobile phone users.
The following Avatar  comparison for everyone under the traditional model and the difference between the two framework models:
No network display

Traditional Mode: Mobile phone users can access the previously downloaded data in the APP application because they can not access the Internet.
Framework mode: mobile phone users can not access the data in the application. Access speed by the mobile terminal Internet restrictions, each use will consume a certain amount of mobile Internet traffic;
Call the device

Traditional mode: you can call the mobile terminal hardware devices (voice, camera, SMS, GPS, Bluetooth, gravity sensor, etc.);
Frame mode: Unable to call hardware device (voice, camera, SMS, GPS, Bluetooth, gravity sensor, etc.) of the mobile terminal;
Download and install

Traditional mode: Installation package is relatively large, including UI elements, data content, logical framework;
Framework mode: installation package is small, only contains the framework file, and a large number of UI elements, data content stored in the cloud;
Upgrade update

Traditional mode: Each time you get the latest APP features, you need to upgrade the APP application.
Framework mode: APP users do not need to frequently update applications, and real-time data exchange with the cloud; APP developers can access real-time latest cloud data every time;
For business

The traditional model: games, ezine, management applications, things such as the Internet without having to constantly update the framework of the applications.
Framework mode: e-commerce, finance, news, business groups and other frequently-updated applications.

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