Thursday 1 February 2018

Wechat app development in singapore

WeChat public platform app development is to create the latest battlefield for micro-channel marketing companies, micro-site team Montgomery why there is such a big feeling, may be in this piece of experience a bit more. With the advent of the mobile Internet era, the concept of the WeChat public platform has become more and more hot. Today, WeChat has brought together more than 600 million people around the world and is forming a new ecosystem. Now many app development companies are also gradually aware of WeChat marketing promising, shopping malls such as the battlefield, WeChat public platform development WeChat marketing is already the latest marketing battlefield.

Now all businesses concerned about the business needs in the enterprise WeChat public platform account can be achieved. WeChat public platform account is already the majority of enterprises media release platform, sales information release platform, crisis PR platform, consumer interaction platform, promotional activities platform, new product display platform, product online sales platform, online payment platform, research platform, the company Corporate culture communication platform, talent recruitment platform.

The future of WeChat public platform influence is still able to continue to drive business marketing? Its prospects and what? Below, Mont Blanc will lead you to explain in detail together.

First, the trend of the mobile Internet WeChat use more people

Where there are people where there is business, where there is profit margins. Consumers are the chase of business goals, the number of people determines the amount of wealth. According to third-party statistics, 70% of mobile phone users have opened up personal WeChat, and their age ranges from primary school children to seniors and people of all ages. WeChat use more people, and closest to the user, the phone is essential personal items for everyone. WeChat and WeChat website docking, computer, mobile phone synchronization sales, the use of WeChat accounts to spread products and services, expand sales channels for enterprises to bring conversion rates and profits; previously shot ads, publicity, it is difficult to statistics exactly how many people read the We now have a WeChat QR code. As long as the viewer pays close attention to the WeChat public platform, he can conduct statistics well and can interact to make judgments based on the impact of statistics on the effectiveness of the promotion campaign and certain sensitive factors , And make corresponding adjustments to the relevant market behavior, to a certain extent, to achieve market surveillance and timely response.

Second, wechat viscosity and the use of inertia

No one will Taobao every day, no one will brush microblogging every day - but wechat can. First of all, WeChat is a communication tool. The characteristics of real-time communication determine the value of its use. The sharing of a circle of friends enables the social relationship to replace the peer-to-peer interaction. This is not only a relationship but also an influence! WeChat network, civilians also have the feeling of a star. The user's viscosity can not be compared to any one product. Wechat with its huge power to attract and stabilize the consumer, the consumer is ready, the business is not coming?

Third, wide coverage, speed of communication, word of mouth propaganda effect is good

WeChat spread a variety of ways, forwarding very convenient. Each follower (fan) of an enterprise WeChat public account has its own circle of friends, and its circle of friends may have the same trade or other people in all walks of life, and advertisers target it. And relaying between acquaintances or using the celebrity effect All have special word-of-mouth propaganda effects. Merchants can re-markete existing customers by initiating marketing activities. By continuously updating supplementary themes, users can repeatedly participate and drive peripheral friends to share with each other to form a strong marketing word-of-mouth marketing effect. And spread very fast.

Fourth, marketing information arrival rate is high

Relative Weibo, WeChat marketing information arrival rate higher. Information posted on Weibo You do not know if your fans are really seeing your news or knowing what you want to say. However, the WeChat is different. Since each piece of information is sent in the form of a push notification, each piece of information you post will be sent to subscribers who can reach 100%.

Fifth, low cost, targeted

WeChat marketing costs far less than advertising, the effect is no less. WeChat marketing is a new type of network marketing model that invests infrequently and rapidly, and its marketing mode and mode can get the maximum profit in a short period of time. For the same effect of the ads more economical, compared with the traditional mass media (newspapers, streaming media, television, etc.) the same audience, targeted, post-maintenance and feedback more convenient. Because WeChat is highly targeted, the vast majority of fans who are concerned about the company or product are consumers or potential consumers of the product. Enterprises can accurately market the products and finely classify them according to user characteristics. Users in the background can be grouped into groups And geographical control, to achieve precise push of the message, which means that different fans can be placed in different categories below, when the information is sent, can be based on the characteristics of the user to achieve precise message push.

Sixth, the diversification of marketing methods Automatic accumulation of customer resources has better commercial marketing effectiveness for android app development singapore.

Compared to a single traditional marketing, WeChat marketing is more diversified, technically, WeChat marketing can also facilitate the use of text, pictures, videos and other forms of presentation. From a user-friendly point of view, micro-brand enterprise website itself can be personified, more affinity. The WeChat marketing is pro-people without nuisance, the user can permit the choice and acceptance, WeChat public account content can push the initiative to push, you can also receive the power of information to the user, allowing users to choose their own content of interest, Making the process of marketing more humane, you can narrow the distance with the user, so that marketing activities become more vivid and more fun, more conducive to the development of marketing activities. Business audiences are about 600 million micro-channel users, the business opportunities are unlimited, businesses through the micro-Web site released products and services to enable customers to understand themselves and through the micro-channel public one-on-one and fans follow-up, Interaction, to achieve the relationship between the transaction, which can accumulate a large number of customer resources. WeChat marketing this light marketing model, but also to adapt to the development mode of modern web site, with the potential to bring unlimited commercial value.

Businesses have WeChat public platform: we can create a professional business image, establish a good marketing brand. At the same time to provide customers anytime, anywhere service, companies will also get more social and economic benefits. Has a public platform for corporate WeChat, in the mobile Internet world has a new business card.

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