Tuesday 17 July 2018

Feedback of mobile app development in Singapore

Consider the image above. When the user has touched the box on the screen next to the word “excellent” what is the response that the screen gives? As shown, the feedback given is a tick box that tells the user essentially that the application understands that the user has selected that option. If that feedback or the tick sign rather was not there, it would be impossible for the user to tell if the application even works.

Consider Figure 2 from above which shows the response that is given when the finger is placed on the number 2. The number lights up in blue and it shows to the user for a split second which number they have chosen. This is important as it would be difficult to tell which number was pressed unless this was the case. Although it must be noted that eventually the user gets used to their passcode to a point where they would input it without even looking at the screen.

In the figure above the letter F is indicated in the color grey. This is another form of feedback that shows the user which key he or she has selected. Although in the current version of iOS app development what actually happens is that the letter becomes bigger to show that you have selected the key. This lasts for not even a second and it does not obstruct at all when you are typing fast, which shows that such a concern has been addressed.

We are all now familiar with the icon above that pops up on websites when there are elements or links that can be clicked that will take us to another site. This happens when we move the cursor over an element that contains a link. This icon is a form of feedback that shows us that there is a link present and we can just click to open it or right click to open it on another window or tab if we are using a modern web browser.
These are just a few elements of feedback that modern developers and designers must consider when developing applications and websites. This can change depending on the type of interface we are dealing with. For example, a touch interface would require different considerations in terms of feedback than a non-touch interface. Another example would be the feedback expected from at trackpad as opposed to a mouse. Feedback considerations allow us to make sure our products and services are easy to understand for our users of mobile app development

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