Tuesday 17 July 2018

Responsive Design in Singapore

Responsive Design is basically making sure that your website works on the variety of devices that are around today. This means that one must consider the type of devices, the user experience company that makes the products, the software that is run, the browser that is used and many other factors. Let’s start with the type of devices that are used.
The type of device that can be used could be a desktop computer. This is usually the biggest form of a screen that you will come across and therefore you have to ensure that the images that you used in the website for example, translate well in high definition. Furthermore, this type of devices has the best processing power and therefore it should be able to retrieve information from your website server very rapidly.
The other type broadly speaking is laptops and tablet computers. These devices fall somewhere in between a mobile phone and a desktop. However, as opposed to desktop computers they usually have a touch screen that you need to be aware of in order to make sure that things such as clicks don’t happen when the user wants to scroll of ui design.
The last type is the mobile phone which in almost all cases is a touch screen device that can be generally held in the hand. These devices have less processing power than their counterparts and therefore the websites developed must be easy to load and responsive. Furthermore, one can use features such as GPS and call-making ability when a user requests for your website from a mobile device.
Another thing to consider is the software that the device is running on and the browser. For example, in most Apple products the browser would be Safari and in most Android devices it would be Chrome. You have to test your web design in both of these different browsers to ensure that nothing goes wrong in terms of cookies, cache and other tiny differences in the way that these software store and process data.
You must also keep in mind the network capabilities of the users that you are targeting at. For example, if most of your target market are in more remote parts of the world where access to high speed internet is still not possible, you do not want to use images that are heavy in size or forms that are too complicated and unresponsive.  These are few of the key things that you must keep in mind when considering responsive design. 

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