Sunday 26 November 2017


First of all, in the current network environment, APP development performance, users do not need to wait and patience, which is to judge an APP is an important standard to use. WeChat performance is quite prominent, in the network environment is very poor, many of the APP can not open the case, it can also be used. But performance is not a purely technical issue, it also includes policy considerations and developers need to balance speed with performance.
Second, let the user feel the APP is alive, for an IOS app development, the user's download is only the first step Long March, the loss of users after downloading is the problem must be faced. Why users will be lost, if within 3 minutes the user can not find your highlights, or that he urgently need to solve the problem you can not solve, you may be uninstalled directly, this is the product itself, the need to make fundamental changes . You can add some fun details to the product, features, such as we often change the fun boot interface, the Christmas Hotel icon into a small sign for the Santa Claus, the purpose is to allow users to feel your product has been intentions To do that, your app is alive and not just a set of tools.
Why did you develop a mobile app nobody cares about?
Maintain the user is important, but not all of the user loss is bad, on the contrary, the user management Sometimes, but also deliberately "forced away" some users to purify the "user team." If a user never search, order, etc. Any activity, then you can clear him, because he not only makes data such as user activity becomes ugly, but also because of its various types of upgrade requirements ignore the increase in different versions of the maintenance costs.
Internet industry is a changing industry, maybe you have developed this system has been developed numerous times, maybe you are still using this model is already in the development of another set of models, so in order to own products will never Will be outdated, we must keep up with the pace of the Internet, continuous innovation, continuous efforts to develop their own unique app platform.

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