Thursday 30 November 2017

Is it really that app upgrading costs higher than the development itself

First of all, we must make it clear that Internet products will definitely be upgraded. In other words, as long as your project needs Internet products, whether it is Web site, WeChat, or app development will be upgraded. Do not think about finishing on the line on it. However, product upgrades are divided into many situations, in general three.

The first one, the main function unchanged, only a small place to optimize. This upgrade, the workload is small. As long as your business processes do not change much, and the relevance of Internet products is not high, then this upgrade, generally do not need to spend money, or the cost is low. And this upgrade, with the product will be less and less perfect, basically no later.

The second: business processes have been adjusted, but business and Internet product relevance is not too high. This kind of upgrade is a product function adjustment and a user experience optimization in two aspects. In this case, the product upgrade workload is directly related to the business process resizing. In principle, the larger the business process adjustment, the more the place to be upgraded However, the workload of upgrading may not necessarily increase proportionally, depending on the adaptability of the product architecture. This upgrade will always be there and will not stop until the business process is stable.

The third; business model or strategic adjustment, business process reengineering, product model, function, user experience adjustment. To tell the truth, this upgrade and new ios app development are sometimes not very different. Just looks like an upgrade, just as you want to be an e-commerce platform, and later want to add e-commerce platform on the basis of three distribution, it sounds still related, in fact, the basic is done. But just a lot of entrepreneurship is this.

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