Sunday 26 November 2017


In the world of mobile Internet now, mobile phones have become an essential item for people to go out, the use of mobile phone marketing methods tens of thousands, the model is rapidly changing, a variety of online business super, online products and services to life, truly You reach the realm of staying at home. WeChat, which has 1.3 billion users of social software, such a good business opportunity who do not rush to do, weChat popularity, there are various WeChat marketing model, such as: WeChat fight group, WeChat a dollar purchase, but also extended to the various types of mobile phones app software, open the phone application store, a variety of app software numerous, really difficult to choose ah. Other people’s app is running hot, and your app is few people come, what is the reason? After years of exploration and research, I summarizes the following for you, you can refer to your  web application development in the end where is a problem.
Why did you develop a mobile app nobody cares about?
1. The interface is too complicated
Into the main screen, the most afraid of too “cool and creative” interface, because that usually represents the user’s hard to understand. You will find that the most powerful interface designers are often stingy with the theft of the user experience of the mainstream APP. The reason behind it is very simple, allowing users to easily understand, easy to use, is the most important core interface design.
2.Beginner perfunctory
On the other hand, most apps do not make novice at all, and many apps provide sloppy slips. In this regard, everyone should learn with popular games, in order to leave users, they have novice teaching evolved to the extreme. Not only will you be able to tell you the many buttons on the screen, but you will also be provided with a set of up-to-date hands-on tutorials that slowly introduce you to the game and make sure you’re really glued.
3. The app design ugly
If an APP in the color, picture text, interface design, no way to get the user’s favor, of course, it is difficult to retain their long-term heart.
4 .app slow loading, flashback
The disadvantage of the touch screen, is that after pressing the virtual button, there is no physical reaction. Therefore, the psychological needs of users for an APP response, in fact, even higher. If your Android APP development can not often, instant feedback to users, or even retreat, the retention rate is of course very difficult.

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