Thursday 30 November 2017

The future of mobile app development in singapore

No matter what kind of controversy exists between mobile web pages and APPs, the rapid development of mobile APPs is an undisputable fact that the development and access of various clients have become the norm. Users are always looking forward to the official launch of the client for their favorite brands and services, it is precisely in this expectation and demand, spawned more and more APP.

In fact, research by APP Analyst Institute shows that users spend an average of 158 minutes per day on their cell phones and tablets, 127 minutes spent in various APPs, and only 31 minutes spent surfing the web. And do not go to see whether this figure is suitable for different countries and regions, but the overall trend we all see is very clear. As the needs of users become more and more, it is inevitable that the loss of users will occur if developers and vendors can not provide users with better APP experiences.

From smartphones to tablets, and even some related smart devices, we can clearly see the APP's rapid growth in functionality, design and potential. User side, in addition to the user experience requirements, APP also need to provide sufficient enough influence to enhance attention, allowing users to gradually translate into a real sense of the "consumer."

So, summarizing some of the predictable app design trends is of extraordinary significance to the product designer at APP. So let's take a look at 2016 APP trends which deserve attention.

Focus on user experience

The wearables' growth has slowed temporarily, but it is still firmly on the move. Data show that every 10 people in the world who own smartphones have wearable devices. The rapid expansion of mobile devices makes users more and more demanding for user experience. One of the major needs is to have a "personalized user experience." The growth of user experience designers is foreseeable. The user experience may even become an independent business or even be divided into related positions such as product design, development, marketing, UI designer, etc., and become a totally independent career development direction.

It is also this need and awareness that allows a significant portion of APP's design and app developer choices to focus on fewer, more critical features and provide frequent updates to provide a growth-optimized user experience. It is also in this context, the real experience of excellent in-app advertising and unique and efficient navigation mode began to appear.

In addition, designer Rehanna Kumari mentioned in her blog that security issues remain one of the major challenges for designers and developers. Therefore, this year, designers and developers to get the user experience at the same time also need to deal with security issues and various intruders.

Use blurred background

Blurring backgrounds have been a natural choice for many web designers over the past year. This is not a particularly fresh web design trick, but driven by Twitter, this design is growing in the design of the app.

Blurred background is in line with the popular flat and modern design, it is pleasing to the eye, can be well with the ghost buttons and other popular elements of the time together to enhance the user experience. From a design standpoint, it is not only easy to implement, it helps design to circumvent complex designs, but it also reduces design costs.

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