Thursday 29 March 2018

Google prohibits non-certified Android devices from running APP

The Android system is an open source, free operating system developed by Google for smartphones, tablets and other devices. Some Android devices that have not been certified by Google in the past can install and run Google software through other channels. According to the latest news from foreign media, Google will adopt a blockade policy that prohibits the installation of Google software on non-certified devices.
Android market is divided into two categories, one is the official version of Google's Android system, implanted in a lot of Google's own applications and services, mobile phone manufacturers need and Google signed a licensing agreement to be able to carry the system.

Another Android operating system is a customized version of vendors, including Amazon and China almost all app development systems vendors based on Google's free custom code changes, re-issue for consumers, but the device did not get Google certification.
According to the US technology news website TheVerge, in the past, only Google certified Android devices were able to run Google's various mobile phone software, such as Google Maps, Play software stores, and email clients.
In the past, some highly skilled users of non-certified Android phones could download and install Google's various software in other ways. In addition, there are some mobile phone manufacturers with poor brand image that have implanted Google's software without Google's authorization.
Today, Google will rectify the phenomenon of carrying Google software on non-authorized devices. According to Google's new policy, the future of the company will be checked for Android by application software, if a non-certified device (including the domestic mobile phone), as well as compile-time Android later than March 16 of this year, the Google software will be completely unable to run.
Obviously, the chaos about Google's official software will be terminated.
However, for various Android-customized users, Google has not completely blocked the use of its own software channels. Other users can use the Android ID number to apply to Google. Each user can apply for up to 100 Android devices to run Google software.
However, the specific details of Google's policy are still unknown, such as how Google defines the "customized version of Android", whether users of Android phones in China can apply, install and run Google applications.
As we all know, domestic mobile phones use a customized version of the Android system, most of which removes Google's basic services and official software. When users install some external applications through a channel other than the mobile phone software store, they will be informed of the lack of Google Play services and will not be able to run.
Google is not only the developer of Android system, but also the largest development organization of Android mobile application software. Google's e-mail client and other products have become an essential tool for many people's work and life.

It is worth mentioning that the open source policy of Android system also brought many problems to Google, such as the fragmentation of the operating system. Although Google will be upgraded each year once Android system, but consumers of mobile phone systems, depending on the rhythm of mobile phone manufacturers to upgrade customized version, customized version of these versions generally lagged behind Google Android official version, which led the market there are a lot of older versions of Android, affect Android app development  and upgrading. This fragmentation also has an impact on the security of Android phones.
Google has been hoping to solve the problem of fragmentation by promoting the official version of Android, but today, most Android phones still use vendor-customized operating systems.

Tuesday 27 March 2018

APP development can help enterprises developping better

As the development trend of the Internet has gradually shifted from the PC side a few years ago to the mobile side of the mobile phone, mobile phone custom Android App development has huge potential business opportunities. More and more companies use mobile phones to customize the App and combine the advantages of communications to deliver services to customers. At present, enterprise-customized apps have become the most basic and popular entrance to the mobile Internet, and help companies to occupy a place in the fierce market competition in many ways:
1, the formation of O2O business model
Enterprise Custom App has built an O2O business model that integrates online and offline. It can be used to store goods online and store in stores. The centralized distribution of stores enables them to reduce the cost of consumption. In addition, the score system implemented by the corporate App client Attract consumers to spend multiple times; and supporting store self-promotion and home delivery models is a safer and better experience.

2. Reduce corporate publicity costs
Under the traditional sales model, commodities are shipped from manufacturers, through layers of agents, and to terminal stores. During this period, the profits of agents and various display costs of high input have been increased by at least 100%.
The realization of online marketing channels through App software development allows both parties in the world to trade directly in mobile App ports, reducing circulation costs and operating costs, thus prompting e-commerce companies to accelerate the pace of mobile marketing.
3, improve the accuracy of advertising push
Compared with traditional flyers, news newspapers, periodicals, magazines, and even advertisements on television, the information push results of corporate app software advertising advertisements are more accurate and timely. Whenever and wherever, users can grasp the latest developments of enterprise products through enterprise app software, which is more convenient and time-saving than doing a lot of advertising without precision, and if the ads of corporate custom apps can have certain topics, Advertising will spread more widely.
4, to strengthen consumer purchasing desire
The company's product information through the company's custom App to vivid text pictures and videos show more clear and vivid than the traditional brochures, and product classification is accurate, convenient, fast, easy, and more information can be connected. Through sharing functions such as Weibo and WeChat, users can share their satisfaction experiences with relatives and friends anytime, anywhere, and create more topics. As a result, more users' buying desires can be increased.
Understand the various advantages of the company's customized App, Wuhan Huaxinsoft Technology Co., Ltd. has spotted the Wuhan APP development market, is committed to tailoring App for companies in various industries.
The development time of the Wuhan Huaxinsoft App Development Service is short and the cost is low, which can effectively help the enterprise solve the problem of marketing promotion. Taking sports fishing in China as an example, Wuhan Huaxinsoft has launched a social platform with the theme of fishing. Its main functions include finding a fishing ground, finding a fishing shop, establishing a club, and releasing fishing stickers. The purpose is to integrate the fishing circle resources and improve the fishing environment.

Frontline is a professional application solution provider specialized in APP custom development, software development ERP customization, large-scale functional website customization, and WeChat secondary development operation and service integration. Wuhan Huaxinsoft aims to build a future global shared economy platform, enabling customers to launch custom applications with their own core profit models in a short period of time at low cost, and gain more users and shared profit models through the shared platform. In the future, choose Frontline's customers can enable the company and the user to achieve real-time communication and communication anytime, anywhere, and achieve closed-loop mobile marketing.

Some Tips for Developing App Design

With the rapid development of the Internet, more and more people have begun to pay attention to APP development. At the same time, companies from all walks of life have their own APP. Nowadays, in order to spend less, many people will choose to find a part-time APP application developer to develop APP software. However, such a mobile phone APP has a large quality problem. Therefore, in order to develop a professional APP, in addition to having a certain economy Strength, but also need to understand some knowledge.

First, mobile  APP development singapore must be interactive and mobile
The characteristics of mobile phone APP development must be interactive. The functions shared by a mobile software can not only meet the needs of consumers, but also enable users to share their joy with other people after receiving satisfactory services. This not only satisfies The basic needs of users, businesses can also be intangible in the sharing process for companies to do publicity.
The display plane of the mobile phone and the PC is different. How can we present the product on the PC side to the mobile phone APP? Some people say that it is difficult for a small mobile phone screen to display a large amount of information. Therefore, it is necessary to think carefully when designing the APP. Relative to PC-side APP interface should not be as complex as the above site, because if it is too long, then users will not have the energy and patience to visit. Most current apps use photos, short texts, and voices to present their products.
Second, streamlining the application of APP is the key to converting the PC to mobile.
Different kinds of APP applications, attractions, food, accommodation, shopping, entertainment, etc., tend to introduce reviews, intended to provide visitors with a comprehensive guide to local living services, so as to better meet the needs of users. A few inches of mobile phone screens can't tolerate too much content, but if it's too simple, it may happen overnight and then disappear.

Third, reviews are guides to guide users to use APP
Mobile phone APP development also needs to be mobile. The number of mobile smart devices is growing, and the number and types of applications installed on the devices are also increasing. Therefore, the development of the APP must be highly adaptable on mobile products, so that it can give the user a good user experience on the mobile smart terminal.
The prosperous developers of Universe have achieved rich experience in developing mobile app and app design. Wealthy's professionals aim to develop the most extensible and reliable APP to ensure 100% customer satisfaction. We have developed many award-winning mobile apps for the basketball industry.

Friday 23 March 2018

Travel agency APP client custom development in singapore

I. Travel App Overview
The Travel App is a mobile application that provides users with tourism services such as travel guides, travel guides, travel routes, hotel reservations, ticket reservations, travel suggestions, etc. It is mainly used for scenic spot information inquiries for tourist destinations, special gourmet experiences, ticket hotel ticket reservations Travels, travel sharing, travel plans, and mobile apps for guides can bring unlimited convenience to users.

Second, the mobile tourism industry market opportunities
The tourism APP custom development company stated that as the national income continues to grow, tourism travel is already in more and more people's mid-year plans. With the app development singapore of intelligent terminals and mobile networks, the integration of the traditional tourism industry and the mobile Internet industry has accelerated. Users can grasp the latest travel information, travel guides, and attractions at any time by simply moving their fingers to check airline tickets, hotels, and Booking tickets and other services, mobile tourism has become the key word for the current tourism industry.
The development of the mobile Internet and tourism services have a natural combination of stickiness. The mobile Internet can more effectively meet the needs of users anytime, anywhere, and thus can quickly receive user acceptance and recognition. The traditional tourism industry has successfully used the mobile application platform of the mobile internet era to strengthen the level of tourism mobile information services and created a broader space for tourism informationization cooperation, which is to lead the future development of tourism industry informatization.
Second, travel agency APP can bring to the travel agency
For companies or agencies such as travel agencies in the travel industry, these help can be:
1) Realize real tourism e-commerce
With Internet technology, from basic reservation services such as travel information, itinerary management, hotel reservations, ticket reservations, line reservations, and public transportation, to constantly improving peripheral services, private customized products are provided as much as possible, and they are connected with the real needs of users and strengthened. The efficiency of online and offline resource integration.
2) Deep interaction and expansion of marketing channels
Tourism APP is not limited by location and time, and can be used to market crowds at any time. It solves the rigid demands on some scenes in the travel industry, such as e-tickets and hotel reservations, further freeing up user needs, extending the use of APP, and infiltrating users. Various scenes.
3) Attract different types of users and increase market share
Traveling APP products have unique advantages such as product richness, complete information, and quick ordering. They expand the traditional tourism industry's territory and allow more and more people to experience the fun of “intelligent tourism”.
4) Shaping corporate brand image, expanding its influence and popularity
Through the integration of online and offline resources, improve the service quality of the industry chain, increase user stickiness, enhance user experience, increase brand awareness and reputation, thus achieving both economic benefits and user word of mouth.
Third, travel Android APP development for users
The travel agency APP provides tourism booking services covering tourism clothing, food, housing, transportation, travel, shopping and entertainment, as well as tourist guides and scenic spot attractions. It provides personalized travel route design for users and allows them to travel. Express the endless fun journey.

Fourth, travel APP custom development common functions
1, booking function: to achieve anytime with the underground single travel at any time, more in line with the user's immediate decision-making ideas. Not only can you make reservations for tours, but you can also book hotels, attraction tickets, air tickets, train tickets, tourist visas and other services. Support online banking, Alipay, WeChat and other payment methods.
2. Guide function: The “tour guide” here has integrated various functions such as maps, navigation, voice commentary, and trip planning, which has subverted the concept of traditional tour guides.
3. Introduction to Attractions: Introduce the details of historical and cultural attractions, highlights of scenic spots, accommodations in scenic spots, food, and entertainment. The last recommended travel route is convenient for users to order.
4, tourism Raiders: Each user will look for Raiders before traveling, especially like driving, Raiders can provide information on food and accommodation, travel is the most popular content.
5. Itinerary management: The management section provides users with unified ticketing management services, and can easily get route planning. It can also share with peer partners to chat, keep accounts, and print photos.
6, map navigation: map navigation, including two aspects, one is the address of the travel agency branch navigation, and second, the navigation of the attractions. With LBS positioning technology, users can easily find the nearest and most convenient line.
7. Member Center: Visitors can log in through a third-party account binding, eliminating complicated registration. Member registration and reviews can earn points, points can get discounts, improve members' sense of belonging and belonging. Members can view their order status, publish reviews, redeem points, and more.
8. Live travel: By recording the GPS position of each picture, the system will automatically link the itinerary footprint on the map to automatically generate a complete footprint map and photos with timeline, realizing the sidewalk and edge. Record, share and other travel experiences.
9. Message Center: The company can push the latest travel information, preferential news, travel guides, travel tips and other information through the APP, as well as remind the user in advance of the weather, arrival time reminder, etc., to improve the user experience.
10. Sharing features: Most tourists are very willing to share their text travel and photography photos, maps, send partners, seek Raiders, questions, and can participate in various topic discussions.

Wednesday 21 March 2018

Unknown Pitfalls in the App Development Industry

In this mobile Internet world, app has become almost an indispensable tool in people's lives. At the same time, various innovative projects and strategic layouts of enterprises have gradually shifted to the mobile terminal, and more products and services have been adopted. The app has shown infinite value for the carrier.

In many mobile information projects of the API Cloud service, in fact, the coordinator of many project needs is not a technical origin. As the so-called “interlaced lines are separated by mountains”, the water in each industry can be described as incomplete and some informal outsourcing. In undertaking app development projects, the company used various technical means to set routines to seek profits, resulting in serious consequences for app development projects, and even some entrepreneurial projects would fail. Today, these unrecognized routines in app development singapore were revealed one by one. To prevent enterprises from suffering irreversible losses in the layout of mobile services.
1. Beware of false promotion sales model
Today, the thigh sales model is one of the most common means. In the case packs of all walks of life, Internet giants such as BAT can be seen everywhere, which greatly enhances the recognition of customers, but not Small and small app outsourcing companies usually spend money disguising themselves as a medium-to-large-scale Internet development company, or even temporarily changing licenses, forging corporate information and successful cases. However, after winning customer trust, technical services cannot keep up with demand.
So how can the Li Gui and Li Yu distinguish? In addition to the outsourcing company's site visits, it is also necessary to check the company's address and other relevant information to see if it matches the company name and address displayed on the Internet.
2. Looking at people's dishes, the function is getting more and more
At present, the app development industry does not have a unified charging standard. The duration and price of the app project are determined mainly by the complexity of the development function. For example, the more functions of an app and the more complex the user experience, the longer the duration. It also went up, and some outsourcing companies deliberately added app-independent features to increase overall project costs without Party A's understanding.
Preparing a clear development document is especially critical in the preparatory phase of app development. Therefore, it is recommended that you try to find a professional as a consultant. First, develop the document to clearly develop the various functional modules that the app needs to implement, and use this as a basis to evaluate Outsourcing company quotes and services.
3. One-man team with multiple positions
Appears to be a simple app, actually in the development process is the need to implement a variety of occupations in the team to cooperate with each other, including project managers, product managers, UI designers, development engineers, test engineers and other occupations, and in a smaller outsourcing The company, due to its emphasis on price advantage, cannot afford to pay for a variety of occupations, so many occupations are performed by one person. However, in the later stages of development and delivery, there are often cases where the project is delayed, which may affect the best time for the product to go online. In the fast-paced market environment, lagging behind competitors for a month, they may be eliminated from the fate of the game. In addition, there are no professional product managers involved in the project may also result in incomplete product logic, resulting in seed users to the product Experience is extremely declining, and subsequent attempts to open the market to attract users are even more difficult!
Therefore, when choosing an Android app development service provider, it is not only a matter of determining price as a determinant, but should also focus on quality. After all, the final development of the app is intended to provide users with more value.

4. The difference between template and customization
Compared with the app custom development project, the development difficulty and cost of the template app are much smaller, but the disadvantage is that the page can only be easily adjusted according to the original function and architecture of the template, and subsequent iterations cannot be iteratively upgraded. The product, and in today's mobile application industry, the non-customizable, non-renewable mobile business has almost no room for survival, and it will eventually find that the initial investment cost has been deducted. Therefore, it is recommended that companies with app development needs carefully consider the template app, and after the development, ask the service company for source code for subsequent use.

How to identify reliable outsource app development company

1. Follow the quotation
Above we have introduced the importance of the app development requirements document, so the formal app outsourcing company will do the detailed demand for the customer for the first time, and after thorough communication, according to the final app needs assessment form, Customer quotes.

So, can the account manager accurately analyze the demand and give the client some advice? Is the app demand quotation form detailed, and is the quotation and schedule of each function reasonable? These are all things that should be considered in the initial contact with outsourcing companies. Only irresponsible companies will come up with direct quotations and vowed to promise “lowest price”, “best deals” and other calibers, all to deceive the trust of customers. The means taken.
2. Focus on the company's benchmarking case
The app case is the most direct proof of the strength of the outsourcing company. Through the quantity and quality of the case, combined with the company's establishment time and the number of companies, the app is also assessed. Of course, there are also many app outsourcing companies that will “tuck” as described above. "Now most of the Internet's giants have the strength to build their own technical teams, so if this company is falsified, or this company has got some of the well-known app on the edge of the functional development projects.

3. The background of the outsourcing service company
The background of the company mainly focuses on what the core business is. For example, APICloud previously used the mobile application development platform as its predecessor, and it itself has strong technical strength. Some companies, whose predecessor was operating or marketing, later took over the app development project. The company may be slightly weak on the technical level.
Since 2017, since mobile app Singapore Internet industry has entered rapid growth, app has become the first entry point for all companies. Therefore, the app development market has mushroomed. Unlike the traditional PC software, the number of apps is even greater. Huge, but in the chaotic environment of the market, I believe that "integrity" is the firm can not survive the unchanging norms.

Tuesday 20 March 2018

The cost of app development in singapore

1. One is to use existing templates to modify
The use of the template has a small workload. If it is an APP with simple functions and less demanding customer requirements, it is only necessary for the artist to modify the page of the front desk to a certain extent. The minimum time is one or two days, and the minimum cost is 2,000 yuan to 3,000.

2, one is all redesigned
All redevelopment is more troublesome. Art, planning, APP developers, back-end programmers, and other types of work are required to be completed collaboratively. Large-scale and complex-functional APPs even require dozens of people. A simple app for life applications, not relying on the background, even design + development commissioned, direct development duration = 2 weeks, program + communication + test + modification = 2 weeks, before and after about 1 month to see the team quality, The price should be in the range of 30,000 to 100,000; complex front and back App, looking for spectrum team, the price should be around 100,000, and the period is about 2 months to 3 months.
3, the current mobile app development company, different software development companies, the price is not the same, a large mobile app company developed, custom applications are more professional, skilled, they may need the price relative Lower. But now, just customize a corporate application, product display, ranging from tens to thousands of prices. From customizing an APP to putting it into use, first the customer needs to pay about 30% of the deposit after signing the contract with the production company. The company will issue a preview of the software page to the customer. The customer can customize the color of the page according to their own needs. , functional division and other content for a comprehensive revision. After the customer finally decides to make a decision, he must pay 50% of the total cost.
4. Afterwards, the production company will make the production according to the requirements of the customer. According to the complexity of the APP, the process will be from half a month to several months. After the APP is successfully created, it will enter the test period. The test can be conducted by the company's expert on-line testing, or it can be delivered to the customer for use, and the customer can perform the test on its own. According to the problems found in the test, the company made another change.
The test period is about 3 months, and the simple APP time will be shorter. After the test is completed, the APP will be used by the customer, and the customer needs to pay the balance of the last 20%.

5. When the pp is released on the line, it does not count the channel promotion cost and does not advertise. The iOS App Store on the line requires the registration of a developer account, and the purchase of a certificate also requires a certain cost.
If App wants to run well, it must first invest money to promote your app. For an APP that has no popularity and no user base, promotion is a necessary part. At present, the most common promotion methods are download platform promotion, parallel mobile phone and home-made system promotion.
6, in general, the price of an app, the overall calculation is not cheap. If individuals or companies want to develop an app, or find some well-known app development companies to cooperate, so the cost is relatively small, in the Internet era of the Internet, app is the development trend of each SME, when someone asks how much money an APP needs, you can Answering a less complex app, starting from scratch, the first half of the year comes out from 2 to 200,000 to see how to choose.

The differences between IOS app development and Android development

With the development of the Internet, more and more people have switched from computers to mobile phones, because mobile phones are more convenient to use and portable, and now is the world of smart phones. Software system development is mainly IOS development and Android app development. Although Microsoft's system also has a certain impact on it, the impact is not great. When many entrepreneurs are considering developing apps, Apple and Android are the main considerations. The main reason is that because of the relatively large number of audiences, it is easier for them to succeed. In your opinion, what are the similarities and differences between these two kinds of development?

First, we first look at the common ground between the two:
In the development app, whether it is Apple development or Android development is actually a relatively tiring and troublesome work, others looked very glamorous, but the pain here is really to know before you know; Apple developers and Android developers think The line that he does has a promising future. It is undeniable that under the current performance of smart phones, the two are indeed promising; the development of mobile phone apps is mainly adapted to mobile phones, so the understanding of the two phones is still Very high; all object-oriented programming, development of the same application effects, functions can be achieved.
Second, after reading the public points, let's analyze the difference between the two:
1. High profile iPhone: Since Apple devices are generally more expensive than Android devices, plus other reasons, most iPhone developers will think that their grades are higher.
2. Android low-end: Android phones can do more things, pass an address book, send a text message, and so on, which makes Android developers have some low-end.

3. The impact of the iPhone is greater: Since most of the product managers and designers are heavy users of the iPhone, resulting from the beginning of the design are based on the iPhone as a prototype, the review of the PRD is also to review the iPhone's interactive prototype. Finally, the visual designer will create a set of high-fidelity annotations according to the iPhone's information architecture and Android's interactive components.

4. Development environment, different languages: Android development is open source and the language used is java language, and ios app development is closed, not open source and the language used is oc language, simply, the iOS development environment is MacOS+Xcode Android development environment for the windows/Linux+eclipse+androidSDK; there is more android devices, consider adapting. Ios Because the equipment is limited, the adaption needs little consideration and compatibility is very good.
5. Different hardware requirements: In theory, iOS is a mac machine, android is a normal PC. In fact, you can use the virtual machine under the macOS to build the android development environment. You can also build the iOS development environment under the windows virtual machine.

Thursday 15 March 2018

What should be paid attention to in the development of mobile phone APP mall?

With the rapid development of the mobile Internet, the convenience of online shopping has become more prominent. Many shopping malls have moved to mobile development. Today, mobile phones are increasingly inseparable from today's mobile phone applications. With more and more service industries, the mobile app singapore has added a lot of fun and convenience to people's lives. Mobile phone APP provides people with the most convenient way of life and can buy all kinds of things without going out. With the rise of shopping mall APP, more and more competition, then we must pay attention to what issues in the process of developing the mall APP, in order to stand out in a number of mall APP.

1, understanding of market conditions
There are competitions and there are rivals. In the market of Nuovo, you only have enough understanding of the customers to understand what they want, do a good job of market research, do a good job analysis, in order to clear your app development. Positioning and ideation.
2. Have a clear vision
In the process of shopping by a mobile phone, the problem of the unclear product image is one of the factors that affect the user to continue to view the product. For this reason Android and iOS platforms encourage e-commerce app developers to use full-screen images. In addition to the quality of the picture, designers should consider the overall arrangement, need to focus on the prominent visual focus, work hard on the overall layout of the app development, provide users with a good experience in order to effectively shopping, improve mobile app user satisfaction .
3, to have a smooth payment process
66% of mobile app users give up buying goods because the payment process is too cumbersome, and 47% of transactions fail, which is also attributed to the complicated payment process. From the point of view of app development and design, the shopping cart should be accessible everywhere. Users can quickly enter the shopping cart page no matter what page they use. They also store user information, store user information, including the user’s address, etc. Simplify the purchase payment process.

4, highlight the application of the "unique selling point"
The reason why users reuse applications is that APP can continue to provide them with value. From the initial stage of APP development, companies should seriously think about “what can I use for my users to continue using my app?” “What are the advantages that I have compared to my peers?” and “What can we offer to differentiate from other peers?” and other issues.
5, to ensure product quality
How to achieve it after the market positioning and project ideas are determined? At this time, you need to find a reliable professional APP development company. Many companies are looking for APP development company, the first consideration is the APP development quotation. In fact, what I want to say is that if the prices between formal APP development companies are not much different from each other, they are all doing long-term service, and prices are not too far off the mark. Therefore, companies should first confirm that the APP development company does not fly, then select a few to conduct field visits, and then make choices, so as to ensure project quality and on-line time.
The development prospects of the mobile-end market are very promising. Whoever can quickly enter the mobile-end market and take a seat in it will be the winner of the mobile Internet era. If you can use this tool, you can certainly bring a big surprise for the company!

Medical APP Development in singapore

The medical and health APP is based on medical applications such as Android and iOS. It provides an effective method for the health care services of developing countries. With the shortage of medical human resources, mobile medical care can solve the medical problems in developing countries.

Mobile medical industry market opportunities
In 2015, the development of the mobile medical health market is in full swing. This "gold mine" has attracted more and more people to participate in the mobile medical health business. Compared to 2014, this year's mobile health care market is even richer. It not only includes the traditional APP that provides medical knowledge and medication advice, smart wearable devices are also added to the market to provide conditions for health monitoring. The O2O concept that was the highlight of this year was also taken in. The mobile health market in 2015 was very lively.
The mobile medical and health market in 2014 was 3 billion yuan, which was mainly due to the fact that Android app development of the mobile medical and health market had just entered the initial stage of explosive development. The market profit model was not perfect, and the people’s cognition only stayed in the aspect of information acquisition. Core medical service content Can not be mobilized and other issues. With the advent of smart wearable devices and the penetration of O2O concepts, the O2O market and the smart wearable device market will support each other in a mutually supportive manner. In the next few years, the pace of development of the mobile medical health market will be significantly improved. In 2015, the market size is expected to reach 4.5 billion yuan, and the scale will increase significantly to 8 billion yuan in 2016. It is expected that this size will reach 13 billion yuan in 2017.
Why Traditional Medicine Industry Needs to Develop APP

1. Over-concentration of quality medical resources
2. Graded diagnosis and treatment promote low efficiency
3. It is hard to return to medicine
4. Medical preservation systemic risk
5. There are many pain points in the hospital doctors
The establishment of new communication channels for doctors and patients through the Internet has become a major hot spot. Online doctor-patient communication platforms, patient-to-patient communication communities, and other new attempts to innovate Internet medical care will play an important role in reconstructing relationships among parties.
What can health care APP development bring?
1. Improve doctor-patient interaction: Provide online consultation service anytime, anywhere, so that patients can see a doctor without going to the hospital.
2, remote patient monitoring: so that patients no longer have to worry about delays due to events, you can always check the physical condition.
3, to enhance service quality: to enable the hospital to more calmly adjust resources, the overall arrangements for patients.
Medical app development function

1. Online consultation: As a medical and mobile phone APP, the online consultation portal is very important. It can provide users with the function of consulting health and hygiene conditions, and directly check and test their own health status on the mobile phone APP.
2, mobile phone number: use the medical mobile phone APP to register the number, eliminating the trouble of queuing, the direct use of mobile phone medical APP convenience, overcoming difficulties in the number, long time of medical difficulties.
3, cell phone medical records: medical records is no longer just a need to fill in a variety of medical terms can not read the paper book, but also a clear cell phone medical records, records the number of visits, conditions, medication and so on.
4. Electronic prescriptions: In the past, prescriptions were all written by doctors. The prescription for a hospital or clinic is now an electronic medical prescription for mobile medical APP, which makes it easier for users to read prescriptions.
5, drug price comparison: mobile phone medical APP can also be the country's drug prices can be integrated into a drug system, users can compare drug prices on the mobile client, then the people and the people.
6. Health Test: Users can test their health status on their mobile application software to understand their physical condition, and then they can adjust their body or register for medical treatment according to specific conditions.
7. Mobile payment: Use the medical mobile APP singapore to arrange the mobile phone number, make an appointment for medical treatment, and the medical expenses incurred can be directly paid by the mobile phone online.

Friday 9 March 2018

The key factors of affecting the price of mobile app development

1, a development function of the mobile app singapore difficulty

The function is a core of application development. Generally, the application of complex functions and simple functions, such as the storage application function is more complex, but the application development of a simple enterprise product display is relatively simple. You also need to look at the support for the difficult complexity on the server.

2. Work scope of enterprise mobile phone app software development

If you have already done a good job of designing, making interface material, preparing data, and preparing your own account to complete the online application, the commissioned development will be cheaper. If you commission new creative and functional planning, the cost will increase. A lot.

3, the mobile phone client's mobile app quality requirements

The same App, quality and price are certainly affected, and the App has an upgrade problem. This upgrade has a lot of work to do, and whether to assume the responsibility of upgrading and improving will also affect the price.

If it is the APP of a display-type corporate website, it is basically the same as the price of a mobile website, ranging from thousands to several thousand dollars. Here is a professional development and application, a simple life application App, do not rely on the background, even design + development commissioned, direct development duration = 1 month, program + communication + test + modification = 1 month, About one and a half months before and after, to see the quality of the team, the price should be 30,000 to 100,000; complex front and back App, looking for spectrum team, the price should be 100,000 to hundreds of thousands, cycle of about 2 months to 3 month.

Nowadays mobile app application development companies, different software development companies, the price is not the same, the android app development of large-scale mobile app companies, custom applications are more professional, skilled, and the price they need may be relatively low .

All in all, the factors that specifically affect the development of an app's price are ultimately determined by the complexity of the mobile app's development functional requirements.

Tuesday 6 March 2018

Messing emoji expression application will not pass the App Store audit

APP Developers are more willing to develop applications for the Apple App Store than the fragmented Android App Store. However, the App Store audit requirements have been very strict and meticulous, and are constantly revised and improved.

Apple App Store
The latest news shows that Apple has banned third-party applications from using Apple's emoji look in the App Store review. You know, not long ago, Apple still allows developers to use their copyright design.
Today, Apple developers dismissed Emoji's facial expressions for their own applications, according to several developers. Not only that, the application of screenshots, promotional material can not use the apple emoji alternative icon. This means that developers must use their own design icon, or the application can not be shelved App Store.

Massive use emoji expression application
According to the screenshots provided by these developers, Apple rejected these applications according to 5.2.5. This rule was added to the App Store Developer's Guide in March last year. Provisions show that "apps and plug-ins, including third-party input methods and facial expressions, may not include emoji from Apple."
In other words, developers can only use emoji in the App, but only in the chat (post), P map and other functions, in addition to emoji can not appear anywhere in the App.
It should be noted that Apple has copyright emoji design, and Apple App Store allows what content, what is not allowed, have full discretion. At present, IOS app development has not yet made a specific written explanation of the matter.

The trends of mobile APP development market

2017 is arguably the most important year for rapid changes and new trends in the app application industry. With the rapid development of the mobile Internet, mobile applications are constantly being developed and the mode of mobile application development is constantly changing. In the past 2017, the mobile APP Singapore belongs to the stable development and the industry is more subdivided.

Mobile surging clouds are changing all the time, many industries are no longer suitable for living environment, need to carry out reforms in order to better survive.
Today, new ways of life, such as cashless living, sharing bicycles, cell phone reading, mobile games and red envelopes, are rapidly changing the habits of the people in Changzhou. The era of mobile Internet has just begun. For 2018, Changzhou APP industry in turn will show what kind of trend?

1, artificial intelligence (AI)
This year's hottest is undoubtedly the AI, the Internet giant industry has entered this area, and made the related products, to improve the user experience, this technology is really a good assistant. Through the use of advanced analytics, cognitive excuses for complex systems and machine learning technologies, AI will provide enterprise customers with unprecedented levels of support. In view of the advantages of AI, many large companies have embarked on the layout, one after another acquired good at artificial intelligence technology startups.
2, AR and VR
AR and VR in the field of games and entertainment applications, more and more users welcome. Augmented reality applications are also common at home. There is no real outbreak in this market, but more and more users are accepted. Therefore, there will be some related minor openings next year, which still contain many opportunities.
3, cloud-driven mobile application technology
Today, cloud computing finally found its place in the mobile app. According to the research, cloud-based technologies worldwide will generate 90% of the total mobile data traffic by 2019 and mobile cloud traffic will reach 11 times, in line with the annual growth rate of 60%.
4, enterprise applications and micro-applications
77% of business owners found the advantages of enterprise applications, of which 66% increased further investment. In addition, by 2021, the enterprise application market is expected to reach 430 billion. So with lightweight, targeted, HTML and other features as well as peer-to-peer based micro-applications are showing a gradual upward trend.
5, combined with traditional businesses
This is mainly for business management, most of the traditional industry restructuring and the need to combine the mobile Internet, so this direction should firmly grasp and launch the right products.
6, mobile commerce has become the new standard
Instead of using a bank card or cash, a considerable amount of customer shopping now loves paying with Google Wallet and Apple Pay. In 2018, mobile payment devices will come in more different forms in conjunction with wearable devices. In addition to predictive analytics and data collection, wearable devices will play an important role in mobile commerce and customer loyalty in the future.

With the popularity of smart phones, mobile phones have become a necessity, more and more Singaporean users began to experience the mobile Internet lifestyle with mobile APP as the carrier. APP as the first entry of mobile Internet, more and more Singapore enterprises to gradually establish their own Anroid development base.
APP development Chen Ben will generally rise, unless it is already available in the market, the cost will be reduced. Prior to the various types of mobile Internet infrastructure is not perfect, a simple map positioning, payment channels and other functions, the development costs need tens of millions or more. As the market evolves, these infrastructures have matured and been shared.
With the mobile Internet segment of the population, a simple demand is met, you can quickly spread in the circle. APP types, but also gradually become less popular, scene-oriented.

Monday 5 March 2018

Mobile wallet APP development is a key of financial management

With a mobile wallet, you do not need to carry your physical wallet with you. In fact, apps such as Alipay allow you to shop and buy discounts at home, and, according to the mobile wallet app developer, the wallet app offers interconnected bank accounts, credit cards, mobile accounts , Bills, etc., and better manage all your financial transactions. The advantages of mobile wallet APP development are ease of use, unlimited facilities and better management.

Advantage of mobile app singapore
1) easy to use:
Pay with your mobile wallet in just one click. Simply link your credit / debit card, bank account details to your wallet once and save it for trading anywhere, anytime.
2) unlimited facilities:
With a mobile wallet, you do not need to carry your physical wallet with you. Mobile wallet contains all your credit card information, in fact, such as Alipay such app can make you home shopping and buy discounts.
3) Seamless trading
Mobile wallet handles very fast, you can instantly transfer to anyone in the world. What else? You no longer need to change.
4) better management:
According to the mobile wallet app developer, the wallet app provides the opportunity to interconnect bank accounts, credit cards, mobile accounts, billing, and better manage all your financial transactions.

Mobile wallet APP development  program
2, application performance, app performance is to attract users, enjoy the higher return on investment the only way. When your mobile wallet app immediately connects with different bank servers and caters to your needs, they will be happy to use your app again. And if your application loads slowly, users will be frustrated and give up your app.
3, Portability, app development can make your mobile application more portable by allowing users to easily add money and make transactions. According to the top Shenzhen app development company's experience, this is the main reason why users now often use the mobile wallet app.
4, Reward system, because the reward can effectively attract customers, so you need to add this feature to each mobile application. You can try different rewarding tips, such as offering some travel points or cashbacks.
It is also a good idea to design an electronic wallet that automatically backs up the files used in each operation. After all, it will help the app store all the basic information users provide for future preferences.
6, menu, although not necessary, you can also take a look at this factor. When you provide the ability to organize all your cards in different wallet menus, users can easily perform tasks. In addition, you can give them different custom options, such as assigning different colors and icons to menus.
7. Financial tools, like menus, are an extra tool that you can integrate into your mobile wallet app so that customers can monitor their spend and better plan their finances.

Mobile wallet App development allows people to pay through their smartphones, eliminating the need to carry credit cards and cash with them or transfer money online with the ATM. With just a few clicks, you can buy / pay for anything.

You need to pay attention to these points to win app development in the future

Embracing new technologies and tomorrow's mobile solutions may be your first step in the future as companies need to ensure that their mobile apps are developed based on current trends and future compatible approaches. The following is my advice based on years of development experience to improve APP development efficiency.
1, support for real-time experience
Modern business APP needs to be extracted in real time from some back-end system. For example, some alerts for monitoring applications, flight information for arrivals and departures, etc. The APP should be able to integrate all this and intelligently access the data to send the most up-to-date information to the front end of the mobile application.
2, Mobile app singapore to ensure timely interaction
If your app requires some input from the end user, make sure to include quick response input. User input and application response should not exceed 4 seconds. Therefore, building a mobile APP that can cope with speed and user engagement.

3, APP do not just develop a platform
Mobile users across a variety of devices, including Android development, iPhone, Windows devices. Make sure your mobile APP is not limited to just one device or one type of operating system platform.
4, do not develop mobile devices that can not use the device features APP
Make sure the APP uses device features such as memory, GPS, cameras, and other hardware. This will ensure better performance, if the APP does not require device capabilities, you can use web applications.
5, to maintain network operators and speed restrictions
Make sure that APP development can immediately cancel the connection when it is available, and the APP application should immediately detect and connect and work properly. Take full advantage of available bandwidth and infrastructure.
6, Including business and back-end system functions
Make sure your app can connect to back-end databases and other information that's searchable anywhere, anytime.

7, the safety function is crucial to the success of APP
When you talk about business applications, security is a key feature, so make sure that APP development includes excellent security features to protect the APP's business data from malicious attacks and that all network traffic that your app develops should be encrypted.
8, test your application
Make sure APP development is tested for all usage scenarios. Customer reported defects in the application will fail.
10, failover support for business-critical applications
Make sure that app development downtime is compensated by failover mechanisms, and clustering backend servers is a good idea. Make sure the APP is on the cluster server to ensure failover in the event of a server failure.

All in all, make sure you keep your phone apps app from the customer's perspective very easy and user-friendly. Even if you are using sophisticated technology for making mobile APPs, the end product you use should be very user-friendly and easy.

Saturday 3 March 2018

What are the questions in the app development of a company

When it comes to APP applications, I believe most enterprises are aware of, but the product of the birth of the mobile Internet, if the PC is based on the Internet Internet site, then the basis of the mobile Internet is the APP application. Enterprises through the development of APP, you can gain a firm foothold in the mobile Internet, seek development, and obtain a broader market space, which applications are also many app development companies are optimistic. But even so, in the actual production process, companies do not and not to reflect on some questions, which is blocking the success of corporate APP applications a stumbling block.

APP  platform selection
In fact, the choice of APP platform, it depends on the application itself architecture types, as well as his user base and the number of users. For now, APP platform is divided into two camps: Apple and Android, Apple has only one, then Apple's own App Store, and Android development camp is more, such as the application of treasure, 360 mobile assistant, millet, Huawei , Baidu mobile assistant, 91, pea pods, security, fun, Wal-Mart and so on. If businesses want to own applications to reach a broader user base, these platforms need to be served.
APP application marketing how to position
An application can quickly capture the market, first of all should determine the positioning of the APP application itself, followed by the APP application product quality, and finally depends on its marketing tools, which also illustrates the reliance on marketing alone Means simply can not applications in the market for a long time to stand. Therefore, as a developer of applications, we should make best use of its own quality and positioning when designing and developing APP applications, and take certain advantages in the initial stage to make applications stand out in the market.

Why APP App Marketing Can Stay With Your Customers
In the era of Internet users under the application and the traditional Internet is very different from the current value of the application is to allow enterprises to retain users. In fact, this also depends on the application can be location and time constraints, to convey the information to the user business, from the initial let the user know, to understand, followed by the fall in love with our applications, and finally launched a unified user management sales Information, and ultimately reach the sales target, the vast marketing function is loaded in this little application. Therefore, a good marketing application software can retain customers the key.

The current five major elements of APP development need to pay attention

Nowadays, people spend more and more time on their mobile terminals, which is driving the development of mobile APPs by business owners. Now through the smart phone APP, you can establish a new channel of information communication, a new way of information display, with the advantages of mobile Internet speed, and quickly find the intention of customers, disseminate information and enhance sales. That specifically how to make enterprise APP development to achieve such an effect, you need to understand what points? Here's a concrete look.

First, the starting point is not a single product but a corporate mobile platform
The platform starts with deployed devices that have productivity apps, employees download and sign up, self-organize on the mobile platform, and the server's strings, logins, and credentials are automatically pushed to User equipment inside.
Second, deployed in the cloud / front
Businesses can decide where they store their content and apps, whether in the cloud, or some combination of them. But the inside of the company must be familiar with the location of each mobile content store and the arrangements for authorizing access.
Third, safety
The average annual loss due to mobile security issues for each APP developer is $ 429,000 by looking up statistics. Security must be considered into the initial mobile strategy from the outset, ensuring that it is flexible and secure at a later stage.

Fourth, involving equipment management, App management, content management
For teamwork information must be strictly controlled, such as when the device is stolen remote shutdown, delete content or App, to ensure that you can create a closed configuration and security strategy. For example, mobile device management (MDM) software centrally manages, monitors, deploys mobile data, apps, and devices. And will continue to expand to mobile content, mobile App management.
V. Buy or develop their own
Mobile App first start from the App developers, generally for slightly larger companies if companies have the ability they will choose to develop their own mobile APP. And these cumulative development experiences can be used throughout the business process, from sales to fitness. If the promotion is good you can get the major APP platform to sell. Which can also bring some benefits for the enterprise.
Through the above analysis of the five major points, we can know. To improve marketing effectiveness, the use of APP mobile applications as a marketing tool, can play a good role in promoting. To the enterprise mobile commerce brings huge economic value. With the new features of smart phones, product differentiation and marketing, more market potential. Of course, continuous innovation is also the driving force of APP promotion