Tuesday 20 March 2018

The cost of app development in singapore

1. One is to use existing templates to modify
The use of the template has a small workload. If it is an APP with simple functions and less demanding customer requirements, it is only necessary for the artist to modify the page of the front desk to a certain extent. The minimum time is one or two days, and the minimum cost is 2,000 yuan to 3,000.

2, one is all redesigned
All redevelopment is more troublesome. Art, planning, APP developers, back-end programmers, and other types of work are required to be completed collaboratively. Large-scale and complex-functional APPs even require dozens of people. A simple app for life applications, not relying on the background, even design + development commissioned, direct development duration = 2 weeks, program + communication + test + modification = 2 weeks, before and after about 1 month to see the team quality, The price should be in the range of 30,000 to 100,000; complex front and back App, looking for spectrum team, the price should be around 100,000, and the period is about 2 months to 3 months.
3, the current mobile app development company, different software development companies, the price is not the same, a large mobile app company developed, custom applications are more professional, skilled, they may need the price relative Lower. But now, just customize a corporate application, product display, ranging from tens to thousands of prices. From customizing an APP to putting it into use, first the customer needs to pay about 30% of the deposit after signing the contract with the production company. The company will issue a preview of the software page to the customer. The customer can customize the color of the page according to their own needs. , functional division and other content for a comprehensive revision. After the customer finally decides to make a decision, he must pay 50% of the total cost.
4. Afterwards, the production company will make the production according to the requirements of the customer. According to the complexity of the APP, the process will be from half a month to several months. After the APP is successfully created, it will enter the test period. The test can be conducted by the company's expert on-line testing, or it can be delivered to the customer for use, and the customer can perform the test on its own. According to the problems found in the test, the company made another change.
The test period is about 3 months, and the simple APP time will be shorter. After the test is completed, the APP will be used by the customer, and the customer needs to pay the balance of the last 20%.

5. When the pp is released on the line, it does not count the channel promotion cost and does not advertise. The iOS App Store on the line requires the registration of a developer account, and the purchase of a certificate also requires a certain cost.
If App wants to run well, it must first invest money to promote your app. For an APP that has no popularity and no user base, promotion is a necessary part. At present, the most common promotion methods are download platform promotion, parallel mobile phone and home-made system promotion.
6, in general, the price of an app, the overall calculation is not cheap. If individuals or companies want to develop an app, or find some well-known app development companies to cooperate, so the cost is relatively small, in the Internet era of the Internet, app is the development trend of each SME, when someone asks how much money an APP needs, you can Answering a less complex app, starting from scratch, the first half of the year comes out from 2 to 200,000 to see how to choose.

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