Thursday 15 March 2018

What should be paid attention to in the development of mobile phone APP mall?

With the rapid development of the mobile Internet, the convenience of online shopping has become more prominent. Many shopping malls have moved to mobile development. Today, mobile phones are increasingly inseparable from today's mobile phone applications. With more and more service industries, the mobile app singapore has added a lot of fun and convenience to people's lives. Mobile phone APP provides people with the most convenient way of life and can buy all kinds of things without going out. With the rise of shopping mall APP, more and more competition, then we must pay attention to what issues in the process of developing the mall APP, in order to stand out in a number of mall APP.

1, understanding of market conditions
There are competitions and there are rivals. In the market of Nuovo, you only have enough understanding of the customers to understand what they want, do a good job of market research, do a good job analysis, in order to clear your app development. Positioning and ideation.
2. Have a clear vision
In the process of shopping by a mobile phone, the problem of the unclear product image is one of the factors that affect the user to continue to view the product. For this reason Android and iOS platforms encourage e-commerce app developers to use full-screen images. In addition to the quality of the picture, designers should consider the overall arrangement, need to focus on the prominent visual focus, work hard on the overall layout of the app development, provide users with a good experience in order to effectively shopping, improve mobile app user satisfaction .
3, to have a smooth payment process
66% of mobile app users give up buying goods because the payment process is too cumbersome, and 47% of transactions fail, which is also attributed to the complicated payment process. From the point of view of app development and design, the shopping cart should be accessible everywhere. Users can quickly enter the shopping cart page no matter what page they use. They also store user information, store user information, including the user’s address, etc. Simplify the purchase payment process.

4, highlight the application of the "unique selling point"
The reason why users reuse applications is that APP can continue to provide them with value. From the initial stage of APP development, companies should seriously think about “what can I use for my users to continue using my app?” “What are the advantages that I have compared to my peers?” and “What can we offer to differentiate from other peers?” and other issues.
5, to ensure product quality
How to achieve it after the market positioning and project ideas are determined? At this time, you need to find a reliable professional APP development company. Many companies are looking for APP development company, the first consideration is the APP development quotation. In fact, what I want to say is that if the prices between formal APP development companies are not much different from each other, they are all doing long-term service, and prices are not too far off the mark. Therefore, companies should first confirm that the APP development company does not fly, then select a few to conduct field visits, and then make choices, so as to ensure project quality and on-line time.
The development prospects of the mobile-end market are very promising. Whoever can quickly enter the mobile-end market and take a seat in it will be the winner of the mobile Internet era. If you can use this tool, you can certainly bring a big surprise for the company!

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