Friday 23 March 2018

Travel agency APP client custom development in singapore

I. Travel App Overview
The Travel App is a mobile application that provides users with tourism services such as travel guides, travel guides, travel routes, hotel reservations, ticket reservations, travel suggestions, etc. It is mainly used for scenic spot information inquiries for tourist destinations, special gourmet experiences, ticket hotel ticket reservations Travels, travel sharing, travel plans, and mobile apps for guides can bring unlimited convenience to users.

Second, the mobile tourism industry market opportunities
The tourism APP custom development company stated that as the national income continues to grow, tourism travel is already in more and more people's mid-year plans. With the app development singapore of intelligent terminals and mobile networks, the integration of the traditional tourism industry and the mobile Internet industry has accelerated. Users can grasp the latest travel information, travel guides, and attractions at any time by simply moving their fingers to check airline tickets, hotels, and Booking tickets and other services, mobile tourism has become the key word for the current tourism industry.
The development of the mobile Internet and tourism services have a natural combination of stickiness. The mobile Internet can more effectively meet the needs of users anytime, anywhere, and thus can quickly receive user acceptance and recognition. The traditional tourism industry has successfully used the mobile application platform of the mobile internet era to strengthen the level of tourism mobile information services and created a broader space for tourism informationization cooperation, which is to lead the future development of tourism industry informatization.
Second, travel agency APP can bring to the travel agency
For companies or agencies such as travel agencies in the travel industry, these help can be:
1) Realize real tourism e-commerce
With Internet technology, from basic reservation services such as travel information, itinerary management, hotel reservations, ticket reservations, line reservations, and public transportation, to constantly improving peripheral services, private customized products are provided as much as possible, and they are connected with the real needs of users and strengthened. The efficiency of online and offline resource integration.
2) Deep interaction and expansion of marketing channels
Tourism APP is not limited by location and time, and can be used to market crowds at any time. It solves the rigid demands on some scenes in the travel industry, such as e-tickets and hotel reservations, further freeing up user needs, extending the use of APP, and infiltrating users. Various scenes.
3) Attract different types of users and increase market share
Traveling APP products have unique advantages such as product richness, complete information, and quick ordering. They expand the traditional tourism industry's territory and allow more and more people to experience the fun of “intelligent tourism”.
4) Shaping corporate brand image, expanding its influence and popularity
Through the integration of online and offline resources, improve the service quality of the industry chain, increase user stickiness, enhance user experience, increase brand awareness and reputation, thus achieving both economic benefits and user word of mouth.
Third, travel Android APP development for users
The travel agency APP provides tourism booking services covering tourism clothing, food, housing, transportation, travel, shopping and entertainment, as well as tourist guides and scenic spot attractions. It provides personalized travel route design for users and allows them to travel. Express the endless fun journey.

Fourth, travel APP custom development common functions
1, booking function: to achieve anytime with the underground single travel at any time, more in line with the user's immediate decision-making ideas. Not only can you make reservations for tours, but you can also book hotels, attraction tickets, air tickets, train tickets, tourist visas and other services. Support online banking, Alipay, WeChat and other payment methods.
2. Guide function: The “tour guide” here has integrated various functions such as maps, navigation, voice commentary, and trip planning, which has subverted the concept of traditional tour guides.
3. Introduction to Attractions: Introduce the details of historical and cultural attractions, highlights of scenic spots, accommodations in scenic spots, food, and entertainment. The last recommended travel route is convenient for users to order.
4, tourism Raiders: Each user will look for Raiders before traveling, especially like driving, Raiders can provide information on food and accommodation, travel is the most popular content.
5. Itinerary management: The management section provides users with unified ticketing management services, and can easily get route planning. It can also share with peer partners to chat, keep accounts, and print photos.
6, map navigation: map navigation, including two aspects, one is the address of the travel agency branch navigation, and second, the navigation of the attractions. With LBS positioning technology, users can easily find the nearest and most convenient line.
7. Member Center: Visitors can log in through a third-party account binding, eliminating complicated registration. Member registration and reviews can earn points, points can get discounts, improve members' sense of belonging and belonging. Members can view their order status, publish reviews, redeem points, and more.
8. Live travel: By recording the GPS position of each picture, the system will automatically link the itinerary footprint on the map to automatically generate a complete footprint map and photos with timeline, realizing the sidewalk and edge. Record, share and other travel experiences.
9. Message Center: The company can push the latest travel information, preferential news, travel guides, travel tips and other information through the APP, as well as remind the user in advance of the weather, arrival time reminder, etc., to improve the user experience.
10. Sharing features: Most tourists are very willing to share their text travel and photography photos, maps, send partners, seek Raiders, questions, and can participate in various topic discussions.

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