Tuesday 20 March 2018

The differences between IOS app development and Android development

With the development of the Internet, more and more people have switched from computers to mobile phones, because mobile phones are more convenient to use and portable, and now is the world of smart phones. Software system development is mainly IOS development and Android app development. Although Microsoft's system also has a certain impact on it, the impact is not great. When many entrepreneurs are considering developing apps, Apple and Android are the main considerations. The main reason is that because of the relatively large number of audiences, it is easier for them to succeed. In your opinion, what are the similarities and differences between these two kinds of development?

First, we first look at the common ground between the two:
In the development app, whether it is Apple development or Android development is actually a relatively tiring and troublesome work, others looked very glamorous, but the pain here is really to know before you know; Apple developers and Android developers think The line that he does has a promising future. It is undeniable that under the current performance of smart phones, the two are indeed promising; the development of mobile phone apps is mainly adapted to mobile phones, so the understanding of the two phones is still Very high; all object-oriented programming, development of the same application effects, functions can be achieved.
Second, after reading the public points, let's analyze the difference between the two:
1. High profile iPhone: Since Apple devices are generally more expensive than Android devices, plus other reasons, most iPhone developers will think that their grades are higher.
2. Android low-end: Android phones can do more things, pass an address book, send a text message, and so on, which makes Android developers have some low-end.

3. The impact of the iPhone is greater: Since most of the product managers and designers are heavy users of the iPhone, resulting from the beginning of the design are based on the iPhone as a prototype, the review of the PRD is also to review the iPhone's interactive prototype. Finally, the visual designer will create a set of high-fidelity annotations according to the iPhone's information architecture and Android's interactive components.

4. Development environment, different languages: Android development is open source and the language used is java language, and ios app development is closed, not open source and the language used is oc language, simply, the iOS development environment is MacOS+Xcode Android development environment for the windows/Linux+eclipse+androidSDK; there is more android devices, consider adapting. Ios Because the equipment is limited, the adaption needs little consideration and compatibility is very good.
5. Different hardware requirements: In theory, iOS is a mac machine, android is a normal PC. In fact, you can use the virtual machine under the macOS to build the android development environment. You can also build the iOS development environment under the windows virtual machine.

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