Wednesday 21 March 2018

How to identify reliable outsource app development company

1. Follow the quotation
Above we have introduced the importance of the app development requirements document, so the formal app outsourcing company will do the detailed demand for the customer for the first time, and after thorough communication, according to the final app needs assessment form, Customer quotes.

So, can the account manager accurately analyze the demand and give the client some advice? Is the app demand quotation form detailed, and is the quotation and schedule of each function reasonable? These are all things that should be considered in the initial contact with outsourcing companies. Only irresponsible companies will come up with direct quotations and vowed to promise “lowest price”, “best deals” and other calibers, all to deceive the trust of customers. The means taken.
2. Focus on the company's benchmarking case
The app case is the most direct proof of the strength of the outsourcing company. Through the quantity and quality of the case, combined with the company's establishment time and the number of companies, the app is also assessed. Of course, there are also many app outsourcing companies that will “tuck” as described above. "Now most of the Internet's giants have the strength to build their own technical teams, so if this company is falsified, or this company has got some of the well-known app on the edge of the functional development projects.

3. The background of the outsourcing service company
The background of the company mainly focuses on what the core business is. For example, APICloud previously used the mobile application development platform as its predecessor, and it itself has strong technical strength. Some companies, whose predecessor was operating or marketing, later took over the app development project. The company may be slightly weak on the technical level.
Since 2017, since mobile app Singapore Internet industry has entered rapid growth, app has become the first entry point for all companies. Therefore, the app development market has mushroomed. Unlike the traditional PC software, the number of apps is even greater. Huge, but in the chaotic environment of the market, I believe that "integrity" is the firm can not survive the unchanging norms.

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