Wednesday 21 March 2018

Unknown Pitfalls in the App Development Industry

In this mobile Internet world, app has become almost an indispensable tool in people's lives. At the same time, various innovative projects and strategic layouts of enterprises have gradually shifted to the mobile terminal, and more products and services have been adopted. The app has shown infinite value for the carrier.

In many mobile information projects of the API Cloud service, in fact, the coordinator of many project needs is not a technical origin. As the so-called “interlaced lines are separated by mountains”, the water in each industry can be described as incomplete and some informal outsourcing. In undertaking app development projects, the company used various technical means to set routines to seek profits, resulting in serious consequences for app development projects, and even some entrepreneurial projects would fail. Today, these unrecognized routines in app development singapore were revealed one by one. To prevent enterprises from suffering irreversible losses in the layout of mobile services.
1. Beware of false promotion sales model
Today, the thigh sales model is one of the most common means. In the case packs of all walks of life, Internet giants such as BAT can be seen everywhere, which greatly enhances the recognition of customers, but not Small and small app outsourcing companies usually spend money disguising themselves as a medium-to-large-scale Internet development company, or even temporarily changing licenses, forging corporate information and successful cases. However, after winning customer trust, technical services cannot keep up with demand.
So how can the Li Gui and Li Yu distinguish? In addition to the outsourcing company's site visits, it is also necessary to check the company's address and other relevant information to see if it matches the company name and address displayed on the Internet.
2. Looking at people's dishes, the function is getting more and more
At present, the app development industry does not have a unified charging standard. The duration and price of the app project are determined mainly by the complexity of the development function. For example, the more functions of an app and the more complex the user experience, the longer the duration. It also went up, and some outsourcing companies deliberately added app-independent features to increase overall project costs without Party A's understanding.
Preparing a clear development document is especially critical in the preparatory phase of app development. Therefore, it is recommended that you try to find a professional as a consultant. First, develop the document to clearly develop the various functional modules that the app needs to implement, and use this as a basis to evaluate Outsourcing company quotes and services.
3. One-man team with multiple positions
Appears to be a simple app, actually in the development process is the need to implement a variety of occupations in the team to cooperate with each other, including project managers, product managers, UI designers, development engineers, test engineers and other occupations, and in a smaller outsourcing The company, due to its emphasis on price advantage, cannot afford to pay for a variety of occupations, so many occupations are performed by one person. However, in the later stages of development and delivery, there are often cases where the project is delayed, which may affect the best time for the product to go online. In the fast-paced market environment, lagging behind competitors for a month, they may be eliminated from the fate of the game. In addition, there are no professional product managers involved in the project may also result in incomplete product logic, resulting in seed users to the product Experience is extremely declining, and subsequent attempts to open the market to attract users are even more difficult!
Therefore, when choosing an Android app development service provider, it is not only a matter of determining price as a determinant, but should also focus on quality. After all, the final development of the app is intended to provide users with more value.

4. The difference between template and customization
Compared with the app custom development project, the development difficulty and cost of the template app are much smaller, but the disadvantage is that the page can only be easily adjusted according to the original function and architecture of the template, and subsequent iterations cannot be iteratively upgraded. The product, and in today's mobile application industry, the non-customizable, non-renewable mobile business has almost no room for survival, and it will eventually find that the initial investment cost has been deducted. Therefore, it is recommended that companies with app development needs carefully consider the template app, and after the development, ask the service company for source code for subsequent use.

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