Monday 17 December 2018

How to develop a friendly Web App

Apple has captured the market share of large smartphone users by releasing a series of high-end iPhones and iOS. If you plan to bring your business, brand, or business to the mobile arena, developing mobile-friendly websites or mobile web apps is an efficient and cost-effective strategy.
Undoubtedly, native mobile apps are great for delivering a great user experience, but this can be expensive due to the fragmented independence of the mobile OS platform. So, thinking about web application development with responsive design or mobile-friendly website building is a particularly good way to accomplish our goals.

Android malpractice
Android operating system is an open source project and does not have any control over the hardware, there are a variety of mobile device manufacturers to provide different standards and capabilities of Android devices.
These eventually become the fragmentation status of Android hardware. In addition, users of the Android operating system can forcefully run any version of the operating system without any compatibility issues.
For this reason Android App developers are having a headache when designing any Android App and testing on numerous devices and browsers.
Apple's advantage
In response to these Android shortcomings, Apple provides a consistent and updated user experience on their device as well as on iOS. It's a proprietary mobile platform so it can do all of this easily by controlling app store approval and locking iOS devices with iOS itself.
Hire iPhone developers web app or website design tips
If you plan to hire an experienced developer team for your website development or mobile friendly iPhone web app development with back-end integrated web services, you should pay attention to the following in design and programming.

# 1: Simple and smooth navigation
The iPhone and iPad are sleek and intuitive devices with a high-end touch experience. Therefore, Apple has released some strict App design guidelines.
If you carefully follow these guidelines and some good tips for a better user experience design, you can always win the user's welcome. Navigation and touch processes are all the top concerns for a great user experience design.
In order to respect the iPhone's smaller screen size,
Your iPhone designer needs as many UI elements as possible to slice the navigation.
Your iPhone developer must use eye-catching UI elements for navigation and other purposes, not long or large text.
Modern iPhone App developers use a sliding navigation design to reduce clutter on the screen and cover the largest navigation items.
Use tooltips or online techniques to guide first-time users, or to provide semantic guidelines, all of which are current trends in touch-based processes.
# 2: clever layout
There is no doubt that Web App and mobile-friendly websites have high-end Web services integration and require a multi-column layout design. However, limiting to single-column layout and the ability to shift multi-column layouts to water or vertical if needed.
A small amount of use of images and other multimedia content is the best way to increase the load and performance of the iPhone Web App.
# 3 Beautiful UI Elements
Text is a major part of the user interface and readability on any mobile device and is a major challenge for mobile developers. Therefore, meeting the needs of the iPhone's small screen (such as smartphones) is a bit trickier.
Your hired iPhone app developer should use the right font size, not too big or too small. Font size also needs to be maintained.
Links are not allowed on the iPhone or other mobile devices, so you have to use buttons instead or make links that you can tap instead of clicking.
In addition to these, there are several app designand programming tips that warrant special consideration when developing iPhone-friendly Web apps or website designs. Fortunately, hiring all these tools and trends that are familiar with these tools and trends, hires your project to bring the desired results with a very low budget and fast turnaround time.

Wednesday 18 July 2018

Web Developer vs Web Designer

What is the difference between a Web Developer vs Web Designer? This is a difficult question to answer when it comes to the different roles within or between companies as the role can encompass a wide range or a very limited scope. However, generally speaking, one can differentiate between these two roles and understand how they differ but at the same time compliment one another.
A Web Designer, to consider that role first, is someone who is basically involved in designing the website in a way that would be best for their consumers. So a Web Designer needs to work closely with the User Researchers to understand what the consumers really want so to make sure that the design elements that you wish to put on the website is relevant. Therefore, the web designer works more on the front end of the website as opposed to the backend.
The Web Developer on the other hand works on the technical side of the development process where the developer has to consider what the designers have decided to come up with. The developers have to consider closely the exact way that the designers have decided how the website should look, feel and operate as. In other words, they have to ensure that not just the technical things such as speed have to be considered, but exactly what does the designer want the website to do.
Therefore a web developer does work pretty much on the backend of the enterprise where they code the website. Therefore most of the software that a web developer must learn is programming languages that are necessary to develop a website. On the other hand, web designers have to learn other software such as Illustrator that is more aligned towards the design elements necessary for that relevant task.
However, it must be noted that in a small company these roles could be combined into one where the web designer and the developer are the same person. In this case the person would essentially have to work directly with the user researchers to understand, then design and then develop the website. This can be seen to be a good thing as this person would be quite efficient, but there are problems that may rise with regard to too much work. In a bigger company these roles could be even further split or where there will be multiple web designers and developers who will work together even on a single website. 

Advertisements in Websites and Applications

What is the right way to have advertisements in applications and websites? We all understand that monetary concerns makes it necessary to have advertisements on our digital products, unless of course we have other ways of monetization such as the use of subscription options. However, we must make sure that these advertisements do not cause annoyance for our customers as it could be one of the main reasons for customers to be dissatisfied with our products and services of android app development.
Generally speaking, one does have some control over what advertisements that visitors to the website can see. Google for example, provides services where customer can see customized commercials when they visit any website based on their browsing history and cookies. Therefore, one must keep in mind what kind of advertisement may pop up when designing the website as these need to work well with the rest of the design of the website. Take a look at the example from a website below.

If we analyze this from a design perspective this is not good at all. It takes up bulk of the screen and could be seen to be a distraction by the customer.  Furthermore, there is another commercial on the right hand side which has bigger text than the rest of the page which drives the users attention there. When the user comes across this text, they will be annoyed as this it is not what they were looking for.
Modern applications tend to have some form of a subscription option that allows you to block ads. However, one must keep in mind the customers who do not subscribe to this option as well in order not to overwhelm them with commercials. One might think that these users will simply pay more money to get rid of the nuisance but what will most likely happen is that they will leave you for one of your competitors. Therefore, the primary purpose of the business, which is to say the retainment of customers who take precedence over ad revenue at all time.
Furthermore, even if the consumers find the ads helpful, the ability to easily manage and cross the ad out has to be visible. We have all had encounters where it is nearly impossible to get the ad away from the screen and use the relevant service offered in mobile app development. This defeats the primary purpose of having an app in the very first place. All of these things need to be considered when we decide to use advertising in our websites and applications. 

Tuesday 17 July 2018

Feedback of mobile app development in Singapore

Consider the image above. When the user has touched the box on the screen next to the word “excellent” what is the response that the screen gives? As shown, the feedback given is a tick box that tells the user essentially that the application understands that the user has selected that option. If that feedback or the tick sign rather was not there, it would be impossible for the user to tell if the application even works.

Consider Figure 2 from above which shows the response that is given when the finger is placed on the number 2. The number lights up in blue and it shows to the user for a split second which number they have chosen. This is important as it would be difficult to tell which number was pressed unless this was the case. Although it must be noted that eventually the user gets used to their passcode to a point where they would input it without even looking at the screen.

In the figure above the letter F is indicated in the color grey. This is another form of feedback that shows the user which key he or she has selected. Although in the current version of iOS app development what actually happens is that the letter becomes bigger to show that you have selected the key. This lasts for not even a second and it does not obstruct at all when you are typing fast, which shows that such a concern has been addressed.

We are all now familiar with the icon above that pops up on websites when there are elements or links that can be clicked that will take us to another site. This happens when we move the cursor over an element that contains a link. This icon is a form of feedback that shows us that there is a link present and we can just click to open it or right click to open it on another window or tab if we are using a modern web browser.
These are just a few elements of feedback that modern developers and designers must consider when developing applications and websites. This can change depending on the type of interface we are dealing with. For example, a touch interface would require different considerations in terms of feedback than a non-touch interface. Another example would be the feedback expected from at trackpad as opposed to a mouse. Feedback considerations allow us to make sure our products and services are easy to understand for our users of mobile app development

Responsive Design in Singapore

Responsive Design is basically making sure that your website works on the variety of devices that are around today. This means that one must consider the type of devices, the user experience company that makes the products, the software that is run, the browser that is used and many other factors. Let’s start with the type of devices that are used.
The type of device that can be used could be a desktop computer. This is usually the biggest form of a screen that you will come across and therefore you have to ensure that the images that you used in the website for example, translate well in high definition. Furthermore, this type of devices has the best processing power and therefore it should be able to retrieve information from your website server very rapidly.
The other type broadly speaking is laptops and tablet computers. These devices fall somewhere in between a mobile phone and a desktop. However, as opposed to desktop computers they usually have a touch screen that you need to be aware of in order to make sure that things such as clicks don’t happen when the user wants to scroll of ui design.
The last type is the mobile phone which in almost all cases is a touch screen device that can be generally held in the hand. These devices have less processing power than their counterparts and therefore the websites developed must be easy to load and responsive. Furthermore, one can use features such as GPS and call-making ability when a user requests for your website from a mobile device.
Another thing to consider is the software that the device is running on and the browser. For example, in most Apple products the browser would be Safari and in most Android devices it would be Chrome. You have to test your web design in both of these different browsers to ensure that nothing goes wrong in terms of cookies, cache and other tiny differences in the way that these software store and process data.
You must also keep in mind the network capabilities of the users that you are targeting at. For example, if most of your target market are in more remote parts of the world where access to high speed internet is still not possible, you do not want to use images that are heavy in size or forms that are too complicated and unresponsive.  These are few of the key things that you must keep in mind when considering responsive design. 

Monday 16 July 2018

Chatbots in Mobile Applications

Chatbots have been growing increasingly popular over the past few years. Most companies either on their websites or on the mobile applications offer some form of a chatbot that allows their consumers to communicate with a pre-programmed software that can answer questions. This is convenient for both companies and users for many reasons.
From the point of view of the company, chatbots allows the maintenance of low numbers of people who will need to be in call centers and thus saving cost. Furthermore, it allows the users to input certain preliminary responses that would help the user get to the correct help desk agent if necessary. This saves valuable time for both the consumer and the company.
From the standpoint of the consumer, chatbots are important because you do not have to hold in line anymore. You can easily open up the application or the website and immediately start looking for what you know. With the advancements in natural language processing and machine learning, chatbots are much more helpful and they continue to improve using their algorithms.
However, from a design and effectiveness point of view, companies have to be careful before rolling out this feature. One has to be fairly certain that the chatbot algorithm is able to answer the pressing questions that the customers generally have and that it can process the information fast enough to provide value. This is because that customers who use chatbots do so for convenience and will not be happy if the service is slow and unreliable.
Furthermore, companies have to keep in mind the demographics that they are dealing with. Chatbots are mostly used by the younger generation as they have grown up with smartphones and are comfortable with interacting with screens. This is contrasted with customers who are in earlier generations prefer to talk to a human being. These customers could be handled by automated agents that can process voice and provide answers if necessary.
Another advantage of chatbots is that companies can gain valuable insights into the behavior of each individual consumer. For example, if you are a fashion company and a customer is asking questions regarding a specific type of clothing, you can use this data in future recommendations to suggest customized clothing of that category. Further, from the typing style and choice of words of the consumer, valuable insights regarding preferences can be understood to improve the customer experience as a whole. Therefore, chatbots are an essential component in modern mobile app development

Tuesday 22 May 2018

APP mobile development must pay attention to these issues

The rapid development of mobile Internet has driven the entire APP mobile software market, but companies must pay attention to the following issues when doing APP mobile development. Otherwise, even if this software is done well, it will not achieve the expected results.

First, the positioning of APP

The positioning of the APP includes the functional positioning of the APP, user group positioning, and sales target.

Second, APP use crowd

If you have clearly defined what type and function of mobile app for your company, then you must identify the users. If the users of the enterprise products are users with strong professional skills, the interface design of the mobile phone APP must be changed accordingly. Faced with different people, the corresponding APP design interface and positioning also need to be trimmed.

Third, the user experience

What is the purpose of the development of an enterprise APP and why this program will appear, this is a key issue for the user experience;

Fourth, software security

Nowadays, there are frequent property loss incidents on the Internet. Therefore, corporate developers must pay attention to this issue, try to avoid the emergence of some loopholes, and make every effort to ensure the security and privacy of customers, so that APP mobile software can be continuously developed.

Fifth, developers suggest

During the APP development process, the APP designer will add some other elements to the product based on his experience. However, from the perspective of the APP developer to consider the problem, sometimes this item is added to the extra, and the operation of the mobile APP development is also The experience does not match, causing the element to generate some unnecessary data. Therefore, it is necessary for APP designers and APP developers to work together to implement multiple convergent solutions when the technology is feasible without affecting the user experience.

Six, software testing

The customized APP needs constant optimization testing, rather than the results obtained after one or two APP production tests. The APP software that has not yet been developed is directly launched. This is not responsible for the company, nor is it responsible for the users.

In the above several aspects, the whole process of the development of enterprise APP mobile phone software will not result in a lot of unclear requirements or other problems causing the entire development process to be unsuccessful. At the same time, it also guarantees the promotion of later APPs, thereby allowing more people to do so. See and download the app.

Wednesday 18 April 2018

The Seven Trends of Mobile APP Development in 2018

Nowadays, 2.1 billion people worldwide use smart phones. Smartphones have become an indispensable part of people's daily lives. Many APP developers have also gained insight into the latest mobile development trends and can only lead in APP development. Coquettish. What are the trends in APP development in Singapore?

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Nowadays, many APPs have used artificial intelligence, such as smart customer service, which can greatly reduce the company's operating costs and increase productivity.

2. More Universal Mobile Payments

Apps that use mobile payments will become more and more secure. This will further promote the use of mobile phones to make payments. Nowadays, most young people have already abandoned their cash and it is sufficient to go out directly with mobile phones.

3, cloud-based APP will be more and more

There are many similar situations around: The mobile phone needs to download many APPs, but the memory of the mobile phone is not enough, so you need to constantly delete old applications to allow space to download new APPs. The cloud-based APPs will not have this kind of situation, users can Data is stored on cloud servers, so cloud technology is bound to become a new trend.

4. The Internet of Things APP will continue to grow

In 2017, IoT technology has been applied in many industries, such as patients and doctors, both of whom can talk remotely. In addition, doctors can remotely control hand transmission and treatment. In 2018, IoT technology will continue to develop, according to Cisco. Data, the number of mobile devices connected via the Internet of Things will reach 50 billion in 2020!

5, wearable devices will appear technical trends

This technology was originally used in health services, such as the iPhone and many Android smart phone manufacturers are synchronizing and integrating more wearable technology APPs, such as APP applications that can help users track walking routes, heartbeats, etc.

6, virtual reality and augmented reality will be combined with APP

A small number of social software and game software have integrated these two technologies, which will stimulate APP development companies to develop AR technology, especially in the social and gaming APPs.

7. Faster Mobile Web Pages (AMP)

The faster mobile apps and websites are, the more popular they are. Users and Google's search engines are increasingly demanding speed, and the growth momentum of AMP has emerged.

AMP supports fast loading of web pages, reducing transit times, aggregating more traffic, increasing click-through rates and search engine rankings. You don't even need to use a site map.

As the mobile APP is embarking on the development of these new areas, the iOS and Android application scenarios will be even more extensive. In 2018, the mobile phone industry will usher in an outbreak! Suzhou Ruitu Network Technology will focus on the development of these new areas and will develop more innovative applications that are closely connected with users!

Tuesday 10 April 2018

What is the development flow of mobile APP?

First, the product project

Work Overview: The product development phase is also referred to as the preparation phase. This phase is mainly based on the demand outline through targeted market research, user interviews, and competitive product analysis to assess the core functions of the product as far as possible, orientation, target user groups, and cost input. And market prospects. Under the conditions adopted by the decision-making level, a virtual development team will be set up to coordinate resources, clarify the project leader and plan the launch of the product. If the project is required by Party A, relevant content of market research and business value assessment can be omitted.

Second, the demand phase

1. Demand discussion: The product manager communicates with the customer, what functions, and how to do it, including: app development type, platform to be developed, specific product function requirements, production function map, specific product design requirements, project expected completion time, Development budget through repeated investigation, discussion, and output of interactive programs.

2. Demand assessment: After the product has exported the interactive project, it is feasible to find out whether the corresponding development and discussion demand program is feasible, including the technical difficulty of the functional requirement, the evaluation of the design requirement feasibility and experience evaluation, the project expected completion time, and the actual development cost.

3, project technology development and visual planning. The project team discussed the project, and the design department began designing and designing UE (user experience) and UI (product interface) according to the demand map, and carrying out creative design for the product to form a preliminary rendering. After the internal discussion of the project members, the design team passed the request to the customer. Repeatedly confirmed and finally confirmed by the customer's mail. Then based on the UE's confirmation of the UE's UI style design (generally will be 3-5), the design is completed by the customer to confirm, and ultimately confirm the project's UI style, then the UI designer to complete the remaining UI, and ultimately confirm with the customer high fidelity The visual diagram begins to enter the research and development stage.

Third, program development

Work Overview: divided into user-side, service-side two types of development. Among them, the user-side development, mainstream iOS and Android, based on the requirements of documents and design drafts, to achieve the interactive effects of front-end pages, and the server to determine the data exchange interface protocol. The server-side development follows the requirements document, designs the database table structure, evaluates the implementation of the core complex functions, and writes development design summary documents and feedback completion time nodes for important functions.

Fourth, test and acceptance

After the code development is completed, it enters the stage of testing and later on-line. This is a gradual process. After all the bug tests are completed, make sure there are no bugs in the Apple Market and Android app development Market.

With the increasing integration of online and offline businesses in the future, it is believed that the mobile Internet market will also provide more business opportunities for offline channels, while offline services will use mobile phone App platforms to provide users with more convenience and convenience. There are after-sales service guarantees, more quality, and better quality service enjoyment.

Thursday 29 March 2018

Google prohibits non-certified Android devices from running APP

The Android system is an open source, free operating system developed by Google for smartphones, tablets and other devices. Some Android devices that have not been certified by Google in the past can install and run Google software through other channels. According to the latest news from foreign media, Google will adopt a blockade policy that prohibits the installation of Google software on non-certified devices.
Android market is divided into two categories, one is the official version of Google's Android system, implanted in a lot of Google's own applications and services, mobile phone manufacturers need and Google signed a licensing agreement to be able to carry the system.

Another Android operating system is a customized version of vendors, including Amazon and China almost all app development systems vendors based on Google's free custom code changes, re-issue for consumers, but the device did not get Google certification.
According to the US technology news website TheVerge, in the past, only Google certified Android devices were able to run Google's various mobile phone software, such as Google Maps, Play software stores, and email clients.
In the past, some highly skilled users of non-certified Android phones could download and install Google's various software in other ways. In addition, there are some mobile phone manufacturers with poor brand image that have implanted Google's software without Google's authorization.
Today, Google will rectify the phenomenon of carrying Google software on non-authorized devices. According to Google's new policy, the future of the company will be checked for Android by application software, if a non-certified device (including the domestic mobile phone), as well as compile-time Android later than March 16 of this year, the Google software will be completely unable to run.
Obviously, the chaos about Google's official software will be terminated.
However, for various Android-customized users, Google has not completely blocked the use of its own software channels. Other users can use the Android ID number to apply to Google. Each user can apply for up to 100 Android devices to run Google software.
However, the specific details of Google's policy are still unknown, such as how Google defines the "customized version of Android", whether users of Android phones in China can apply, install and run Google applications.
As we all know, domestic mobile phones use a customized version of the Android system, most of which removes Google's basic services and official software. When users install some external applications through a channel other than the mobile phone software store, they will be informed of the lack of Google Play services and will not be able to run.
Google is not only the developer of Android system, but also the largest development organization of Android mobile application software. Google's e-mail client and other products have become an essential tool for many people's work and life.

It is worth mentioning that the open source policy of Android system also brought many problems to Google, such as the fragmentation of the operating system. Although Google will be upgraded each year once Android system, but consumers of mobile phone systems, depending on the rhythm of mobile phone manufacturers to upgrade customized version, customized version of these versions generally lagged behind Google Android official version, which led the market there are a lot of older versions of Android, affect Android app development  and upgrading. This fragmentation also has an impact on the security of Android phones.
Google has been hoping to solve the problem of fragmentation by promoting the official version of Android, but today, most Android phones still use vendor-customized operating systems.

Tuesday 27 March 2018

APP development can help enterprises developping better

As the development trend of the Internet has gradually shifted from the PC side a few years ago to the mobile side of the mobile phone, mobile phone custom Android App development has huge potential business opportunities. More and more companies use mobile phones to customize the App and combine the advantages of communications to deliver services to customers. At present, enterprise-customized apps have become the most basic and popular entrance to the mobile Internet, and help companies to occupy a place in the fierce market competition in many ways:
1, the formation of O2O business model
Enterprise Custom App has built an O2O business model that integrates online and offline. It can be used to store goods online and store in stores. The centralized distribution of stores enables them to reduce the cost of consumption. In addition, the score system implemented by the corporate App client Attract consumers to spend multiple times; and supporting store self-promotion and home delivery models is a safer and better experience.

2. Reduce corporate publicity costs
Under the traditional sales model, commodities are shipped from manufacturers, through layers of agents, and to terminal stores. During this period, the profits of agents and various display costs of high input have been increased by at least 100%.
The realization of online marketing channels through App software development allows both parties in the world to trade directly in mobile App ports, reducing circulation costs and operating costs, thus prompting e-commerce companies to accelerate the pace of mobile marketing.
3, improve the accuracy of advertising push
Compared with traditional flyers, news newspapers, periodicals, magazines, and even advertisements on television, the information push results of corporate app software advertising advertisements are more accurate and timely. Whenever and wherever, users can grasp the latest developments of enterprise products through enterprise app software, which is more convenient and time-saving than doing a lot of advertising without precision, and if the ads of corporate custom apps can have certain topics, Advertising will spread more widely.
4, to strengthen consumer purchasing desire
The company's product information through the company's custom App to vivid text pictures and videos show more clear and vivid than the traditional brochures, and product classification is accurate, convenient, fast, easy, and more information can be connected. Through sharing functions such as Weibo and WeChat, users can share their satisfaction experiences with relatives and friends anytime, anywhere, and create more topics. As a result, more users' buying desires can be increased.
Understand the various advantages of the company's customized App, Wuhan Huaxinsoft Technology Co., Ltd. has spotted the Wuhan APP development market, is committed to tailoring App for companies in various industries.
The development time of the Wuhan Huaxinsoft App Development Service is short and the cost is low, which can effectively help the enterprise solve the problem of marketing promotion. Taking sports fishing in China as an example, Wuhan Huaxinsoft has launched a social platform with the theme of fishing. Its main functions include finding a fishing ground, finding a fishing shop, establishing a club, and releasing fishing stickers. The purpose is to integrate the fishing circle resources and improve the fishing environment.

Frontline is a professional application solution provider specialized in APP custom development, software development ERP customization, large-scale functional website customization, and WeChat secondary development operation and service integration. Wuhan Huaxinsoft aims to build a future global shared economy platform, enabling customers to launch custom applications with their own core profit models in a short period of time at low cost, and gain more users and shared profit models through the shared platform. In the future, choose Frontline's customers can enable the company and the user to achieve real-time communication and communication anytime, anywhere, and achieve closed-loop mobile marketing.

Some Tips for Developing App Design

With the rapid development of the Internet, more and more people have begun to pay attention to APP development. At the same time, companies from all walks of life have their own APP. Nowadays, in order to spend less, many people will choose to find a part-time APP application developer to develop APP software. However, such a mobile phone APP has a large quality problem. Therefore, in order to develop a professional APP, in addition to having a certain economy Strength, but also need to understand some knowledge.

First, mobile  APP development singapore must be interactive and mobile
The characteristics of mobile phone APP development must be interactive. The functions shared by a mobile software can not only meet the needs of consumers, but also enable users to share their joy with other people after receiving satisfactory services. This not only satisfies The basic needs of users, businesses can also be intangible in the sharing process for companies to do publicity.
The display plane of the mobile phone and the PC is different. How can we present the product on the PC side to the mobile phone APP? Some people say that it is difficult for a small mobile phone screen to display a large amount of information. Therefore, it is necessary to think carefully when designing the APP. Relative to PC-side APP interface should not be as complex as the above site, because if it is too long, then users will not have the energy and patience to visit. Most current apps use photos, short texts, and voices to present their products.
Second, streamlining the application of APP is the key to converting the PC to mobile.
Different kinds of APP applications, attractions, food, accommodation, shopping, entertainment, etc., tend to introduce reviews, intended to provide visitors with a comprehensive guide to local living services, so as to better meet the needs of users. A few inches of mobile phone screens can't tolerate too much content, but if it's too simple, it may happen overnight and then disappear.

Third, reviews are guides to guide users to use APP
Mobile phone APP development also needs to be mobile. The number of mobile smart devices is growing, and the number and types of applications installed on the devices are also increasing. Therefore, the development of the APP must be highly adaptable on mobile products, so that it can give the user a good user experience on the mobile smart terminal.
The prosperous developers of Universe have achieved rich experience in developing mobile app and app design. Wealthy's professionals aim to develop the most extensible and reliable APP to ensure 100% customer satisfaction. We have developed many award-winning mobile apps for the basketball industry.

Friday 23 March 2018

Travel agency APP client custom development in singapore

I. Travel App Overview
The Travel App is a mobile application that provides users with tourism services such as travel guides, travel guides, travel routes, hotel reservations, ticket reservations, travel suggestions, etc. It is mainly used for scenic spot information inquiries for tourist destinations, special gourmet experiences, ticket hotel ticket reservations Travels, travel sharing, travel plans, and mobile apps for guides can bring unlimited convenience to users.

Second, the mobile tourism industry market opportunities
The tourism APP custom development company stated that as the national income continues to grow, tourism travel is already in more and more people's mid-year plans. With the app development singapore of intelligent terminals and mobile networks, the integration of the traditional tourism industry and the mobile Internet industry has accelerated. Users can grasp the latest travel information, travel guides, and attractions at any time by simply moving their fingers to check airline tickets, hotels, and Booking tickets and other services, mobile tourism has become the key word for the current tourism industry.
The development of the mobile Internet and tourism services have a natural combination of stickiness. The mobile Internet can more effectively meet the needs of users anytime, anywhere, and thus can quickly receive user acceptance and recognition. The traditional tourism industry has successfully used the mobile application platform of the mobile internet era to strengthen the level of tourism mobile information services and created a broader space for tourism informationization cooperation, which is to lead the future development of tourism industry informatization.
Second, travel agency APP can bring to the travel agency
For companies or agencies such as travel agencies in the travel industry, these help can be:
1) Realize real tourism e-commerce
With Internet technology, from basic reservation services such as travel information, itinerary management, hotel reservations, ticket reservations, line reservations, and public transportation, to constantly improving peripheral services, private customized products are provided as much as possible, and they are connected with the real needs of users and strengthened. The efficiency of online and offline resource integration.
2) Deep interaction and expansion of marketing channels
Tourism APP is not limited by location and time, and can be used to market crowds at any time. It solves the rigid demands on some scenes in the travel industry, such as e-tickets and hotel reservations, further freeing up user needs, extending the use of APP, and infiltrating users. Various scenes.
3) Attract different types of users and increase market share
Traveling APP products have unique advantages such as product richness, complete information, and quick ordering. They expand the traditional tourism industry's territory and allow more and more people to experience the fun of “intelligent tourism”.
4) Shaping corporate brand image, expanding its influence and popularity
Through the integration of online and offline resources, improve the service quality of the industry chain, increase user stickiness, enhance user experience, increase brand awareness and reputation, thus achieving both economic benefits and user word of mouth.
Third, travel Android APP development for users
The travel agency APP provides tourism booking services covering tourism clothing, food, housing, transportation, travel, shopping and entertainment, as well as tourist guides and scenic spot attractions. It provides personalized travel route design for users and allows them to travel. Express the endless fun journey.

Fourth, travel APP custom development common functions
1, booking function: to achieve anytime with the underground single travel at any time, more in line with the user's immediate decision-making ideas. Not only can you make reservations for tours, but you can also book hotels, attraction tickets, air tickets, train tickets, tourist visas and other services. Support online banking, Alipay, WeChat and other payment methods.
2. Guide function: The “tour guide” here has integrated various functions such as maps, navigation, voice commentary, and trip planning, which has subverted the concept of traditional tour guides.
3. Introduction to Attractions: Introduce the details of historical and cultural attractions, highlights of scenic spots, accommodations in scenic spots, food, and entertainment. The last recommended travel route is convenient for users to order.
4, tourism Raiders: Each user will look for Raiders before traveling, especially like driving, Raiders can provide information on food and accommodation, travel is the most popular content.
5. Itinerary management: The management section provides users with unified ticketing management services, and can easily get route planning. It can also share with peer partners to chat, keep accounts, and print photos.
6, map navigation: map navigation, including two aspects, one is the address of the travel agency branch navigation, and second, the navigation of the attractions. With LBS positioning technology, users can easily find the nearest and most convenient line.
7. Member Center: Visitors can log in through a third-party account binding, eliminating complicated registration. Member registration and reviews can earn points, points can get discounts, improve members' sense of belonging and belonging. Members can view their order status, publish reviews, redeem points, and more.
8. Live travel: By recording the GPS position of each picture, the system will automatically link the itinerary footprint on the map to automatically generate a complete footprint map and photos with timeline, realizing the sidewalk and edge. Record, share and other travel experiences.
9. Message Center: The company can push the latest travel information, preferential news, travel guides, travel tips and other information through the APP, as well as remind the user in advance of the weather, arrival time reminder, etc., to improve the user experience.
10. Sharing features: Most tourists are very willing to share their text travel and photography photos, maps, send partners, seek Raiders, questions, and can participate in various topic discussions.

Wednesday 21 March 2018

Unknown Pitfalls in the App Development Industry

In this mobile Internet world, app has become almost an indispensable tool in people's lives. At the same time, various innovative projects and strategic layouts of enterprises have gradually shifted to the mobile terminal, and more products and services have been adopted. The app has shown infinite value for the carrier.

In many mobile information projects of the API Cloud service, in fact, the coordinator of many project needs is not a technical origin. As the so-called “interlaced lines are separated by mountains”, the water in each industry can be described as incomplete and some informal outsourcing. In undertaking app development projects, the company used various technical means to set routines to seek profits, resulting in serious consequences for app development projects, and even some entrepreneurial projects would fail. Today, these unrecognized routines in app development singapore were revealed one by one. To prevent enterprises from suffering irreversible losses in the layout of mobile services.
1. Beware of false promotion sales model
Today, the thigh sales model is one of the most common means. In the case packs of all walks of life, Internet giants such as BAT can be seen everywhere, which greatly enhances the recognition of customers, but not Small and small app outsourcing companies usually spend money disguising themselves as a medium-to-large-scale Internet development company, or even temporarily changing licenses, forging corporate information and successful cases. However, after winning customer trust, technical services cannot keep up with demand.
So how can the Li Gui and Li Yu distinguish? In addition to the outsourcing company's site visits, it is also necessary to check the company's address and other relevant information to see if it matches the company name and address displayed on the Internet.
2. Looking at people's dishes, the function is getting more and more
At present, the app development industry does not have a unified charging standard. The duration and price of the app project are determined mainly by the complexity of the development function. For example, the more functions of an app and the more complex the user experience, the longer the duration. It also went up, and some outsourcing companies deliberately added app-independent features to increase overall project costs without Party A's understanding.
Preparing a clear development document is especially critical in the preparatory phase of app development. Therefore, it is recommended that you try to find a professional as a consultant. First, develop the document to clearly develop the various functional modules that the app needs to implement, and use this as a basis to evaluate Outsourcing company quotes and services.
3. One-man team with multiple positions
Appears to be a simple app, actually in the development process is the need to implement a variety of occupations in the team to cooperate with each other, including project managers, product managers, UI designers, development engineers, test engineers and other occupations, and in a smaller outsourcing The company, due to its emphasis on price advantage, cannot afford to pay for a variety of occupations, so many occupations are performed by one person. However, in the later stages of development and delivery, there are often cases where the project is delayed, which may affect the best time for the product to go online. In the fast-paced market environment, lagging behind competitors for a month, they may be eliminated from the fate of the game. In addition, there are no professional product managers involved in the project may also result in incomplete product logic, resulting in seed users to the product Experience is extremely declining, and subsequent attempts to open the market to attract users are even more difficult!
Therefore, when choosing an Android app development service provider, it is not only a matter of determining price as a determinant, but should also focus on quality. After all, the final development of the app is intended to provide users with more value.

4. The difference between template and customization
Compared with the app custom development project, the development difficulty and cost of the template app are much smaller, but the disadvantage is that the page can only be easily adjusted according to the original function and architecture of the template, and subsequent iterations cannot be iteratively upgraded. The product, and in today's mobile application industry, the non-customizable, non-renewable mobile business has almost no room for survival, and it will eventually find that the initial investment cost has been deducted. Therefore, it is recommended that companies with app development needs carefully consider the template app, and after the development, ask the service company for source code for subsequent use.

How to identify reliable outsource app development company

1. Follow the quotation
Above we have introduced the importance of the app development requirements document, so the formal app outsourcing company will do the detailed demand for the customer for the first time, and after thorough communication, according to the final app needs assessment form, Customer quotes.

So, can the account manager accurately analyze the demand and give the client some advice? Is the app demand quotation form detailed, and is the quotation and schedule of each function reasonable? These are all things that should be considered in the initial contact with outsourcing companies. Only irresponsible companies will come up with direct quotations and vowed to promise “lowest price”, “best deals” and other calibers, all to deceive the trust of customers. The means taken.
2. Focus on the company's benchmarking case
The app case is the most direct proof of the strength of the outsourcing company. Through the quantity and quality of the case, combined with the company's establishment time and the number of companies, the app is also assessed. Of course, there are also many app outsourcing companies that will “tuck” as described above. "Now most of the Internet's giants have the strength to build their own technical teams, so if this company is falsified, or this company has got some of the well-known app on the edge of the functional development projects.

3. The background of the outsourcing service company
The background of the company mainly focuses on what the core business is. For example, APICloud previously used the mobile application development platform as its predecessor, and it itself has strong technical strength. Some companies, whose predecessor was operating or marketing, later took over the app development project. The company may be slightly weak on the technical level.
Since 2017, since mobile app Singapore Internet industry has entered rapid growth, app has become the first entry point for all companies. Therefore, the app development market has mushroomed. Unlike the traditional PC software, the number of apps is even greater. Huge, but in the chaotic environment of the market, I believe that "integrity" is the firm can not survive the unchanging norms.

Tuesday 20 March 2018

The cost of app development in singapore

1. One is to use existing templates to modify
The use of the template has a small workload. If it is an APP with simple functions and less demanding customer requirements, it is only necessary for the artist to modify the page of the front desk to a certain extent. The minimum time is one or two days, and the minimum cost is 2,000 yuan to 3,000.

2, one is all redesigned
All redevelopment is more troublesome. Art, planning, APP developers, back-end programmers, and other types of work are required to be completed collaboratively. Large-scale and complex-functional APPs even require dozens of people. A simple app for life applications, not relying on the background, even design + development commissioned, direct development duration = 2 weeks, program + communication + test + modification = 2 weeks, before and after about 1 month to see the team quality, The price should be in the range of 30,000 to 100,000; complex front and back App, looking for spectrum team, the price should be around 100,000, and the period is about 2 months to 3 months.
3, the current mobile app development company, different software development companies, the price is not the same, a large mobile app company developed, custom applications are more professional, skilled, they may need the price relative Lower. But now, just customize a corporate application, product display, ranging from tens to thousands of prices. From customizing an APP to putting it into use, first the customer needs to pay about 30% of the deposit after signing the contract with the production company. The company will issue a preview of the software page to the customer. The customer can customize the color of the page according to their own needs. , functional division and other content for a comprehensive revision. After the customer finally decides to make a decision, he must pay 50% of the total cost.
4. Afterwards, the production company will make the production according to the requirements of the customer. According to the complexity of the APP, the process will be from half a month to several months. After the APP is successfully created, it will enter the test period. The test can be conducted by the company's expert on-line testing, or it can be delivered to the customer for use, and the customer can perform the test on its own. According to the problems found in the test, the company made another change.
The test period is about 3 months, and the simple APP time will be shorter. After the test is completed, the APP will be used by the customer, and the customer needs to pay the balance of the last 20%.

5. When the pp is released on the line, it does not count the channel promotion cost and does not advertise. The iOS App Store on the line requires the registration of a developer account, and the purchase of a certificate also requires a certain cost.
If App wants to run well, it must first invest money to promote your app. For an APP that has no popularity and no user base, promotion is a necessary part. At present, the most common promotion methods are download platform promotion, parallel mobile phone and home-made system promotion.
6, in general, the price of an app, the overall calculation is not cheap. If individuals or companies want to develop an app, or find some well-known app development companies to cooperate, so the cost is relatively small, in the Internet era of the Internet, app is the development trend of each SME, when someone asks how much money an APP needs, you can Answering a less complex app, starting from scratch, the first half of the year comes out from 2 to 200,000 to see how to choose.

The differences between IOS app development and Android development

With the development of the Internet, more and more people have switched from computers to mobile phones, because mobile phones are more convenient to use and portable, and now is the world of smart phones. Software system development is mainly IOS development and Android app development. Although Microsoft's system also has a certain impact on it, the impact is not great. When many entrepreneurs are considering developing apps, Apple and Android are the main considerations. The main reason is that because of the relatively large number of audiences, it is easier for them to succeed. In your opinion, what are the similarities and differences between these two kinds of development?

First, we first look at the common ground between the two:
In the development app, whether it is Apple development or Android development is actually a relatively tiring and troublesome work, others looked very glamorous, but the pain here is really to know before you know; Apple developers and Android developers think The line that he does has a promising future. It is undeniable that under the current performance of smart phones, the two are indeed promising; the development of mobile phone apps is mainly adapted to mobile phones, so the understanding of the two phones is still Very high; all object-oriented programming, development of the same application effects, functions can be achieved.
Second, after reading the public points, let's analyze the difference between the two:
1. High profile iPhone: Since Apple devices are generally more expensive than Android devices, plus other reasons, most iPhone developers will think that their grades are higher.
2. Android low-end: Android phones can do more things, pass an address book, send a text message, and so on, which makes Android developers have some low-end.

3. The impact of the iPhone is greater: Since most of the product managers and designers are heavy users of the iPhone, resulting from the beginning of the design are based on the iPhone as a prototype, the review of the PRD is also to review the iPhone's interactive prototype. Finally, the visual designer will create a set of high-fidelity annotations according to the iPhone's information architecture and Android's interactive components.

4. Development environment, different languages: Android development is open source and the language used is java language, and ios app development is closed, not open source and the language used is oc language, simply, the iOS development environment is MacOS+Xcode Android development environment for the windows/Linux+eclipse+androidSDK; there is more android devices, consider adapting. Ios Because the equipment is limited, the adaption needs little consideration and compatibility is very good.
5. Different hardware requirements: In theory, iOS is a mac machine, android is a normal PC. In fact, you can use the virtual machine under the macOS to build the android development environment. You can also build the iOS development environment under the windows virtual machine.