Thursday 28 December 2017

Four main functions commonly used in education APP development

With the current development of mobile Internet, the advantages of educational APP also stand out. As a platform for practical information sharing, educational APP plays an important role in learning how to interact with parents, both in terms of school branding and educational services for teachers, as well as in learning progress for students. Nowadays, mobile APP has almost become the standard of educational institutions. However, a successful education APP development is not so easy, we must first understand the current educational APP development difficulties, as well as common features which can better meet the needs of users and develop excellent APP. Here to bring you a detailed look.

Four main functions commonly used in education mobile APP development.

English learning and APP for the K12 market the most attention, children's education is the eternal topic. And a daily study, homework, exercises and other APP development has the following difficulties:

Update difficulties: As we all know, educational APP content huge, complicated. Especially for students to use APP, both mathematical formulas, but also chemical graphics; both classical Chinese and foreign language exercises, but also in different grades have different teaching content. Let alone still divided into daily study and examination. Students need to submit homework, teachers need to score. Therefore, an educational APP daily update has become a development difficulty, not only large, but also update the interface layout is different. At this point, the advantages of using HTML5 technology to develop APP are highlighted.

Multi-end difficult: Education APP there is a difficult point, that is, multi-terminal. A APP generally at least students and teachers end both ends, sometimes parents and so on. The difficulty of multi-end development Needless to say, the cost and time of development will also increase. One of the problems with multi-end educational APP development is that many of the features on multiple ends are reusable, such as jobs and exercises, which can cost a lot of development time and money if all are duplicated.

Common features in educational APP development

1, a variety of learning methods

No matter what time, anytime, anywhere can open the phone to learn. In learning can participate in many interactive activities, related to reality, enhance memory, but also can improve learning outcomes. Ensure that the content provided by educational APP, deep plowing, breaking the homogenization. Educational APP should be rich in content, guide students to learn, provide them with appropriate learning methods.

Four main functions commonly used in education APP development

2, precise positioning

The positioning of education APP development is very important, timely update and push new courses, new class schedule and other information, to tap potential customers. Educational APP developers in the production of educational APP, students need to fully understand the needs of students in order to provide more and better learning methods to cultivate children's interest in learning, so that they love to learn actively involved in learning to come.

3, the technical aspects need continuous optimization

Development of educational APP can log in through an account, member information download, statistics on the number of login can accurately understand the effectiveness of learning for students. Timely feedback of students, and then customize the more professional high-end education programs based on the feedback of the situation. Education APP software is different from the traditional education, not only need offline content, but also need online promotion. Online education requires educational APP visibility, fun and more humane design, the future of education APP development needs technical efforts.

4, educational android APP development needs to strengthen the interaction

Want to do online education APP, form an interactive circle is necessary. Such as the realization of the interaction between students, let them form their own circle of discussion. Or the interaction between the teacher and the student user in the online education APP, the student can promptly question the teacher on line if there is a problem with the student and finally obtain the solution from the teacher. To create such a circle to improve the educational APP users of the sticky, get rid of the plight of user activity, education and application development to better development.

In China, the education and training industry belongs to a particularly important part of the education industry. After the popularization of the Internet, the education and training industry also wants to occupy the place of the mobile Internet. At present, from the platform to build a website to analyze the core advantages of the eight online education models, APPs are constantly emerging. Through the application of APP mobile phones, education and training institutions can make offline training and mobile phone learning a useful integration. The traditional learning mode is based on the following line training, APP mobile applications to make training, is no longer listening to a single mode. Education APP development can develop online exchange, audition application, booking class, online courseware, course introduction, lecturer introduction, the latest offers and a series of features.

Moen network professional website development experts, as advanced services network services, for the majority of investment entrepreneurs, providing WeChat applet development, brand design and APP development services, ten years of network services experience, service enterprises more than 3000 +, and many Domestic well-known enterprises, is your trusted partner!

What thoughts should an App development company have?

1. Image and logical

Image thinking allows a product to be figurative, for example, in the app development of a market without new features, they need to be visualized through the image of thinking. The use of a product scene, the specific functions, how to meet the needs of users, these are the need for logical thinking to complete. Logical thinking can have been conceptual, judgmental, inferential form to achieve the understanding of the nature of things and the inherent relationship between the judgments.

2 theory with practical thinking

When you have a theoretical foundation, you need to turn it into reality and make it concrete through practice. Through continuous accumulation of experience, when encountered new things and phenomena can be associated with the actual theory to serve the business. Develop an APP, you need to have a forward-looking and a variety of promotional resources, app design decisions in the product launch time, to choose the best time to promote the product promotion.

3. Break the conventional

In every major application market, there are quite a few APPs of the same function, so APP development companies need unique ideas to better reflect their value. Being able to break the normal thinking is a must for a development company. In this way, it is possible to develop new and innovative products that attract users. Operators should choose those gaps in market demand, research and development of personalized products, in order to quickly capture the market and users.

4, user thinking

Is to use the heart to meet the needs of users, standing on the user's standpoint of a thinking mode, the ultimate focus of thinking in the "people." The use of "user thinking", we must do refined products, pay attention to experience first. Developers need regular contact with customers, customers always solve the doubts, and share the latest industry information, the latest trends to customers based on user habits and feedback, the appropriate product improvements, adjust the software features, and gradually meet the user's Various needs. Finally formulate the correct operation promotion strategy and direction.

5. Product thinking

As the name suggests is to create a good, novel product form to meet the needs of users a mode of thinking, the ultimate focus of thinking in the "thing." User demand for more practical products will be relatively large, so we develop the product should put practicality first, the practicality of the first place in our development app. In the fast-paced replacement application market, how to improve the product's retention period is the developer needs to consider. With the changing needs of users, APP companies only continue to develop unique products, and constantly enrich the product's service capabilities, and to force the promotion of means, is the application of long-term development should do the work content.

Wednesday 27 December 2017

Apple system upgrading again in singapore

Apple system upgrade again! Just download once App, iPhone, iPad and Mac will be updated simultaneously.
While many applications are only available on Apple's closed systems, there is a synergy between iPhone, iPad and Mac. In order to give users a better experience, Apple intends to integrate and unify the three platforms through easy-to-use applications and a centralized App Store.
On the evening of December 20, according to Bloomberg, Apple has used the same touch interaction method for many years on the iPhone and iPad, but this approach does not seem to work on Apple's desktops and laptops. For example, in the App Store on the Mac, the choice of application is very limited, and the program updates are relatively small. Today, Apple intends to provide a new way to change this situation, after which users can simultaneously use a series of applications on the iPhone, iPad and Mac.
According to people familiar with the situation, software developers can design applications that fit into touchscreens, mice and touchpads at the earliest next year, depending on whether they are running on iPhone and iPad operating systems or on Mac hardware In operation.

So for now, app developers still need to design two different apps - an operating system for iOS app development, mostly Apple's mobile devices, and the other for MacOS, which runs primarily on the Mac. Obviously, such a development operation will waste a lot of resources.
Also worth mentioning is that many Apple users have complained about Mac application updates for a long time. For example, while the Twitter app on the iPhone and iPad usually updates to the latest features of the social app, the Mac version has not been recently updated and many of the cup is considered unqualified.
Fortunately, after the new application is designed, an App can be applied to all Apple products. This means that users can receive the same updates and new features on both Mac, iPad and iPhone at the same time as long as they download the Twitter app.
Steven Troughton-Smith, an App Developer who has long been active in the Apple community, said: "Consolidating these applications will help in-depth integration of the iOS and macOS platforms rather than sacrificing one at development." And since iOS was introduced , This may be the biggest change facing the Apple software platform.
According to informed sources, iOS and macOS update is part of Apple's ongoing new strategy. It is reported that Apple is running a code-named "Marzipan" secret project. After years of hard work, Apple plans to launch the program next year. The insider also said that Apple may announce the project at the company's developer conference next year. However, the plan will change from time to time. In this regard, Apple spokesman did not comment.
In fact, Apple is not the first company to try to integrate mobile and PC apps. Microsoft had previously released a technology called the "Universal Windows Platform" when it stopped updating Windows software on smartphones. With this platform, developers can develop single applications that work for all devices, such as tablets, cell phones and laptops. Similarly, Google is also trying to bring the Play Store App's mobile apps to the Chrome OS desktop, allowing computer users to run software on smartphones and tablet platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat.
It is unclear whether Apple plans to integrate the standalone Mac and iOS App Store at the same time. But it should be noted that this year, Apple redesigned the App Store running on the iPhone and iPad. However, the Mac version has not been updated since 2014.
All along, Apple is trying to integrate their own hardware and software applications, at the same time in order to bring users a different experience. A few years ago, Apple began designing separate chips for iOS devices. Similarly, Apple is also designing chips for the Mac. Recently, Apple used the T2 chip in iMac Pro to share the security and performance management tasks for Intel processors. From the operation of Apple's App integration, Apple may also unify the Mac and iOS device processor.
If you do, Apple can more easily design a unified operating system for all of its devices. Will Apple do this? In fact, CEO Tim Cook is not very agree with this, he believes that the integration of iOS and macOS operating system will reduce the user experience. Meanwhile, Apple Software chief Craig Federighi sees iOS and macOS as a "compromise."
Maybe. But Apple had previously said it would not do something like a smaller iPad or a bigger iPhone. Then Apple did the same. So for the same operating system this thing, or can look forward to what.
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The concept and role of the mobile app scene in singapore

The role of the user is fixed, static, and only put it into a certain scene, will be alive and interact with the product.
Scenarios are "idealized" scenarios in which personas interact with the product. It tells the story of how each persona interacts with the product. Each person character will correspond to a scene, or even more, in order to cover various situations in which the user uses the scene.

Use personas for contextual mining in scenarios: Designing a sensible scenario for each personas, then brainstorming with staff (not just interaction and visual designers) of app design. At this stage everyone should have a deep empathy, and at every point of the joint he can put aside what he can think of, say it completely, and record the atmosphere at this time is also unconstrained and non-critical.
In this time axis "life day" as an example, to use mobile phone browser product character to carry out demand mining. for example:
In the morning, just get up: Will see the weather forecast, the calendar may be involved in the function: weather, calendar.
When eating breakfast: may look at the news, mail, and your own blog. This will be designed to news, microblogging and email.
And the traffic on the way: Morning Office: Noon Lunch: Afternoon Office: Before get off work: on the way: in the restaurant: home: blanket and so on a variety of state down to tap the possible functions.
Each person character through the mining of one or more scenes, to be listed on the functions involved, and according to each person's role in the importance of defining the weight of each function, and create excel file.

1.4 user demand for the promotion of product demand, resulting product demand list
The user needs obtained above, and can not be directly transferred to product demand, need to go through a certain evaluation and handsome election to examine the feasibility and necessity.
Feasibility: Is current technology and enterprise resources capable of mobile app developing that fully meet the needs of users under realistic conditions, such as current conditions and schedule.
Necessity: Whether or not these needs of users need to be met to meet the needs of enterprises to pay the price, and whether there is sufficient corporate effectiveness to support the operation of the market.

After the above verification, and combined with the aforementioned stakeholders described above, competing products, benchmarking market and internal seminars and other user needs obtained, so as to get a complete list of user needs.
All product requirements here are translated into product features. Staff can incorporate functional requirements collected during previous user research phases into a list of requirements that they later tap into the scene using the task's role. They essentially correspond to different personas.
Here, the product of the weight of the character (which can be divided into 3-point scale or 5-point scale according to the primary persona, the secondary persona, the unimportant persona, etc.) and the weight of the corresponding task is the overall degree of importance of the function.

Monday 25 December 2017

The differences between big companies and small companies of mobile APP development in singapore

Some people may think that this is why large companies need it. I need to consider in the early days of entrepreneurship so thin? Very clear to tell you, very much needed.
Wait until the error occurs and you go to solve the cost to be huge or directly lead to failure.

It is not just because he is a big company that a big company can do fine because he works fine to become a big mobile app development company.
And you do not think nobody will think about it for you. Do not rely on the software development company, they will only tell you this is a very simple matter, you come quickly, to be able to make a fortune, Internet people silly more. You do not say clearly what your APP needs specifically, and you end up losing yourself. Because you do not know exactly what you want to do when the software company you are looking for even more do not know.
You hope that they give you to think about the details, they will only give you a change of concept, jerry-building. Because doing so can give you a lower offer to increase your probability of choosing him.

Before there is a real example, a client with an irresponsible app developer only said that there is a registered login, but did not say he had to do to retrieve the password, the developer did not remind him. The last software is not recovered password. If you Tell me do not want to encounter such a situation they have been pit, please think about their App details as much as possible.
Such as a shopping cart features include, add to the shopping cart, remove from the shopping cart, add / reduce the number of a shopping cart, enter the number directly modify the number of products, bulk payment. These features inside you say a lot of developers will only do one, most developers will not consider the other. The average entrepreneur will think there are Taobao, ah, generally, why did not you do? (Entrepreneurs see are generally the kind of big company is very mature product), you know, Taobao's development costs are billion levels. And after many years of iteration and update.
Alibaba Group Q3 2015 Q3 earnings showed that product development expenses for the third quarter of 2015 were RMB3,225 million (about US $ 507 million), accounting for 15% of revenue. You're right, a quarter of 3.2 billion development costs. One year is more than 10 billion.
Most of the details you do not mention and developer, generally not. If other people will consider the more comprehensive for you, then the development costs will be high.

User needs and product requirements of app development in singapore

First of all we must find out that the user's needs are not the same as the product's demand.
User needs, in simple terms, users want to use a certain product isomorphism to achieve and meet certain needs. Such as safety, entertainment, communication, dating and so on. User needs is the user's real reaction to certain types of products.
The product requirements, is a collection of products or services to meet the needs of users. In other words, the user needs are not fully passed on to product demand. And product demand access is not just the user needs.

1. How to get the product demand
(1) user needs: user needs is the core source of product demand. However, not all user needs can be translated into product requirements. Users need sub-feasibility and necessity of verification, before they can be converted into product demand.
(2) Related Interests Partners: Developers, Consultants, Manufacturers, etc. Their research and analysis of the market and the product demand accumulated by the operation are good references for designing and analyzing the app development demand.
(3) Competitive Analysis: Benchmark the competitors' major products, analyze the key points and trends of the success of their products, and get feedback on similar products in the market.
(4) Benchmarking Market: The benchmarking market is a hot industry that has been successfully operated on similar products both at home and abroad. It analyzes the functions of similar products operated by well-known enterprises in the benchmarking market. Can understand the international and domestic advanced products in such products.
(5) internal product seminars, staff experience and internal expert assessment.
2. User needs extraction and mining methods
An effective way to understand user needs is user research, which is the first step in a user-centric design flow. The main research methods are: user interview, user observation, questionnaire survey, focus group, eye movement experiment and so on. And the resulting information and data processing and analysis. From which to extract the production of the initial user needs documents.
Obviously these needs are not enough. These needs are just user feedback on existing needs. In addition, app designers singapore can exploit the persona (portraiture) tool generated during the user research phase and place it in a specific context to capture potential user needs.

(1) Direct access through user research
A variety of questionnaires and data lists may appear during the user research phase. The collection of these data is not difficult, all it takes is patience and time.
In order to obtain more and better initial users' needs, user researchers need to specify which questions or options are set for the needs in the script design of the questionnaire design, user interview, focus group, etc., so that the subsequent stages of finishing .
(2) Mining characters in the scene.
Sources, Concepts, and Functions of Personas: The persona is not a real person, but it is based on the real human actions and motivations that we have observed and represents the true person throughout the design process, on the basis of ethnographic investigations The collected century user behavior data is based on a comprehensive model formed. In the research stage, we observe the user's behavior pattern, model it in the modeling stage, and finally generate the characters.
That is to say the character's role is from user research. Researchers through user research, through a certain number of users will be subdivided, resulting in different segments of the user base.
Subdivision of the user group after a certain assessment, adjustment, to determine the breakdown of role groups. Role group after a certain polish. Such as giving each group of characters distinctive personal attributes such as representative photos, names, occupations, and personalities to form different personas.
People roles are usually defined by their importance and specific definition: primary persona, secondary persona, unimportant persona, and exclusive persona.
Through the creation of personas, the results of user research are used to inform the design team members (decision makers, product managers, interaction designers, visual designers) in a simple and intuitive but very effective way to create a customer base Uniform understanding.
The concept and role of the scene: the user role is dead, static things, and only put it in a certain scene to live, and the product interaction.
Scenarios are "idealized" scenarios in which personas interact with the product. It tells the story of how each persona interacts with the product. Each person character will correspond to a scene, or even more, in order to cover various situations in which the user uses the scene.

Use personas for contextual mining in scenarios: Designing a sensible scenario for each personas, then brainstorming with staff (not just interaction and visual designers). At this stage each person should have a deep empathy and at every point of the joint he should fully understand what he can think of and record it. At this time, the atmosphere is also unconstrained and non-critical.
In this time axis "life day" as an example, to use mobile phone browser product character to carry out demand mining. for example:
In the morning, just get up: Will see the weather forecast, the calendar may be involved in the function: weather, calendar.
When eating breakfast: may look at the news, mail, and your own blog. This will be designed to news, microblogging and email.
And the traffic on the way: Morning Office: Noon Lunch: Afternoon Office: Before get off work: on the way: in the restaurant: home: blanket and so on a variety of state down to tap the possible functions.
Each person character through the mining of one or more scenes, to be listed on the functions involved, and according to each person's role in the importance of defining the weight of each function, and create excel file.

Sunday 24 December 2017

App Store will be exempt from some developers' fees in the United States in 2018

In the recent two years, the official Apple Appreciation Guide constantly updated App Store, launched a series of rules and regulations for various APP, designed to enhance the APP quality, user experience. Now, in order to attract more app developers to produce a large number of APPs, Apple introduced a new benefit - eliminating some developer fees and application sharing.
According to foreign media reports, in early 2018, Apple will provide free government and non-profit organizations developer qualifications, when this part of the developer can be exempt from the $ 99 a year developers fee, while the application of 30% of the purchase can be divided into Free.

Apple App Store will be exempt from some developer fees in the United States in 2018 trial.
It is reported that the program first pilot from the United States trial, the gradual promotion of the future for mobile app development. And currently only for non-profit organizations, government agencies.
In other words, business users and individual developers still need to pay the corresponding fees, not within the scope of this exemption.
It is worth mentioning that, today, Apple released a new "App Store Audit Guide." Apple's new Clause 3.31 states that all mechanisms in mobile games that provide 'open boxes' or other in-flight purchases of virtual goods must be notified of the out-of-the-box rate (lottery probability) for each type of item before they are purchased, .

Snowden has developed an Android app that can block espionage

Edward Snowden, a former Defense Department employee, became famous for disclosing U.S.-British surveillance programs (Prism Doors), which some see as "security fighters" on the Internet.

Snowden's recent move is about smartphones, and he and the team (the News Foundation, the Guardian Project) are involved in making  Android app development and have been on the Play Store called Haven.
Haven's current function is designed to call camera, microphone and other mobile phone sensors, the host environment to identify induction.
Officials say you can install Haven on a backup machine, and then when you're away from home or a hotel, the backup machine monitors if anyone has stolen it by light, sound, and more of app development.
These videos, photos and other "evidence" can also be set to send real-time mainframe, almost equivalent to a "watchdog."
Of course, Haven can also be installed on the mainframe, which has built-in encryption application Signal, and can be used with Orbot's darknet server to ensure that all data is encrypted locally.
Haven just shelved Play Store 3 days, currently rating 4.5, address: Click here to enter
Earlier, Snowden had also shared their own views on cell phone / laptop security, such as the proposal to only use the headset to answer the phone, blocking the laptop front camera.

Thursday 21 December 2017

What can we do when entering the app development cloud era in singapore

When the software industry in the cloud era, the road ahead how to go?
Every few years, the word change is pushed to everybody, every business, every industry, every field, and the only way to keep growing is to respond positively to change.
Now is a period of tremendous change, but just as the mobile Internet era, no one will think of Whatsapp, sharing a bicycle can have such a profound change in our life and work. As of today, many people still do not realize that the cloud Computation will subvert the past mode of production, or consider it not enough profound. When the mobile Internet era comes, many people think that holding a mobile phone to open a browser is a mobile Internet. Similarly, some people think that cloud computing is just moving the servers of their own equipment room into the data center of a cloud service provider.

The actual situation? Of course, there is more than that, or how can we be regarded as a new era?
How to keep up with the pace of the software industry?
Recently, frontline held a seminar on how to build the core competitiveness of the cloud-era app development companies, listening is very inspired. For example, the software industry is currently undergoing another great change. The meaning of the cloud is not only moving the code from online to offline, but also includes the entire industrial chain of software including consumption patterns, development and testing processes, and delivery processes. Develop a remodeling of the entire life cycle.
How to understand? The most shallow changes, lower resource acquisition costs, lower infrastructure maintenance costs, anytime, anywhere, with the use, which is the cloud characteristics of the decision. Further down, the gulf between software vendors and O & M parties is disappearing. The software industry has a distinct characteristic that a company can only radiate small areas, not because they do not want to go out Too many, and the emergence of the cloud to the two set up a seamless bridge between the two, many companies do not need to go to the scene can help customers solve the problem.
Once we had a business trip where to buy local souvenirs to bring back, but with the ebay, Amazon and other e-commerce platform, the app development of today's people have reduced this habit, because the Internet can buy anything. The future of the software industry will move in this direction.

This brings a positive side, more opportunities, companies can do business across the country, and even the world. Of course, the negative side is that enterprises will face a more competitive environment. The wheel of the development of the times is irreversible. If the enterprises want to survive and get better and better tomorrow, the only way to follow is to adapt to change and embrace change. In other words, efficiency, quality, income, customer satisfaction, and cost reduction. These are the goals of the software company and helping the software company achieve its goal is the mind of the frontline cloud software development cloud.

The advice of improving app development in singapore

With the development of mobile Internet, mobile APP development has been favored by the majority of users. According to statistics, in 2016, the overall size of APP users in China reached 560 million with a penetration rate of 75.0%. However, the rich APP market also hides the crisis.
There are new APPs on the market every day. Many APP brands will feel how creative their own special, how easy operation, but the application ranking is stagnant. The reason is actually very simple, when you are busy developing and publishing new APP, often overlook the most important factor in this process, that is: users!
I've compiled the following key tips for improving the user experience:
1, as many as possible to test your APP
Find 10, 20 or 50 people at random to test your APP, keep track of them, ask them to tell you their feelings. Listen carefully to their perceptions and opinions, observe how they use the app, and pay special attention to what they are most dissatisfied with. You and your team may perfect the APP by way of hypotheses, but the comments given by these testers are more pertinent than the changes that most analytics programs can give.

2, empathy
APP from the user's point of view to force yourself to think like an app user. Put yourself in the user's place, of course, you'd better try to use your app. We've been doing this lately because now they usually sit in their cars and order. We must break the normal thinking and think like a driver. This is a challenge and a recipe for developing the best APP.
3, focus on providing the most useful features
Developers can easily fall into the trap of what they call "feature sprawl" when developing an app. Developers will always want to add more new features to the user experience, but that's not true. You should learn to say "no" about new features and focus on providing users with the most useful features. A limited number of but powerful features are better than a large number of features that are not specialized.
4, God form one, the integration of appearance and function
You have to be both a programmer and a user interface designer, providing the best user experience with your product. Programmers can ensure the structural logic rationality, designers ensure that the application of the characteristics of artificial aesthetics. Of course, you also need to test your product, but from the perspective of both appearance and functionality, at least you can make sure you get the full information before making a decision. Founded in 2013, Zhengzhou Huahan Computer Software Co., Ltd. is devoted to mobile application development, client development, server development and mobile software development in all fields of mobile Internet. It insists on taking technology innovation as the core, user-oriented and user-oriented Experience, for enterprise customers to provide the most professional mobile application product development support and solutions.

5, the elderly test
Not so long ago, the test of most things raised the question: "Can an 8-year-old use and understand it?" For applications, the more applicable question is: "The 81-year-old can use and understand Is it? "You have to take this issue to improve your user experience. If even an 81-year-old enjoys using your app, everyone will love it.
6, in the APP to make changes before seeking the user's opinion
It is the best way to improve the user experience before soliciting users' opinions before making changes to the APP design. Analysis within the app may not fully reflect its greatest role for the user or it can give the user the greatest help. Different points of view help you solve the problem in new ways, and sometimes you may find that your app does not need to be as perfect as you originally intended.
7, think like a user
This one seems to be commonplace, as if everyone knows, but it is really the best way to improve the user experience. But when it comes to efficiency, it's not enough to just think about how user-friendliness can be achieved through the layout of items, features, and buttons on the page. You have to think about how users want to use the app and work hard with them.

Building blocks of mobile APP application environment

Hello, everyone, I am very happy to share the knowledge with everyone. I feel very excited. And today we learn mobile phone app learning, we all know, the development of APP for android programmers may be a very simple development, but for untouched complex language code can be really hard. Today, I will introduce you to an environment that can be developed offline or online. I personally understand that it should be the application's mobile APP development environment.
The reason for everyone to introduce it, mainly when I was doing control, part of the use of mobile phone APP development, was himself a monk Zhangzhang - scratching his head, but since the contact with this software, feel deep , So share with everyone, long winded for such a long time, some people may have been impatient, haha, here to say sorry, I will introduce one by one, I hope you leave a message guide, do not understand the development of friends, I hope it can Give everyone a new inspiration.

Next, I started our APP journey straight to the ground. This application is called AppInventor, it is Google introduced a software tool. This tool makes it easier for users to write applications for Android smartphones. Google This Android application allows people to drag and drop code blocks (represented by graphical images representing different smartphone features), putting the code together, similar to placing Lego blocks together. The result is an application created on a personal smartphone. This tool works only on phones running Android software and requires a Gmail account.
When using this tool with your Android smartphone, download a small piece of software. The tool is linked to the app developer URL to run and automatically synchronizes the plans created on the personal computer. When making a program, your phone must be USB connected to your computer. App Inventor, formerly a Google Lab sub-program, is powered by a group of Google users bravely challenged by Google engineers, a completely online Android programming environment that takes away the complexity of program code In addition, it also officially supports LEGO NXT robot, which is a boon for Android beginners or robot developers because it is very useful for controlling the robot using a mobile phone , They do not need too much gorgeous interface, just use the basic components such as buttons, text input and output can be "- the sentence quoted 360 Baidu Encyclopedia. Described so much, in fact, simply put it is a you do not need to understand Java, andrio, C, C # and other cumbersome development language, as long as you know logic and app design, you can design a perfect own APP.

All App next year must support Android 8.0 in singapore

Android ecological disorder, fragmentation, App development slow and other defects are already not a secret, so these things Google itself, of course, also look in the eyes. However, there are problems to be solved naturally, Google yesterday released a blog on the Android developer rules that will be strongly push Android 8.0 adaptation work, Android App developers will be busy now.

Google specific requirements have four points: ① from August 2018, all applications submitted to the Play Store must be developed for Android 8.0; ② from November 2018 , all in the Play Store in the App must meet and Compatible with Android 8.0 development norms; In early 2018, the new APK installation files need to add new metadata, in order to facilitate verification; Starting in August 2019, all Android App must support 64-bit systems.
This means that in August next year to November, Google will clean the Play Store, does not meet the Android 8.0 development of the application can not be added to the shelves, but has been on the App to update must comply with Android 8.0 development norms. Some people may say that since there are so many third-party application stores have App download, Chinese users are not affected, but the third is very terrible, Google directly from the apk file verification, applications that do not pass Play Store authentication will jump out Reminder, whether under the third-party application store or mobile phone manufacturers have built-in applications have been developed as required.

In fact, this is indeed a very big improvement for Android phones, because Android developers in the past in order to be compatible with more phones are generally used much lower than the current version of the API for app development singapore, resulting in extremely low application efficiency, which everyone Are provided for Android 8.0, not only can improve efficiency, but also to promote mobile phone manufacturers to follow up Android 8.0 system upgrade.

Wednesday 20 December 2017

Do you have confusions of app development in singapore

Recently, through the investigation, we now propose: to reduce the legal risk for the APP user personal information security and app developers, it is recommended that the APP no longer read the contents of the user's SMS to help protect personal information.

Proposal of "APP no longer reads user sms"
Do you have such confusion:
● permission to install APP pop-up box I never see, can not read it.
● Read Phonebook, Read SMS, Get Accurate Location ... Do you need to read so much information?
● I chose "do not agree", the result of the APP can not be installed, can not be used, what can I do?

The facts you need to know:
● One of the things we did through interviews and tests during the past month: some private information that you risk when you allow an app to acquire it without much benefit to yourself or your app.
● Among them, the "read SMS" permission is the most typical.
● "read SMS" permissions, in short, is the application developers can read each of your SMS content.
● The main function of "read message" is: when you are too lazy to fill in the verification code in SMS, the application will read your verification code and automatically fill it out for you. In addition, very few APP design service functions must be implemented by reading user messages.
● However, for non-standard applicants, you can learn your bank card balance, your spending habits and even list your daily spending list by reading your messages one by one.

● If the application provider refers to a black industry or application loopholes, your above information will soon spread throughout the network, trading at a very low price, you will easily become a fraud crime goal in mobile .
● For merchants, although acquiring customer information helps to form user portraits for accurate marketing, the privacy information is different from ordinary information, which means more legal risks.
● The Cyber ​​Security Act clearly stipulates that network operators should not collect personal information unrelated to the service they provide.
● The "personal property information" and "authentication information (password)" related to SMS are already the standard "personal sensitive information".
● According to judicial interpretations released by the "two highs", illegal acquisition, sale or provision of 50 or more "personal sensitive information" has become a crime and the legal risk is huge.

So we call:
● We appeal that you turn off all applications in the phone settings to read your SMS permissions and manually fill in the verification code in the message to protect their privacy and property security.
● We urge the application to no longer request "read SMS" permission, nor write the relevant instructions in the code.

The criteria an app development company need in singapore

With the rapid development of mobile Internet, the business model of traditional enterprises has become more and more difficult. Therefore, the traditional industries take advantage of the Internet plus the windmills, have embarked on the road to transformation, whether it is active restructuring, or forced to transition, the transition is the key to success, then how to use the Internet platform to sell their products and services to 900 million Users of Internet users, the Internet can quickly occupy a place among the new market .

With the development of mobile Internet and smart phones, the mobile APP application has become the most important traffic platform in the mobile market. The traditional enterprise wants to better realize the transformation and development and seize the mobile terminal market. The best way is to develop a mobile enterprise belonging to the enterprise Its own APP, whether it is E-commerce APP or financial APP or service APP can achieve good corporate financing and corporate brand promotion to enhance user viscosity, since you want to develop APP, then find a regular flyer development company Is the key, in the field of APP development, how to evaluate a company's good or bad?
I think there are several criteria for evaluating an APP development company:
1, the strength of the development team, the first team to develop the scale, project development case, or project development years.

2, the project bidding process, under normal circumstances can not be given a clear quote when consulting, only the general price, professional formal APP development company in the quotation is, we must first understand the specific functional requirements of unique development projects, more complex functional requirements Degree, according to the complexity and cycle price.
3, after-sales service, professional APP development company, improve after-sales service system, including technical training and guidance, bug fixes, server and routine maintenance, emergency handling.

We relies on its years of deep plowing and settling in the IT industry. With its profound understanding of the industry, Our company is committed to providing Chinese enterprises with Internet + solutions to solve problems such as Internet + mode, platform development and operation promotion of enterprises; providing enterprises with Internet + consulting, mobile app development singapore, industry solutions, network marketing, venture capital docking and other Internet + services; maximize the overall customer competitive advantage and value to help customers achieve the Internet + best practices to meet customer business fast Different needs of development.

Monday 18 December 2017

Four main reasons why your APP is not used in singapore

With the continuous development of intelligence and the popularization of mobile devices, the impact of mobile APP on people's lives is increasing. In order to adapt to the trend of the times, many development and technical teams are devoting themselves to the development of APP. There are many APP softwares continuously developed . That mobile APP as a new marketing tool, its users with high precision, strong cohesion, big enough to build the brand image of the APP, as small as the service activities of the APP, so many companies are also increasing emphasis on APP Development and application. But now a lot of APP developed, the real success but few and far between, are these reasons? Here's a detailed analysis.
In fact, most of the mobile phone APP users are few and far between, mainly due to the following four major errors:

First, the lack of overall planning APP
Many projects in the development of APP before the project did not do a good job of overall planning, which is like building a house without drawings, the final product developed and expected results far from. Therefore, before the APP is developed, the project planning is completed, the core functions required by the project are realized, the system architecture used, and the product brain diagram and development requirement document are formed.
Second, follow the traditional concept of PC-side applications
Many APP products are miniature versions of PC-side applications that are not very relevant in function, but the screen is smaller. In fact, the user experience between the two is completely different. Because mobile phones use small screens, touch interactions, and fragmented scenes, mobile applications are clearly defined and easy to operate. They do not like complicated Time-consuming operation. Therefore, APP applications must be streamlined and fast, focusing on those really useful features, in a sense that this is a good thing for product designers.

Third, the blind use of WebApp development
Due to the high cost of native APP development, long development cycles, and the relative complexity of testing and maintenance, many developers are trying to simplify their development with Web App (HTML5 APP) development. The APP has become a mobile web site form, slow, often flashback, the user hard to find the features needed. To know that users are not concerned about the complexity of the APP development process, they are not likely to succumb to web-based applications that have poor user experience and are difficult to adapt.
Fourth, the function of large and complete
Many companies fantasize with a full-featured platform-level app from the very beginning. In the product planning and app design, the market will be popular products or features directly applied over, making the product function bloated, this is a terrible mistake, but also an endless loop.
So, in summary, any successful APP development must be able to address one or more of the user's pain points. Therefore, we do product design, we must first understand Jiaxing design website development of different types of APP how to quote? Second, it should focus on the core functions of the product, remove redundant features, so as to develop a high user loyalty APP products.
Moen website construction platform, is a company with 10 years experience in website construction and program development, platform services: website construction, WeChat development, WeChat applet development, APP development, software development, P2P financial system development, network school system development , O2O system development, VI application design, trademark registration, network marketing, printing services and other projects.

E-commerce APP development solutions in singapore

In recent years, with the rapid development of the mobile electricity market, mobile phone software has become the mainstream market in the future. Mobile e-commerce is also becoming a rapidly emerging emerging consumer market model. In order to be able to seize a place in the market, major electricity providers began to shift to the mobile Internet market. E-commerce APP is bound to become an indispensable application of our lives, will provide greater convenience for our lives.
First, an overview of e-commerce APP development:
E-commerce APP development can easily allow users to grasp the situation of consumer goods at the time of purchase, the price, so shopping around. Is to be more in line with the user's current spending habits, there is no regional restrictions; users can search anytime, anywhere mobile phones and other suitable products, to facilitate consumption, such a trend will be reflected in the future will become more apparent.
Second, e-commerce APP development can solve what problems:
For users, allowing users to directly browse the introductory merchandise display on the mobile phone via the merchant APP, getting rid of the traditional browsing obstacles, the best shopping experience for e-commerce APP, allowing consumers to trade quickly and save time.
For businesses, e-commerce APP development is not only secure, stable and powerful, but also combines ease of operation with an on-line, independent sales platform through a mobile client. It also helps establish an online brand image.
Third, e-commerce APP development features:
1, a vast mobile market: With the full popularity of smart phones, shopping by mobile phone APP users are growing.
2, Convenient shopping: breakthrough time, space limitations, mobile phone point anytime, anywhere easy shopping experience.
3, secure mobile payment: mobile phone operating system maturity and encryption, so that the phone is more secure than computer payments, users buy more at ease.
4, easy to interact, easy to use, reduce the threshold of business and user communication.

Fourth, Android app development features:
1, backstage management system: product display system, other auxiliary functions, membership and payment function system.
2, product release system: product list, product display, product description and user collections, direct purchase, evaluation and background release product information, new product information can be pushed directly to the customer.
3. Member Center and Settlement System: The platform includes member information, edit member basic information, inquiry order information and receiving address management information, settlement system, order generation and settlement interface, etc. At the same time, users can also participate in various types through points and discount system Promotions and redemption; increase customer stickiness while enhancing secondary consumption.

How to calculate app development price in singapore

With the development of mobile Internet, mobile app development has become the trend of the times. App development technology has become more and more mature and gradually popularized. Now it is very simple to create an app. How much does it cost to develop an app? How much does it cost to make an app? I think that's one of the issues most app developers receive the most from their clients. After all, how much does it cost to produce an APP? Today, I will detailed analysis of this issue, please continue to look down.

1, different production costs of mobile APP platform is not the same
How much does it cost to make an APP? There are currently two popular native mobile APP production platforms on the market: Android and iOS. The production cost of mobile phone APP software for making different platforms varies. In general, the cost of making APP software for mobile phone iOS app development is more expensive than that of Android platform. Because Apple has closed the iOS platform and the mobile phone APP-developing language Objective-C The difficulty of making APP developers have increased the difficulty of iOS system mobile APP development. Therefore, how much to develop an APP, and the development of the version.
2, APP production costs include the salaries of participants
Usually, an APP production development process needs a app developer, a client engineer, a UI designer and a product manager. This is already a relatively simple configuration for making a mobile APP application. Therefore, the salaries of these participants are also Included in APP production costs. The monthly salary of these workers may add up to more than 45,000 yuan of production APP costs. So, how much to make an app is related to these factors.

3, the cost of mobile APP also depends on its functional complexity
In addition to the APP costs mentioned above, the APP platform and participants' salaries are also affected by the complexity of the APP's production functions. A simple APP may need a shorter production time, then the cost of APP production will be less, usually 6 to 10 million can be completed a simple APP production; a little more complicated mobile phone APP features, production time will be Longer, then the cost required is relatively high, you may need a dozen to hundreds of thousands of price.

4, the location of outsourcing team
How much money can make an APP, in fact, the same ability of the outsourcing team, in different cities will result in differences in APP cost price. For example, outsourcing teams in Beijing, Shenzhen and Shanghai are naturally more expensive to develop because of the relatively higher salary and other expenses for local developers.
5, customer budget
If there is a lot of demand for the production of APP products, but the budget is not enough, so it is also plausible that customers should determine the functional requirements of the products according to the budget. To budget APP software development costs are how much money.

What is popular today of app development technology in singapore

In recent years, with the rapid development of the Internet, the use of mobile App has become more and more popular in people's lives. With the rapid development of the demand of App, the mobile App development technology has gradually become mature nowadays and there are many popular products in the market App Development Technology. So what are the specific app development technology is now popular? I will tell you today.

First, the native App development technology
First of all, to introduce the mobile application development technology used by most App developers, and also the developing technology used by mobile App software on the market, it is based on iOS platform and Android platform App development technology, these two Kind of mobile phone development and application software technology are collectively referred to as native App development technology.
The development technology language used in the development of mobile apps based on the iOS platform is Objective-C. However, in 2014, Apple also released a new Apple mobile application development language called Swift Language at the developer's conference. IOS App application can be developed in both languages. The technical languages ​​used in the mobile App development that runs smoothly on the Android operating system platform are C language and Java language. Both of these App development technology languages ​​need to be adapted to different App development tools to write and implement App functions respectively. Using the NDK native suite provided by Google for App Developers; the Java technology development language requires the Eclipse Mobile App Development Tools.
App applications developed using native App development technology can be downloaded and installed directly on the user's mobile phone, which is also the development technology used by most App software.
Second, HTML5 phone App development language
Then, to talk about science and technology to be talked about is the HTML5 mobile App development language, this App development technology language was also developed by the World Wide Web in 2014 HTML5 technical standards, so easy to use HTML5 mobile App technology by many developers.
The biggest advantage of HTML5 development technology is that it can be debugged and modified directly on the web page. Therefore, there are many mobile phone magazine App client development based on HTML5 standard. And with the finalization of HTML5 technical standards, more and more Singapore App developers began to use HTML5 technology to develop mobile App applications, HTML5 mobile App development technology has also been the development prospects of many industry optimistic.

Thursday 14 December 2017

The process of mobile app development in singapore

The operation of each mobile phone is a combination of hardware and software. The competition in mobile phone hardware has never stopped. As the quality of hardware converges, the software experience becomes crucial. More and more companies are beginning to develop their own APP, all kinds of business, services are summarized in a small APP which greatly facilitates the customers and their own use. Frequent customer inquiries about APP development process is like? Are divided into several stages? Need to pay attention to what matters and so on. I sort out the entire APP detailed and complete development process, hoping to help companies interested in developing APP.

First, user needs analysis

User needs analysis is the most important part of the entire APP development process. The success or failure of an APP is also determined by this. The user needs analysis here is based on the user's requirements to sort out the APP function. The main body is the user, "user-centric" because many companies require the development of the APP is for its users, so finishing APP development needs, not only to understand the needs of the development of enterprises, but also understand its customer base The demand. Finally, these needs are sorted, classified, sorted out the general APP functional framework. This process requires close communication with customers, and strive to be without any doubt, so as to avoid the development of impractical APP.

Second, the product prototype app design

After conducting a round of user needs analysis, the sorted requirements are sorted and sorted into functional structure modules. In this case, the existing functional modules can be used to build a simple product prototype. The product prototype is similar to the sketch of an APP product, showing the basic functional structure to the customer, and can simulate similar APP products with product prototyping software. The prototype of this product to confirm with the customer, confirmed that we can enter the next part of the development.

Third, UI visual design

Based on the product prototype,app developer began to beautify the interface of the APP, according to the performance of the layout of the layout design, design style control, and each area for the corresponding color, draw function menu icons, design page Elements, etc., in the meantime you need constant communication and modification, and ultimately design all the APP interface renderings. Fourth, the database structure According to the needs of the analysis of functional data processing, the establishment of a reasonable structure of the database table, optimize the data algorithms to improve the efficiency of data processing, data in the process of using APP to ensure the safety, accuracy, stability and Timeliness.

Fifth, server development

The core process of APP application is completed by the server-side program, the client's APP just need to send and receive data. Due to the limited hardware configuration and storage capacity of the user's mobile device, the core data processing process is performed by the server. This method is also called cloud computing and is fed back to the client APP after the server finishes processing. Therefore, the development of server-side program is extremely important, all the functions need to be strictly in accordance with the needs of the analysis phase of finishing functions to develop.

Six, iOS / Android client development

Programmer in accordance with the APP renderings for client development, the design renderings of the code implementation, write function call interface, connect the server side, the server-side data to interact with the development of consistent with the results of the APP client.

Seven, APP program testing

Developed a good app client for a comprehensive test, the test simulates the normal use of the user and the abnormal use of the situation, usually some test data into the test, the test results are recorded, the error is returned to the development stage Repair, if the test is passed, then the overall APP development process has been completed. The finished APP application to users for trial, the user satisfaction after the next step. Eight, uploaded to the application store After completing the signature verification, the development of a good client APP program submitted to the application store. iOS version of the APP submitted to Apple's AppStore, Android's submission to the major domestic Android application store.

Eight, APP maintenance and update

The APP after going online is maintained, user feedback is collected, and bugs in APP applications are fixed in time. If the client needs to update the function of the APP, it will return to the stage of developing the required functions and the updates will be released after the new function is developed and tested.

As you can see, a APP's development process is not simple, each step is rigorous and meticulous, which requires the development team has a profound experience and close cooperation, the only way to create a popular, easy and smooth operation, In line with customer habits APP.