Monday 18 December 2017

What is popular today of app development technology in singapore

In recent years, with the rapid development of the Internet, the use of mobile App has become more and more popular in people's lives. With the rapid development of the demand of App, the mobile App development technology has gradually become mature nowadays and there are many popular products in the market App Development Technology. So what are the specific app development technology is now popular? I will tell you today.

First, the native App development technology
First of all, to introduce the mobile application development technology used by most App developers, and also the developing technology used by mobile App software on the market, it is based on iOS platform and Android platform App development technology, these two Kind of mobile phone development and application software technology are collectively referred to as native App development technology.
The development technology language used in the development of mobile apps based on the iOS platform is Objective-C. However, in 2014, Apple also released a new Apple mobile application development language called Swift Language at the developer's conference. IOS App application can be developed in both languages. The technical languages ​​used in the mobile App development that runs smoothly on the Android operating system platform are C language and Java language. Both of these App development technology languages ​​need to be adapted to different App development tools to write and implement App functions respectively. Using the NDK native suite provided by Google for App Developers; the Java technology development language requires the Eclipse Mobile App Development Tools.
App applications developed using native App development technology can be downloaded and installed directly on the user's mobile phone, which is also the development technology used by most App software.
Second, HTML5 phone App development language
Then, to talk about science and technology to be talked about is the HTML5 mobile App development language, this App development technology language was also developed by the World Wide Web in 2014 HTML5 technical standards, so easy to use HTML5 mobile App technology by many developers.
The biggest advantage of HTML5 development technology is that it can be debugged and modified directly on the web page. Therefore, there are many mobile phone magazine App client development based on HTML5 standard. And with the finalization of HTML5 technical standards, more and more Singapore App developers began to use HTML5 technology to develop mobile App applications, HTML5 mobile App development technology has also been the development prospects of many industry optimistic.

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