Monday 18 December 2017

How to calculate app development price in singapore

With the development of mobile Internet, mobile app development has become the trend of the times. App development technology has become more and more mature and gradually popularized. Now it is very simple to create an app. How much does it cost to develop an app? How much does it cost to make an app? I think that's one of the issues most app developers receive the most from their clients. After all, how much does it cost to produce an APP? Today, I will detailed analysis of this issue, please continue to look down.

1, different production costs of mobile APP platform is not the same
How much does it cost to make an APP? There are currently two popular native mobile APP production platforms on the market: Android and iOS. The production cost of mobile phone APP software for making different platforms varies. In general, the cost of making APP software for mobile phone iOS app development is more expensive than that of Android platform. Because Apple has closed the iOS platform and the mobile phone APP-developing language Objective-C The difficulty of making APP developers have increased the difficulty of iOS system mobile APP development. Therefore, how much to develop an APP, and the development of the version.
2, APP production costs include the salaries of participants
Usually, an APP production development process needs a app developer, a client engineer, a UI designer and a product manager. This is already a relatively simple configuration for making a mobile APP application. Therefore, the salaries of these participants are also Included in APP production costs. The monthly salary of these workers may add up to more than 45,000 yuan of production APP costs. So, how much to make an app is related to these factors.

3, the cost of mobile APP also depends on its functional complexity
In addition to the APP costs mentioned above, the APP platform and participants' salaries are also affected by the complexity of the APP's production functions. A simple APP may need a shorter production time, then the cost of APP production will be less, usually 6 to 10 million can be completed a simple APP production; a little more complicated mobile phone APP features, production time will be Longer, then the cost required is relatively high, you may need a dozen to hundreds of thousands of price.

4, the location of outsourcing team
How much money can make an APP, in fact, the same ability of the outsourcing team, in different cities will result in differences in APP cost price. For example, outsourcing teams in Beijing, Shenzhen and Shanghai are naturally more expensive to develop because of the relatively higher salary and other expenses for local developers.
5, customer budget
If there is a lot of demand for the production of APP products, but the budget is not enough, so it is also plausible that customers should determine the functional requirements of the products according to the budget. To budget APP software development costs are how much money.

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