Sunday 24 December 2017

App Store will be exempt from some developers' fees in the United States in 2018

In the recent two years, the official Apple Appreciation Guide constantly updated App Store, launched a series of rules and regulations for various APP, designed to enhance the APP quality, user experience. Now, in order to attract more app developers to produce a large number of APPs, Apple introduced a new benefit - eliminating some developer fees and application sharing.
According to foreign media reports, in early 2018, Apple will provide free government and non-profit organizations developer qualifications, when this part of the developer can be exempt from the $ 99 a year developers fee, while the application of 30% of the purchase can be divided into Free.

Apple App Store will be exempt from some developer fees in the United States in 2018 trial.
It is reported that the program first pilot from the United States trial, the gradual promotion of the future for mobile app development. And currently only for non-profit organizations, government agencies.
In other words, business users and individual developers still need to pay the corresponding fees, not within the scope of this exemption.
It is worth mentioning that, today, Apple released a new "App Store Audit Guide." Apple's new Clause 3.31 states that all mechanisms in mobile games that provide 'open boxes' or other in-flight purchases of virtual goods must be notified of the out-of-the-box rate (lottery probability) for each type of item before they are purchased, .

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