Thursday 21 December 2017

What can we do when entering the app development cloud era in singapore

When the software industry in the cloud era, the road ahead how to go?
Every few years, the word change is pushed to everybody, every business, every industry, every field, and the only way to keep growing is to respond positively to change.
Now is a period of tremendous change, but just as the mobile Internet era, no one will think of Whatsapp, sharing a bicycle can have such a profound change in our life and work. As of today, many people still do not realize that the cloud Computation will subvert the past mode of production, or consider it not enough profound. When the mobile Internet era comes, many people think that holding a mobile phone to open a browser is a mobile Internet. Similarly, some people think that cloud computing is just moving the servers of their own equipment room into the data center of a cloud service provider.

The actual situation? Of course, there is more than that, or how can we be regarded as a new era?
How to keep up with the pace of the software industry?
Recently, frontline held a seminar on how to build the core competitiveness of the cloud-era app development companies, listening is very inspired. For example, the software industry is currently undergoing another great change. The meaning of the cloud is not only moving the code from online to offline, but also includes the entire industrial chain of software including consumption patterns, development and testing processes, and delivery processes. Develop a remodeling of the entire life cycle.
How to understand? The most shallow changes, lower resource acquisition costs, lower infrastructure maintenance costs, anytime, anywhere, with the use, which is the cloud characteristics of the decision. Further down, the gulf between software vendors and O & M parties is disappearing. The software industry has a distinct characteristic that a company can only radiate small areas, not because they do not want to go out Too many, and the emergence of the cloud to the two set up a seamless bridge between the two, many companies do not need to go to the scene can help customers solve the problem.
Once we had a business trip where to buy local souvenirs to bring back, but with the ebay, Amazon and other e-commerce platform, the app development of today's people have reduced this habit, because the Internet can buy anything. The future of the software industry will move in this direction.

This brings a positive side, more opportunities, companies can do business across the country, and even the world. Of course, the negative side is that enterprises will face a more competitive environment. The wheel of the development of the times is irreversible. If the enterprises want to survive and get better and better tomorrow, the only way to follow is to adapt to change and embrace change. In other words, efficiency, quality, income, customer satisfaction, and cost reduction. These are the goals of the software company and helping the software company achieve its goal is the mind of the frontline cloud software development cloud.

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