Monday 18 December 2017

Four main reasons why your APP is not used in singapore

With the continuous development of intelligence and the popularization of mobile devices, the impact of mobile APP on people's lives is increasing. In order to adapt to the trend of the times, many development and technical teams are devoting themselves to the development of APP. There are many APP softwares continuously developed . That mobile APP as a new marketing tool, its users with high precision, strong cohesion, big enough to build the brand image of the APP, as small as the service activities of the APP, so many companies are also increasing emphasis on APP Development and application. But now a lot of APP developed, the real success but few and far between, are these reasons? Here's a detailed analysis.
In fact, most of the mobile phone APP users are few and far between, mainly due to the following four major errors:

First, the lack of overall planning APP
Many projects in the development of APP before the project did not do a good job of overall planning, which is like building a house without drawings, the final product developed and expected results far from. Therefore, before the APP is developed, the project planning is completed, the core functions required by the project are realized, the system architecture used, and the product brain diagram and development requirement document are formed.
Second, follow the traditional concept of PC-side applications
Many APP products are miniature versions of PC-side applications that are not very relevant in function, but the screen is smaller. In fact, the user experience between the two is completely different. Because mobile phones use small screens, touch interactions, and fragmented scenes, mobile applications are clearly defined and easy to operate. They do not like complicated Time-consuming operation. Therefore, APP applications must be streamlined and fast, focusing on those really useful features, in a sense that this is a good thing for product designers.

Third, the blind use of WebApp development
Due to the high cost of native APP development, long development cycles, and the relative complexity of testing and maintenance, many developers are trying to simplify their development with Web App (HTML5 APP) development. The APP has become a mobile web site form, slow, often flashback, the user hard to find the features needed. To know that users are not concerned about the complexity of the APP development process, they are not likely to succumb to web-based applications that have poor user experience and are difficult to adapt.
Fourth, the function of large and complete
Many companies fantasize with a full-featured platform-level app from the very beginning. In the product planning and app design, the market will be popular products or features directly applied over, making the product function bloated, this is a terrible mistake, but also an endless loop.
So, in summary, any successful APP development must be able to address one or more of the user's pain points. Therefore, we do product design, we must first understand Jiaxing design website development of different types of APP how to quote? Second, it should focus on the core functions of the product, remove redundant features, so as to develop a high user loyalty APP products.
Moen website construction platform, is a company with 10 years experience in website construction and program development, platform services: website construction, WeChat development, WeChat applet development, APP development, software development, P2P financial system development, network school system development , O2O system development, VI application design, trademark registration, network marketing, printing services and other projects.

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