Monday 25 December 2017

User needs and product requirements of app development in singapore

First of all we must find out that the user's needs are not the same as the product's demand.
User needs, in simple terms, users want to use a certain product isomorphism to achieve and meet certain needs. Such as safety, entertainment, communication, dating and so on. User needs is the user's real reaction to certain types of products.
The product requirements, is a collection of products or services to meet the needs of users. In other words, the user needs are not fully passed on to product demand. And product demand access is not just the user needs.

1. How to get the product demand
(1) user needs: user needs is the core source of product demand. However, not all user needs can be translated into product requirements. Users need sub-feasibility and necessity of verification, before they can be converted into product demand.
(2) Related Interests Partners: Developers, Consultants, Manufacturers, etc. Their research and analysis of the market and the product demand accumulated by the operation are good references for designing and analyzing the app development demand.
(3) Competitive Analysis: Benchmark the competitors' major products, analyze the key points and trends of the success of their products, and get feedback on similar products in the market.
(4) Benchmarking Market: The benchmarking market is a hot industry that has been successfully operated on similar products both at home and abroad. It analyzes the functions of similar products operated by well-known enterprises in the benchmarking market. Can understand the international and domestic advanced products in such products.
(5) internal product seminars, staff experience and internal expert assessment.
2. User needs extraction and mining methods
An effective way to understand user needs is user research, which is the first step in a user-centric design flow. The main research methods are: user interview, user observation, questionnaire survey, focus group, eye movement experiment and so on. And the resulting information and data processing and analysis. From which to extract the production of the initial user needs documents.
Obviously these needs are not enough. These needs are just user feedback on existing needs. In addition, app designers singapore can exploit the persona (portraiture) tool generated during the user research phase and place it in a specific context to capture potential user needs.

(1) Direct access through user research
A variety of questionnaires and data lists may appear during the user research phase. The collection of these data is not difficult, all it takes is patience and time.
In order to obtain more and better initial users' needs, user researchers need to specify which questions or options are set for the needs in the script design of the questionnaire design, user interview, focus group, etc., so that the subsequent stages of finishing .
(2) Mining characters in the scene.
Sources, Concepts, and Functions of Personas: The persona is not a real person, but it is based on the real human actions and motivations that we have observed and represents the true person throughout the design process, on the basis of ethnographic investigations The collected century user behavior data is based on a comprehensive model formed. In the research stage, we observe the user's behavior pattern, model it in the modeling stage, and finally generate the characters.
That is to say the character's role is from user research. Researchers through user research, through a certain number of users will be subdivided, resulting in different segments of the user base.
Subdivision of the user group after a certain assessment, adjustment, to determine the breakdown of role groups. Role group after a certain polish. Such as giving each group of characters distinctive personal attributes such as representative photos, names, occupations, and personalities to form different personas.
People roles are usually defined by their importance and specific definition: primary persona, secondary persona, unimportant persona, and exclusive persona.
Through the creation of personas, the results of user research are used to inform the design team members (decision makers, product managers, interaction designers, visual designers) in a simple and intuitive but very effective way to create a customer base Uniform understanding.
The concept and role of the scene: the user role is dead, static things, and only put it in a certain scene to live, and the product interaction.
Scenarios are "idealized" scenarios in which personas interact with the product. It tells the story of how each persona interacts with the product. Each person character will correspond to a scene, or even more, in order to cover various situations in which the user uses the scene.

Use personas for contextual mining in scenarios: Designing a sensible scenario for each personas, then brainstorming with staff (not just interaction and visual designers). At this stage each person should have a deep empathy and at every point of the joint he should fully understand what he can think of and record it. At this time, the atmosphere is also unconstrained and non-critical.
In this time axis "life day" as an example, to use mobile phone browser product character to carry out demand mining. for example:
In the morning, just get up: Will see the weather forecast, the calendar may be involved in the function: weather, calendar.
When eating breakfast: may look at the news, mail, and your own blog. This will be designed to news, microblogging and email.
And the traffic on the way: Morning Office: Noon Lunch: Afternoon Office: Before get off work: on the way: in the restaurant: home: blanket and so on a variety of state down to tap the possible functions.
Each person character through the mining of one or more scenes, to be listed on the functions involved, and according to each person's role in the importance of defining the weight of each function, and create excel file.

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