Thursday 14 December 2017

The process of mobile app development in singapore

The operation of each mobile phone is a combination of hardware and software. The competition in mobile phone hardware has never stopped. As the quality of hardware converges, the software experience becomes crucial. More and more companies are beginning to develop their own APP, all kinds of business, services are summarized in a small APP which greatly facilitates the customers and their own use. Frequent customer inquiries about APP development process is like? Are divided into several stages? Need to pay attention to what matters and so on. I sort out the entire APP detailed and complete development process, hoping to help companies interested in developing APP.

First, user needs analysis

User needs analysis is the most important part of the entire APP development process. The success or failure of an APP is also determined by this. The user needs analysis here is based on the user's requirements to sort out the APP function. The main body is the user, "user-centric" because many companies require the development of the APP is for its users, so finishing APP development needs, not only to understand the needs of the development of enterprises, but also understand its customer base The demand. Finally, these needs are sorted, classified, sorted out the general APP functional framework. This process requires close communication with customers, and strive to be without any doubt, so as to avoid the development of impractical APP.

Second, the product prototype app design

After conducting a round of user needs analysis, the sorted requirements are sorted and sorted into functional structure modules. In this case, the existing functional modules can be used to build a simple product prototype. The product prototype is similar to the sketch of an APP product, showing the basic functional structure to the customer, and can simulate similar APP products with product prototyping software. The prototype of this product to confirm with the customer, confirmed that we can enter the next part of the development.

Third, UI visual design

Based on the product prototype,app developer began to beautify the interface of the APP, according to the performance of the layout of the layout design, design style control, and each area for the corresponding color, draw function menu icons, design page Elements, etc., in the meantime you need constant communication and modification, and ultimately design all the APP interface renderings. Fourth, the database structure According to the needs of the analysis of functional data processing, the establishment of a reasonable structure of the database table, optimize the data algorithms to improve the efficiency of data processing, data in the process of using APP to ensure the safety, accuracy, stability and Timeliness.

Fifth, server development

The core process of APP application is completed by the server-side program, the client's APP just need to send and receive data. Due to the limited hardware configuration and storage capacity of the user's mobile device, the core data processing process is performed by the server. This method is also called cloud computing and is fed back to the client APP after the server finishes processing. Therefore, the development of server-side program is extremely important, all the functions need to be strictly in accordance with the needs of the analysis phase of finishing functions to develop.

Six, iOS / Android client development

Programmer in accordance with the APP renderings for client development, the design renderings of the code implementation, write function call interface, connect the server side, the server-side data to interact with the development of consistent with the results of the APP client.

Seven, APP program testing

Developed a good app client for a comprehensive test, the test simulates the normal use of the user and the abnormal use of the situation, usually some test data into the test, the test results are recorded, the error is returned to the development stage Repair, if the test is passed, then the overall APP development process has been completed. The finished APP application to users for trial, the user satisfaction after the next step. Eight, uploaded to the application store After completing the signature verification, the development of a good client APP program submitted to the application store. iOS version of the APP submitted to Apple's AppStore, Android's submission to the major domestic Android application store.

Eight, APP maintenance and update

The APP after going online is maintained, user feedback is collected, and bugs in APP applications are fixed in time. If the client needs to update the function of the APP, it will return to the stage of developing the required functions and the updates will be released after the new function is developed and tested.

As you can see, a APP's development process is not simple, each step is rigorous and meticulous, which requires the development team has a profound experience and close cooperation, the only way to create a popular, easy and smooth operation, In line with customer habits APP.

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