Wednesday 6 December 2017

What should we avoid when develop mobile app

Mobile app brings us many changes, the future of science and technology that mobile is indeed a way to fast dialogue with consumers, and is a full range of dialogue! In bringing convenience to our lives at the same time, mobile app development should also pay attention to a series of errors.

First, follow the traditional ideas of ​​desktop computer applications

For mobile users, they ruthlessly abandon the app design highly imitate desktop applications, they will not be willing to carry out complex and time-consuming operations on the mobile terminal. Many mobile products are just a small version of the desktop version of the two functions exactly the same, but only run on a smaller screen. In fact, mobile apps are a media tool that offers a totally different user experience, so we should discover new ways to unlock its potential. Mobile apps must be small and focused, focusing on those really useful features, which in a sense are a lot of effort for product designers.

Second, the lack of marketing strategy support

Creating an App may not be difficult, the key is how to make the target audience aware of its existence, take the initiative to download. App into the application store is the most basic way to promote, but many marketers have neglected to set the theme for their App matching, keywords and descriptions, these are to attract users to download the stepping stone. A bad rating may make you lose thousands of potential users, how to encourage users to share a good experience evaluation is particularly important.

Third,zero communication with the user

Users are the root of our app development, there is no user, then the development of app is meaningless at all! In the process of using, the user will encounter a wide range of problems, they need timely, targeted help. Whenever this special time arrives, users will have higher expectations than ever before, and once their expectations fall, the psychological gap will naturally double. In the mobile application market, the main way to interact is to use the mall ratings and reviews.

In the app development process we will encounter many problems, large and small, some problems are inevitable, some problems require us to take a note, and then change!

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