Monday 25 December 2017

The differences between big companies and small companies of mobile APP development in singapore

Some people may think that this is why large companies need it. I need to consider in the early days of entrepreneurship so thin? Very clear to tell you, very much needed.
Wait until the error occurs and you go to solve the cost to be huge or directly lead to failure.

It is not just because he is a big company that a big company can do fine because he works fine to become a big mobile app development company.
And you do not think nobody will think about it for you. Do not rely on the software development company, they will only tell you this is a very simple matter, you come quickly, to be able to make a fortune, Internet people silly more. You do not say clearly what your APP needs specifically, and you end up losing yourself. Because you do not know exactly what you want to do when the software company you are looking for even more do not know.
You hope that they give you to think about the details, they will only give you a change of concept, jerry-building. Because doing so can give you a lower offer to increase your probability of choosing him.

Before there is a real example, a client with an irresponsible app developer only said that there is a registered login, but did not say he had to do to retrieve the password, the developer did not remind him. The last software is not recovered password. If you Tell me do not want to encounter such a situation they have been pit, please think about their App details as much as possible.
Such as a shopping cart features include, add to the shopping cart, remove from the shopping cart, add / reduce the number of a shopping cart, enter the number directly modify the number of products, bulk payment. These features inside you say a lot of developers will only do one, most developers will not consider the other. The average entrepreneur will think there are Taobao, ah, generally, why did not you do? (Entrepreneurs see are generally the kind of big company is very mature product), you know, Taobao's development costs are billion levels. And after many years of iteration and update.
Alibaba Group Q3 2015 Q3 earnings showed that product development expenses for the third quarter of 2015 were RMB3,225 million (about US $ 507 million), accounting for 15% of revenue. You're right, a quarter of 3.2 billion development costs. One year is more than 10 billion.
Most of the details you do not mention and developer, generally not. If other people will consider the more comprehensive for you, then the development costs will be high.

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