Sunday 10 December 2017

How to calculate the cost of developing APP in singapore

The cost of ios app development mainly includes two aspects: one is the direct cost, the other is the additional cost, the direct cost is easy to calculate, and the additional cost needs to be closely integrated with the business.

How to calculate the cost of developing APP?

First of all, under direct costs:

Designer UI costs

2. Front-end FE fee

3.IOS, Android or full stack engineer

4 testers

5. Operation and maintenance personnel

6.Product manager

These basic is to develop an APP required core architecture, depending on the difficulty of development, the number and ability required is slightly different, take testers, if it is a startup app development company may be a simple functional test, but If a large company, at least about 1/10 of the test engineers responsible for safety testing, while the general test of wages in the North Canton may be between 10-20K, but the engineers responsible for safety are 25K take-off, if Alipay, etc. Security company's first line spent, out of the basic 40 + monthly, so according to the different needs of the project people are different;

How to calculate the cost of developing APP?

Next to say the additional cost:

1. Backstage set up costs, APP just do display and interaction, the real data stored in the background are handled in the system;

2. Operating costs, an APP out, to promote it, to business cooperation, to write it soft to promote it, these are all money;

Additional costs inside the background is a fixed expenditure, can not afford to run, but also a small background system with a large background system, whether it is architectural or recruiter R & D capabilities are very different, although the technical means may be the same As for operating expenses, it is entirely a matter of frugality, but this part is also a part of the whole business process. If you decide to develop an APP, it is a good idea to decide on promotion and operation before starting.

Next, let's say something important:

1. If you do not have technical staff, do not outsource development projects, the blood side of the lesson can definitely be a book, you may even have a product manager can write a good demand documents are not encountered a little better outsourcing may be more Understand your needs Most of the development is completed, the development of irresponsible encounter can not have to use the words also do as you said, so no one can control outsourcing projects, do not need to waste money;

2. If only to catch the car on the Internet, the best approach is to use the already mature tool system, such as selling things is to use the public, the United States Mission, Taobao these, a separate development site, H5, applet really is not very meaningful Large, as to be sure to develop the APP, more money, then consider buying a semi-finished products loaded under pressure;

3. If there is no operation, marketing, then developed APP is useless, it is recommended not to waste money;

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