Wednesday 31 January 2018

The importance of E-commerce platform app in singapore

E-commerce platform app is actually a trading platform for enterprises or individuals to provide. The e-commerce platform of an enterprise is a virtual space established on the network. It is also an orderly and important place for coordinating information flow, goods flow and capital flow. Businesses and businesses can also take full advantage of the e-commerce platform to provide network facilities, payment platforms and security platforms to low-cost to carry out their business activities.


E-commerce platform app maker by virtue of business and customer browsing all kinds of news on the network. Customers can use the online search tool to find the information they need to buy, and merchants can use the homepage and email on the web to promote around the world. And compared with the previous ads, online advertising costs are the lowest, but the amount of information is also the most abundant.

Consult the discussion

E-commerce can also rely on real-time e-mail, news, discussion groups to understand the market of goods and services transactions. If there is a demand, it will use the whiteboard meeting on the network to exchange graphical information. There will be restrictions on the consultation and negotiation functions on the Internet, and more forms of communication will also be provided.

order online

E-commerce can also use the Internet to send online ordering. The online ordering is in the product introduction to provide friendly tips and interactive formats. When customers fill out the order, the first is the need to ensure the receipt of the order message. Ordering information can also be used to encrypt the way businesses and businesses will not leak the news.

online payment

E-commerce to become the most complete process, and payment is the most important part of the online payment method can save a lot of overhead. In fact, online payment is more reliable, in order to prevent eavesdropping and fraudulent use of such acts.

Electronic account

Online payment is to use electronic finance to support, and banks and other financial institutions need to provide online operation of the service. Electronic account management is the most important.

Service delivery

For paid customers can be faster to their hands, and some of the goods are locally, there is also the field. Logistics can be distributed by e-mail, but also the most suitable for direct delivery on the Internet.


E-commerce platform can be particularly convenient in the web page to select a different format to collect user opinions on sales and service, can make the enterprise market more a closed loop. Customer feedback can improve service levels and give businesses access to better products and market opportunities.

Transaction Management

The management of the entire transaction involves aspects of people, money, and products. Enterprises and enterprises, enterprises and customers all need consultation and management in all aspects. Therefore, the management of the transaction needs the whole process in  android app development company.

E-commerce platform What cooperation information for the business people in terms of the key, and only a lot of information from time to time to manage the business platform better.

What is the difference between art design and web design in app development singapore?

HR as an Internet company sometimes really helpless, especially in the same industry, similar positions, many job seekers will choose to do Taobao art design, and do not want to do the site designer, in fact, I probably know Everyone's intention to seek employment, nothing less than tired + money, many people choose Taobao artists around a few produce daily to modify the picture, or do a few topics, very leisure, not competitive because the company can not be equipped with many designers , But also not to mention the pressure, and website companies are different, not to mention the pressure from within the company, the pressure from the customer is great, because often there is the situation of the design department. Now we think about these two differences in the reverse thinking, first of all, the development of different positions, starting from the web company's web design background, must be competent Taobao artist jobs, but Taobao artists may not be able to meet the web design. The Taobao artists make money because Taobao this support, only reflected in the money, and the value of web designers not only pay some sense of accomplishment, after all, the site's visit is a company's face, and Taobao's design is a shop face.

Now we still specifically talk about two positions from the depth of web design considerations, the difference between the two right!

Many customers do not understand the difference between website design and shop decoration, although the two are the same web graphic design, but because of the different platforms, the difference is still great design.

1, the site's design needs to consider the style of the entire site, the layout do not have to rigidly adhere to the framework of the framework, shop decoration but because of the online store platform has fixed the framework, can only be based on the framework of the design.

2, site design needs to consider the overall structure optimization, the code can not be too many, so as not to affect the speed of open web pages, shop decoration without having to consider the complexity of the code level, the effect can be achieved.

3, site construction at the same time to do site SEO optimization work, according to the search engine algorithm to constantly adjust, shop decoration because it is not included in the search engine, so do not consider this feature.

4, a website design includes the purchase of domain names, program production, layout art production, as well as animation visual processing, code optimization nesting, website keyword optimization and maintenance of various maintenance operations. A shop's decoration design includes the customer layout, cut map, upload pictures, decoration code can be produced of IOS app development company.

So from the above points can be seen that the design of the site than the shop decoration design complex, but the price of the shop decoration is much more expensive than the site app design singapore, which can not be considered from the design, but rather and domestic e-commerce Can not be separated from the relationship can be predicted that for a long period of time the site is still only for business promotion services, can only be regarded as an extension of graphic design, because of cheapness and cyclicality, is bound to be universal and Popular.

Tuesday 30 January 2018

The types of e-commerce app development in singapore

The total number of monthly active devices in mobile internet in Singapore stabilized at above 100 million. In the same year, the mobile shopping market accounted for 70.6% of the online retail market.

However, after several years of explosive growth, the growth of the e-commerce market environment also tended to moderate. The reasons for this were mainly the decrease in incremental space in the mobile terminal market and the slowdown in the growth of mobile e-commerce sales. However, Social e-commerce "and" cross-border e-commerce "and other new forms of mobile e-commerce model emerged as a new force, injecting new vitality into the entire market. The integration of entities and networks, big data, socialization and content marketing became the new trend of e-commerce app development singapore.

Five common types of e-commerce

E-commerce business layout The first step in the mobile market must be to develop their own proprietary app, but how to quickly drop the business in the mobile terminal? With the mobile technology innovation and how to choose the most efficient and cost-effective best path? Explain the face of the current mobile e-commerce industry android app development company solutions for the development of new business models for those who make reference to APICloud mobile technology development eco-platform, for example, the current e-commerce industry, there are five main business models.
In our understanding of e-commerce, B2B, B2C and C2C are well-known to the general public, and are mainly business models for transactions between enterprises and individuals. C2B and B2B2C are conceptually relatively rare.


C2B (Customer to Business), this business model is not known to the public, it can be understood by the consumer on the platform to publish their own purchase needs, such as product specifications, prices, etc., and then the business to decide whether to accept the customer's offer. The core of the C2B model is to bring scattered consumers together into the platform to form a large number of needs for procurement, so as to enjoy the low price of bulk orders. For example, U-deals, when the real estate alliance is the C2B mode platform, This model is mainly based on the Internet platform to achieve, simply offline can not gather a huge user needs. In the C2B model, the general operating mechanism is the launch of demand, consumer groups gathered, internal review of consumer groups, the development of a clear demand plan, select the appropriate high-quality merchants or enterprises, the commencement of collective bargaining negotiations, the joint purchase, consumer groups on the results The distribution of consumer groups for the evaluation of the results of this transaction, the dissolution or confrontation of consumer groups to complete these 10 steps, which is to develop business app to follow the business logic.


B2B2C (Business to Business to Customer). The first B refers to the generalized seller (ie, finished products, semi-finished products, materials providers, etc.), the second B refers to the trading platform that provides the seller and the buyer's contact platform, while providing quality additional services, C refers to the buyer. The seller is more than just a company. It can include an individual, a seller in a logical trading relationship. The platform is by no means a simple intermediary, but a channel institution that provides high value-added services. It has service platforms such as customer management, information feedback, database management and decision support. B2B2C definition includes the existing B2C and C2C platform business model, more integrated, can provide better service, Alibaba + Taobao is a typical B2B2C.

What kinds of competitive advantages can be brought by the development of tourist app in singapore?

At present, the tourism industry in Singapore is booming. In my opinion, the current concepts of people traveling at their own expense are intensified. The development of a tour-oriented travel APP software meets the needs of users and caters for the development of new markets for the current Android APP development industry. Mobile tourism APP development has a huge profit development space, so many traditional travel companies began to customize the exclusive applications.

First, tourism APP development company customized exclusive features
1, the development of tourist guides APP software can show visitors more historical and cultural, not just the scenery.
2, customized exclusive travel APP features allow visitors to directly understand the cultural connotation of ancient buildings through mobile phones or tablet.
3, travel APP for each user can provide exclusive guide service.
4, mobile phone tourism APP produced to the scenic area of ​​geographic information and attractions access.
5, tourists seeking freedom of autonomous tourism, a mobile APP focused on mobile phone industry is the best choice.
6, the scenic area can be mobile tourism APP user feedback, information technology to improve service quality and enhance the image.
Second, the development of tourism APP software What are the benefits?
The benefits of developing mobile tourism APP to users:
Users can get the travel information, travel tips, online booking, hotel reservations and other information through the customization of travel APP, direct understanding of the local food and entertainment and other travel information, to solve the user's unfamiliar troubles, the development of tourism APP software for the user with To a new play experience.
1, the development of tourism APP for tourists to provide great convenience, higher quality of tourism.
2, Guide class APP Internal development of electronic instructions map, a clear display of the visiting area, to provide convenient and time-saving path to visit.
3, APP custom smart sensor, automatic broadcast function, will make the area move up to tell their stories to tourists.
4, tourism APP development can enhance the tourism service level, to attract more tourists.
The benefits of developing mobile tourism APP to businesses:
APP can show the company's strength through tour APP, introduce scenic spots information, online customer service, message push and other publicity, expand business source, to bring more profits to the business.
1, the development of mobile tourism APP can shape tourism professional image, accelerate their promotion;
2, the development of mobile tourism APP can save publicity costs and improve the competitiveness of enterprises;
3, the development of mobile tourism APP can accurately locate potential customers, attract different types of customers;
4, the development of mobile tourism APP can expand marketing channels, effectively occupy the mobile Internet port.
Third, the development of customized APP conducive to the development of the tourism industry.

The development of the tourism APP not only brings convenience to the users, but also brings profit to the merchants. In the future of mobile Internet, tourism APP software development should pay more attention to the user experience, there is no good service and experience, even if the function is stronger will eventually be eliminated.
For companies that need to develop tourism APP, to have a good user experience to meet the needs of users can be regarded as a good travel APP.

Thursday 25 January 2018

The progress of app development in singapore

1, broaden the marketing channels: app development and application of the mall can broaden the channels of exposure for products and services, helping them seize the opportunities in the mobile market in time and effectively expand the marketing share in the sales market. By exploiting the speed with which the Internet can spread messages, businesses are able to provide more opportunities for businesses to showcase their products to consumers in fragmented times in fast-paced life.
2, app development mall Suitable for: b2c Mall app development similar to Taobao, ECSHOP, other independent mall app system.
3, to enhance product advantages: APP is a separate plug-in way through the user's download and install, without changing any configuration of the original mall system circumstances, simply upload the interface folder, you can use; the same time can automatically generate mobile access format Pictures, create a natural product advertising. At the same time support for mobile payment online, and through the cooperation with third parties to provide users with a safer payment environment. Shenzhen Mall APP development
How to choose their own B2C mall system?

Businesses in the choice of mall app system, to choose the right mall for their own industry system, we must first understand the industry dynamics, and some systems may be used in other industries the effect is very good, but may be used in their own industries On the obvious. Therefore, businesses in the choice of b2c mall  singapore app development need to combine the market, as well as their own product advantages, competitive advantages, give full play to be reflected in the mall system.
B2C Mall APP development program is how? Which process is divided?
1, before developing APP, we need to make sure, we do B2C Mall APP is a single business function is simple, or more business functions complex, when the mall APP's function is determined, APP development company will also be B2C Mall Quotes, of course, this is also a lot of users a headache, worried about the cost will exceed the initial budget. However, since you want to get a bigger market through the mobile Internet, how can you make a return without investing? Shenzhen Mall APP production
2, when doing the mall B2C APP, developers of APP technical staff to complete the mall to achieve the function of APP; enterprises also need to make their own business needs to make the mall APP developers to B2C APP mall features to be achieved.
3, in the development of B2C Mall must determine the goal of developing APP, companies in the development of APP Mall before the first thing is to set the goal of APP development, there should be a clear goal and to develop related plans.
4, Next, we have to determine B2C Mall APP UI interface, a simple atmosphere of the UI interface is definitely a tool to attract users eyes, so before the technical staff to participate in the mall APP production, B2C Mall UI design style must be very value.

5, until the mall B2C APP developed well, to do a comprehensive test to ensure that B2C APP Mall in the process of using the user can be a stable operation, does not appear flashback situation.
6, when the above five APP development process done, which is the time to promote the operation of staff admission. Perfect B2C Mall APP coupled with the late to force the operation and promotion, B2C Mall APP development programs and processes also represent the end.
b2c mall app development, Yuanfeng Group has many years b2c mall app development experience, to provide customers with iOS and Android APP development and customization, b2c mall app development, short development cycle, technology, Yuanfeng focus mall app custom development, for everyone APP development to provide businesses in all walks of life, tailored for the APP, 10 years of APP development experience. Mall APP development production process

Help enhance the development efficiency of Singapore App

In recent years, the situation that the traditional enterprises cut into the Internet presents a hurried angle of cut-in point for iso development, which is often overcrowded and counter-productive. For example, like a long time hungry, suddenly overeating, want to eat into a big fat one. Results of indigestion, vomiting diarrhea, but people are more weight loss.

Today's resolution from the job seekers, laborers, how to dialectically treat the traditional business to do Internet industry. Limited space, their business strategy and business model, as well as feasibility analysis, will not elaborate. Job seekers looking for jobs related to App development vote, it is recommended that you can log in some large recruitment website. To search this company is not a sudden release a large number of vacancies, a lot of headcount, how to recruit all dissatisfaction. If this happens, be sure to stay a little heart. Very simple reason, the sky pies matter, why others are not cheap to hand over to the good stuff handed over to you? By Frontline team of engineers independently developed, Singapore's first campus life covering all aspects of the new mobile terminal number Campus phone APP has officially put into use in the university. This APP makers a wide range of functions including daily freshmen's guidance, campus information, campus surveys and event bookings. It fully serves all aspects of everyday campus life and greatly facilitates the day-to-day learning and living of teachers and students.
The company is located in:
Next, why do we need to be vigilant? Most of the traditional enterprises, they do not have the experience involved in the Internet, the company's organizational structure may often refer to the traditional physical enterprise organizational structure, or directly copied other Internet company's organizational structure, not based on actual needs to design organizational structure. So he might think that other companies have what kind of talent, he also need what kind of talent, no need to use, first recruit as reserve manpower to say. The results began to provoke soy sauce, idle time wasted.

Second, job seekers should ideally be able to create opportunities to have in-depth conversations with grassroots managers in charge of the line of business during the interview. The main interview should focus on the long-term app development of the business sector and what is currently being developed App project? Where is the delivery area? If the campus recruitment of freshmen, may be less experienced at this time, it can not be Require more fresh graduates in such issues have a strong resolution. But as a social worker in this issue, we must have their own judgments
According to many years of Singapore App development experience, my observation, the traditional industry investment in the Internet, the patience is quite limited. In the performance did not achieve the expected results, the leader's mind will often give up retreat. Is not this matter simply does not work, can not go on? The root cause, or management of business people, the lack of industry experience. Encounter problems, being dimensionally reduced, chaos. If it is on the Internet business. This batch of manpower is free to invest in other business lines and does not require layoffs. Frontline knows that. Although the team experienced a frustrated project, but trained the teamwork and coordination, accumulated technology. Or the entire business line temporarily paused, everyone brainstorming, brainstorming, re-start business ideas. Phoenix Nirvana, Jedi rebirth is not impossible. As long as the idea does not decline, the solution is always more difficult. However, the situation in the traditional industries is different, because the traditional industry itself does not have much Internet business. If you want your APP to stand on the top of your app jungle and serve premium customers, you'll definitely need to make a version that works on iPhone & iPad. With a professional IOS development team, Frontline has now earned Apple Official Developer Certification, which allows you to develop Apple native apps that best fit your expectations.

APP visual design workflow in singapore

To participate in a project, we do not just make a diagram that simple, but to put their work to the entire project process to go.

The first manuscript, we can exchange more. Do UI and interaction for more than two years, in the UI design, many begin to learn UI, especially self-study UI colleagues will ask such a question, what is the UI design?

UI is the abbreviation of User Interface. UI design refers to the overall design of software human-computer interaction, operating logic, beautiful interface.
But in fact, many practitioners UI design only made this part of the interface beautification. All of them sometimes weakened the UI design scope. So what I'm talking to you today is the workflow in the APP visual design. To participate in a project, we do not just make a diagram that simple, but to put their work to the entire project process to go.

first step
We want to know those who have a member of the project, who knows your upstream and downstream who need to import and export those things? We need hands-on designers or product managers to get:
Confirm that there is no comment, start app visual design. Some products or interactions will only give a low-fidelity prototype, but as far as possible to master more processes and user information, you can guide the user through the page in the design.
The second step
Design, design, said some of the major sections of the specific design of the page style, I believe everyone has their own style and ideas. Re-design should focus on platform plug-in style and platform style, it is easier to win the trust of users.
Design of the delivery of the link, this part of the UI novice is a relatively short section, like the same graphic design interface design is good, but how to give the development, so that the development of the product to go, would it be a Large.
First of all, we know that the design deliverables required for the development of iOS and Android should at least have: High-fidelity UI diagram (design draft), annotation, cutting diagram. And know what these deliverables have for development.
Hifi UI Picture:
Hifi UI map played a role, the development will refer to its painting page, just to know the page look like a means, not what high-precision things. So I do not need the same appearance of two sets of IOS and Android, only the size of the map.
Marking and cutting diagram:
Marking and cutting the role of the map is, according to the development of the size of the label, the cut plans in accordance with the layout of high-fidelity UI to do the interface.
Well, the question came, iOS development and Android development required labeling and cutting plans are not the same. How to make two sets of labels and cut charts on a set of iOS high-fidelity UI diagrams?
First ios design pixel size is 640 × 960/1136 (iphone4-5s size)
Android mainstream hdpi mode pixel size is 480 × 800,
Again, we can conclude that in the mobile APP design, IOS and Android two versions of the same as only the size of the design draft, we can do a separate ios @ 2x design draft in the cutting phase in accordance with IOS and Android The relationship between the different versions of different sizes required for the cut map.
Note: Pixel pixelation after slicing is likely to require readjustment, as well as various virtual edges, especially those with transparent shading.
Andriod pixel size into development size, namely: px into dp
We are based on 480 * 800 pixel size design drawings as a benchmark.
Development of the component size dp size is converted, the pixel size * 2 / 3.480px * 2/3 = 320dp
This is the reason why the size of the Android widget should be divisible by 3. As in the hdpi mode, 480 * 800 pixel size design drawings, the development of 300px width to see the label, it is defined as wide 200dp, Android development here to get a real value they will be used for development.

the fourth step
Is the acceptance of development results, we not only bar page designed, but also let him eventually displayed in the product, so after the completion of the development of development, we need to check the interface effect is not consistent with our design. If the same, or because there is no way to achieve development reasons, we will modify the design, design, we pay attention to the ease of development.
The final summary is to do APP design, from getting the low-fidelity prototype to the acceptance of the product, is the UI app builder in a project to participate in their own work. Can also be extended to the interface based on personal ability, interactive design of user tasks.

What is the use of the company to develop app in singapore

At present, many companies have customized the enterprise APP, there are many companies are looking at the enterprise APP really can bring positive effect for these companies do? To this end,To this end, I am in the development of corporate customer feedback APP, got a few positive answer:

1, an increase of corporate publicity
For any business, business promotion is essential, in the traditional mode of promotion, advertising is the choice of many businesses, such as: the corporate culture, the concept printed in leaflets or books, as well as television commercials Wait. These traditional propaganda effects really can not be set, but with the mobile APP is closely linked with our lives, there are already many companies will be propaganda channels extended to the mobile APP, companies develop an APP, the enterprise LOGO, culture, Products, business philosophy and other operating programs are reflected in the IOS APP development, which is the business to follow up the pace of the times.
2, increase the customer's viscosity
Enterprise APP not only can play a promotional effect, but also as a service platform, through the platform, online can solve customer problems, at the same time, the company's information, all through the mobile phone APP anytime, anywhere. Enterprise APP to convey information to customers, will not be blocked because of time or space, you can timely dissemination and acceptance of information, the information quickly and accurately convey to the old customers, to achieve a precision marketing, increased customer stickiness.

3, increased the company's competitive advantage
Enterprise APP is a symbol of the app development company brand, but also reflects the strength of the company one way to develop a business APP is conducive to gain a competitive edge in the peer. Because through the APP, you can phone some customers regular usage data, such as browsing data, spending habits, because now the era of big data, who mastered the data, who is the winner.

Wednesday 24 January 2018

How to develop a good mobile app in singapore

Want to develop a good mobile phone app, we must first be able to choose a good development team, and secondly, the functional needs of customers can fully understand, and then select the appropriate framework for each app category need to create different Program technology is also different. For example: For security products, native development work is relatively more. Choose the right fit. Currently, there are so many excellent open source components for mobile development that they are flexible and do not need to be rebuilt. The last is to combine the needs of product development.

In the process of developing a mobile phone app, which issues need attention? First, choose a suitable framework is very important, such as the dynamic framework of this step, it is best to consider in the early stage, once the product iteration to a certain stage, Going to consider the cost will be much higher. Second, developers to develop according to the norms, to avoid the developers to do each. Third, developers should pay more attention to the industry's popular technology, framework, thinking whether it can be cited to the current project. How to solve the problem of security vulnerabilities in APP, for the safety of mobile APP development on the one hand, different types of products, the security requirements are not the same, involving the user information, money, security requirements naturally higher Some need to be treated differently. On the other hand, in terms of technology, it is also more important to select more security technologies, such as Baidu https.

With the traditional Internet and traditional mobile Internet enterprises, more and more enterprises began to launch their own APP, the development of APP security has become a major security issue in the industry, on the one hand not only to protect the safety of mobile users, but also To protect the safety of developers, it is even safer for developers to be the source of  android APP development singapore.

How to solve the problem of security vulnerabilities in APP? First of all, for the decompilation loopholes, the need for code confusion, a deeper level of code encryption, through the source code encryption. Second, for memory leaks, do some disaggregation on some application values. However, the disbanding process only increases the difficulty of modifying the memory data and can not fundamentally protect the game data. Third, data falsification loopholes archive, the processing logic of traditional verification can be easily analyzed, only from the bottom of the data encryption and protection in order to ensure data security.

APP development optimization has what difficulties, APP development user experience and performance optimization is that each development team must solve the problem, the entire APP development optimization process which problems are difficult to solve? In this regard, through long-term work practices , Mobile development, stability requirements related to higher, such as collapse, this takes a longer time grinding. Mobile terminal in power consumption, consumption of these need more attention, after all, users are more concerned about these. Install the package size need more attention, too much, not only performance problems, will also download and install a certain impact. Memory, cpu needs to be used as a focus, the smaller the resource overhead is the pursuit of mobile development.

From a professional app development technology to choose, Mo fear technology focused App development, system ios development, WeChat applets, html5 development and other mobile Internet development.

How to create an app in singapore

In the context of such a popular mobile APP, you also have the idea to develop their own app? So the question is, for what you do not understand, how to develop their own app? But do not panic, because next I will take you to find out how mobile app development in the end is one thing.
Step1: Clear your goal

Just having ideas is just your first step, and that's not enough. Before you formalize the details, you have to figure out the specific goals of your app. What can it do? What is its core competitiveness? What practical problems can it solve?

Step2: Sketch

By drawing sketches you visually present the features and general structure of the app to your team to help them understand your thoughts. At the same time, the sketch also provides the basis for the next step.

Step3: Investigation

Four goals:

A. Are there any other similar applications doing the same thing?

B. Find inspiration for your app design.

C. Understand the technical requirements your app needs.

D. help you think about how to market and improve your app.

You may think your idea is unique, your design unique, but the reality is likely to give you pour cold water. There are millions of on-line app on the market, do a good job surveys are definitely outweigh the disadvantages.

Step4: Wireframe and storyboard

This stage is more specific to their own ideas. Draw your app entity model, you can preview a variety of functions. The storyboard is actually a circuit diagram. This roadmap can help you better understand the links between your app's pages.

Step5: Determine the back-end structure of the app

With the previous step you already have the foundation of the back-end structure. Sketch diagrams of servers, APIs, and charts. app developer will thank you.

Note that the wireframes and storyboards should be adjusted appropriately based on the technical limitations (step4).

Step6: test

Your app is now ready for preliminary testing. Find people you know and let them work with your app, then tell you the trial experience and suggestions for changes. This step can help you to more specific your app, the more detailed the details of your app before the formal design begins, the later the process will be smoother.

Tuesday 23 January 2018

APP development need to pay attention

From the emergence of smart phones to the present popularity, mobile phones in the era of leap while also driving the development of other industries. The mobile phone applications during this period can be considered rapid development. The reason why the application of mobile phone APP can develop rapidly in a short period of time is mainly due to its nature to meet the needs of today's social development and people's lives. As a result, a large number of mobile APP development products and markets based on the mobile Internet and smartphones are also now being launched. However, the blind development also has no effect, in the APP development process there are many things that need attention, the following will bring you to learn more about.

1, to avoid radicalism
Like to design their own mobile application understandable, but can not be imposed with others. Too many features or applications to add to the design may be due to some degree to increase the complexity of the application, but not by the user like. Avoid the core value of the design because of the complexity and versatility, the user does not know how to use this mobile APP. So simple, convenient, and quickly understood by users is crucial in designing software applications.
2, over design
Like Steve Jobs, the product should be simple and extreme. When designing android app development singapore, it should be a trivial deletion of additional visual patterns, meaningless elements and those images, texts, buttons that are not what we expect. Design more to think about what features should appear, those are useless. So from the very beginning, mercilessly doing subtraction.
3, the lack of continuity
Mobile application development is not about how beautiful the appearance, but the need to design a regular and consistent mode of operation. Standards set should focus on how users move from one page to the page, how to use menus, tabs, buttons, and other user interface elements. Keep in mind the small details of the user interface. Adhere to the standard appearance and consistency of functionality, which allows users to learn more intuitive how to use your mobile application software.

4, no standard interaction
Part of the biggest advantage of the platform is due in part to the set of features that make it comfortable for the familiar ecosystem. They subconsciously know what will happen and how to get what they want. This has always been the biggest advantage of the Mac platform on the Windows platform; no surprising design, these are superfluous in the user's habits. Maintaining the simplest and most stupid design ideas may be more practical than more ideas.
5, slow
Users will not care about what kind of device you are using to download data. During the execution of a long time loading screen, be sure to pay attention to the space-consuming images and the background image of the webpage, and the long download time is also part of the user's choice to cancel and leave The culprit. It is best to download and save in advance to reduce the user's download time, so that users have the will to continue using.
6, to ensure the safety of mobile APP
Now there is an important problem in app design of mobile APP store. That is security problem. Nowadays, property loss events often occur on the network. Therefore, developers must pay attention to this issue and avoid some loopholes so as to ensure that customers Safe privacy, so that APP can be sustained development.
We must always remember that no matter under any circumstances, we must realize that user experience is always the most important. We can not promote the development of a mobile application program if it can not be approved. Therefore, it is imperative to develop a mobile APP that can be used in the market We must get the customer's approval, developers not only to allow customers to use more convenient, but also to allow users to feel caring, so as to be able to firmly retain their own "God"

app development needs are on the rise in singapore

The direction of improvement for the product manager's job is to have a backup plan ready at any time, Plan-B. It will not affect the final release date of the project because of changes in the technical solutions. Will not let the user side too much impact. Even as a product manager, in the face of such sudden changes in demand, but also calm calm, calmly. In contrast, when the App development company and product manager that this demand can not be achieved, need to be adjusted, the product manager should not blindly refuse. Should help software development to find, solve the problem of the corresponding network resources, or to find other solutions. Instead of thinking that this is a software development thing, has nothing to do with their own. Product managers can even prove in the face of app development that this requirement is technically feasible.

Everything must be reasonable. After all, this line, pay attention to the real technology. I think product managers should often think emphatically and think of themselves as mobile app developers. To think why to do such a product, what is the value to the user. When you can convince yourself, there are far fewer conflicts and problems in the team, and it's not too difficult for the product to be released on schedule. After all, the team's most important is to make valuable products to users, rather than argue who is right who is wrong
The company is located in:
In the traditional computer industry, mobile app software development cycle time is abundant, from the demand out analysis and review, develop their own use case design, program, software coding, self test, the entire process gave ample time. The current status of the Internet industry, app development cycle are more intense, demand Ye Hao development Ye Hao, in fact, have not been well thought out. It is quite possible that at the needs review meeting, software development sounds simple. Wait until the real time to do because basically began to knock code, and then write on the problems encountered. Excessive pursuit of perfect mentality is not desirable. In my opinion, this conflict can pull software development, interactive design and visual design at the time of the demand review meeting, and all the roles are involved. For example, a perfect mobile app development team can assess any potential risk point of the project according to the demand of the product, and achieve it perfectly in the scheduled time. As a result, the software development team also has the perfect product manager. The perfect product manager has several features, detailed requirements, easy to assess potential risk points, not just a few words plus a few flow charts. Before making demands, after full consideration, fully demonstrate the market demand.

After completing the needs assessment, no further changes will be made. Demand is forward-looking, user research in advance to do pre-research, in advance to do competing mobile app data analysis. Be a market leader instead of copying behind competitors. We can fully understand and research the needs of Party A in Guangxi and provide Party A with more-than-expected services. Rather than let A party found out that the need to submit new needs.

Mobile App Must have a version for Android users. Frontline covers news, e-commerce, LBS, multimedia, custom services and other client-side development and other fields, can fully meet your development needs.

Sometimes feeling, app development and product manager these two positions are inherently incompatible. The pursuit and pursuit of both parties can not be achieved at all. The contradiction between software development and product manager has inevitability and universality, and it is difficult to define who is the problem. On the one hand, the product manager does not understand the technical implementation details and is not good at assessing the difficulty of the project. On the one hand, software development frequently challenges product managers' ideas. After all, thinking of this thing before it is done and have an impact, there is no quantitative measure, the threshold of questioning is very low. The question is coming, who does this thing? Certainly software development to do, with their own time to help others try the wrong, no one likes such a thing. On the other hand, the top pursuit of the product manager is to meet the needs of users. However, the top requirement of app development is to make a set of common and highly scalable App products.

Wednesday 17 January 2018

App production development solutions in singapore

In Singapore, there are many channels for acquiring users, such as Weibo, WeChat, operator stores, operating system stores, application stores, handset manufacturers pre-installed, CPA ads, cross-promotion, and time-limited free. To see the data of an APP, you first need to know where the user came from and where the quality of the user is highest, so developers face a difficult problem of choosing and evaluating channels. However, through statistical analysis tools, developers can compare the performance of different channels from multiple dimensions of data, such as comparing users from different sources from the perspective of adding users, active users, next-day retention rate, single-use duration, etc. According to the data to find the most suitable for their own channels, so as to obtain the best promotion results.
The success of a mobile app depends on what kind of core concept it is built on. For developers, the first thing to do is think like the target user, look at the problem with their eyes, and build a mobile app that builds on that, building apps that make their lives easier. At every step, constantly check the app and end-user relevance, and actively adjust the product to meet the needs of users.

Enterprise APP marketing, business APP software also need to combine the psychology of consumers, in-depth exploration of the psychological needs of users, bringing consumers a groundbreaking experience, extending the value of mobile marketing. Of course, the purpose of application software marketing is to let consumers know more about the brand or product in order to establish the emotional connection between the brand and the consumer. Therefore, the enterprise's APP marketing should pay more attention to the organic integration of the brand elements and ultimately achieve both brand promotion and sales promotion purpose. Camp information has been a bit APP design marketing insights, welcome to friends who have the relevant interests to come together to explore and study.
To know how mobile APP software is developed, we must first know what is the mobile APP development. What is the phone APP software development? Phone APP, also called phone client, is software installed on the phone side. Mobile APP application development is to provide mobile software development services activities, but also based on smart phone mobile terminal development. The main types of mobile APP development include iOS APP development singapore, Android APP development, HTML5 mobile APP development.

Pull-down associative words in 2016 has attracted the attention of ASO optimization division, the user search keyword, the drop-down box will automatically appear related to the pull-down association, which will have a considerable number of users click on the pull-down words to be more precise Search, ASO Optimization Division naturally will not miss this opportunity. Although in 2015 Apple removed a brush less five-star app, but after reviewing the relevant information, I found that because of the popularity of the brush, the quality of the product was easy to watch. The content of the comment was simple and crude, most of which were 'good' Very good "" Very good "kind of comment, a glance people will know what is going on. In the new year, ASO Optimizer will certainly have to brush off comments when necessary, but pay attention to how to brush? What to brush? Good comments not only have an impact on the APP rankings, they can also induce users to download them, so having a good comment is an important part of every ASO optimizer.
In view of such a situation, I think finding a suitable APP development company is crucial. However, it is always a problem that the implementation of the APP product is completely handed over exclusively to the development company. No matter what to do, a good pre-plan, it is certainly necessary. Therefore, if the founders themselves proficient in APP product design, product design all its good development practices, norms for the late delivery to the development company to implement the implementation, may not necessarily. I wish entrepreneurs can break through their own breakthrough products, the achievements of mobile Internet entrepreneurship era.

How to develop app in singapore

In the era of mobile Internet, mobile phone APP has become the protagonist of entrepreneurship, and many entrepreneurs rely on a mobile phone APP to overturn the traditional market play with a brand new business model to realize millions of wealth. In the past 2017, Venture Ventures are all based on the mobile APP as a platform, such as various types of sharing economy, content entrepreneurship and more.

If it is a traditional mobile phone APP, it involves a lot of professional knowledge because a complete APP product includes: Android APP, Apple iOS APP, operation management background, server and database related, mobile operator management assistant, third party docking and many more.
These parts involve almost completely different professional knowledge, even if the professional APP development company, but also the team division of labor collaborative development. So, if white, want to own APP development is almost impossible.
However, do not understand the technology you want to complete mobile phone APP production, is not impossible, you can resort to third-party development platform.

APP production principle:
Conventional singapore mobile APP development process is usually the product manager and customer communication to determine the APP development program, the APP model produced, and then by the programmer for each function of the one by one development, development is completed, tested and modified bug on the line .

The frontline is to develop common APP features one by one and placed on the platform, such as map positioning, online chat, paste forums, log in and so on, users use these mature APP control functions, you can directly put together a native APP. And because all of the APP features are well-developed in advance, all can be run online without the need for test modifications.
Free programming, function control drag, easy to use:

Technically, Frontline has also innovated and created the "Android APP development, Apple iOS App, Operation Management Background, Server and Database, and Mobile Operations Management Assistant".
In order to save APP developers time and energy, frontline also precipitated hundreds of vertical industries and the entire set of native APP templates can be used directly, a key to complete the production of APP. The functions and contents of these templates can also be modified twice through the platform.

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Good app operations start with positioning in singapore

The popularity of smart phones in a wide range of era, things have become the industry's mobile consensus, the user's habit of using the mobile Internet and mobile terminals have been formed.

Enterprise APP application is for enterprise services, enterprise APP application development is to better achieve the purpose of marketing. When it comes to business APP development, many businesses are confused about a problem. I think: how to make their own app client by the user's favorite, but also to expand business influence, to achieve the effect of brand promotion. This is an issue that developers need to solve urgently.

If you want to make your business want to develop their own APP applications to be successful, they have to pay more energy and material resources, and APP applications to do better, and want to applications more excellent, pre-positioning is essential . Next, I will tell you how to do a good job positioning APP applications.

First, the misunderstanding of APP development company singapore

There is a misunderstand when positioning an APP development project, that is, when a user initiating APP development sees a certain type of demand in an industry, they often want to use it as an entry point for the development and expand into the entire industry , But the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is very cruel, in order to achieve such a goal, unless you have a large enough available resources.

Second, to develop a clear type of APP

If you are developing a business-type APP , then the application's positioning is certainly a professional, enterprise-related APP that synchronizes enterprise information in real time. Then such APP applications to display more features, you need to display the information is also more powerful! Then the type of application positioning for the enterprise display class.

Third, before the development of APP applications to determine the user groups

After we determine the type of APP we are going to develop, we need to determine which of the user groups, what characteristics they have, what they share in common, and so on. If the  application is faced with a number of highly user-oriented users, then the ios app development singapore, the interface design must make the corresponding changes. Faced with different groups of people, the corresponding APP application design interface and positioning also need to be trimmed.

Fourth, before the development of applications to determine the positioning and platform

Due to the different functions, positioning and user groups of APP applications, different platforms should also be adopted in their promotion and marketing. For example, if this app is mainly for young people, then we should adopt the promotion method that young people like. The promotion platform should target young people like, and often gathered platform, so that it is easy for these young Accepted by the user If our APP application is mainly aimed at the middle-aged and the elderly, this set of young people will definitely not work. They will certainly be disgusted. Therefore, the mode of promotion must conform to the tastes of the middle-aged and elderly people. The promotion platform should also be middle-aged and elderly people Many places.

Fifth, starting from their own needs reasonable positioning APP development

How to properly locate the development of APP, which should start from the perspective of APP development. Let developers first carefully pondering themselves or their own company whether to develop such APP resources, but also budget to develop such a APP need to invest how much money, more importantly, when the development of this APP is completed After the completion of these assessments, if you find that the company's financial resources are limited, then the cost of development should be properly reduced or the scope of promotion reduced so as to make every effort to ensure that the desired goal is achieved.

The above five aspects are some issues that need to be noticed when doing application positioning before developing the  application.

In short, the most important point about the positioning of mobile APP development is to combine the actual situation to be realistic and have a clear positioning of the APP application before it can make the APP development and planning based on these positioning. Let the APP application's post-development work to be carried out smoothly, and only after the opening is completed, it can also make the application be favored and liked by the target user. As a result, the application of the enterprise can only be deserved to be successful, companies will therefore be profitable and development space.

The five steps of app development in singapore

The first phase: communication demand side product function point

When the demand side of the product to be released to the platform, this time the platform project manager will contact with the demand side to understand the initial idea of ​​the demand side to sort out the project scope to see whether the demand side is just an idea or to which stage of development, See if you need to invest time to clear the product's core functional point, rather than simply follow the customer free quotes.

The second stage: confirm the idea of ​​product prototype design

It would be a good development for the demand side to have a rough business model sketch, and the product manager could easily make a prototype of the product at this point, including user experience design (UX), the interactive logic of the APP interface, and Product function point to achieve the general status, according to the current observation I sat across the project manager team, the most likely problems in this one, if the prototype is not sure, the demand side function to change points to change, then if the next to the next One-step UI design, the designer will conflict with the product manager, if unfortunately the fourth step, then the programmer will join the designer together to play product manager!

The third stage: UI visual design

Completely ready prototype design to this stage of the UI design experience design, product manager for the product function point is made clear the development needs of customers, so UI designers more is to provide a color match and enhance The user uses a sensory experience design which estimates the following costs:

Refer to the design and analysis of excellent products in the market
Provide multiple versions of logo solutions
Provides a variety of styles for all major interface designs
Interactive template development
Communicate special effects with front-end engineers

This stage is very important. It is not just a simple design work for the UI designer, but also communication with the development engineer. The product manager gives the opinion. The project manager is responsible for supervising. The client is responsible for the finalization. The final confirmation is to enter the next stage of app development singapore.

The fourth stage: enter the development of the product 1.0 beta

At this point has clearly entered the development phase of the programmer, if there is no change in the previous case, Android developer work overtime, the product in a very short period of time, will be on time.
If developers communicate directly with the customer, what are the consequences?
This time the importance of the project manager will be reflected as a "lubricant" role exists, the project manager should promptly communicate with customers the perfectness of the product, and explain the development of "iteration" concept, the principle of the problem can not be changed , To ensure that the core version of the release of the line, rather than together with the programmers to coax into the endless modification and function, "plus function" is a secondary iterative development needs, we must start from the first step. The most important "product on-line" work must be implemented within the development period.

The fifth stage: enter the development test Debug stage

Many people often overlook the link, in fact, the test is a very important part of a product if only based on the use of self-perspective to customers, it is difficult to find defects in the product, this time you really need a professional test engineer .

Sunday 14 January 2018

The features of dining APP in singapore

Catering takeaway in the past two years mushroomed growth, no matter laughing restaurant, the hotel has a dedicated App. The development of the catering App not only enables large restaurants to gain more marketing channels and profits, but also enables catering entrepreneurs and food court shops to gain a lot of customer resources. With the rise of the mobile Internet in the catering industry, the entire catering industry Lively. The Importance of Catering App Development singapore It is clear that if you want to adapt to the present and grasp the future market, you must develop an exclusive APP.

Giant Cow Online APP Development Company listed the custom development of a restaurant App required features, as follows:
1. Restaurant Description: Through the information section, the restaurant can show their entrepreneurial experience on the APP, founder, restaurant characteristics, service concept.
2. Food Show: The restaurant dishes into photos were displayed in the APP, the photo must be high-definition, allowing consumers to look forward to food.
3. Order Description: dishes, different packages series, by ordering a mobile phone APP choose a meal ordering fast and easy.
4. Favorite / Comments: Users can favorite restaurants according to favorites, or comment on the restaurant, it can enhance the restaurant's competitiveness and brand influence.
5 mobile positioning: device LBS positioning system, positioning of the user's mobile phone, calculate the distance of the user at this moment the restaurant, but also how many miles to go.
6. Promotions: regularly push the restaurant to the user promotions.

Dining App development advantages:
1. Increase the source: APP booking through mobile phone, users can share food on the social network, thereby increasing the source and visibility.
2. Reduce costs: businesses can conduct a comprehensive mobile management of all stores, reducing operating costs catering business.
3. To enhance the image:IOS app development singapore is a mobile Internet business cards, catering enterprises will greatly enhance brand awareness.
4 high cost of promotion: the traditional marketing model to promote higher costs, making the restaurant industry continued to lower profit margins.
5. Mining customers: Through big data, analyze customer behavior, positioning, preferences.

The cost of an wonderful app in singapore

How to develop online shopping mall? Buy a set of online shopping mall APP how much it costs? Mobile Internet era, as the largest mobile phone portal, the decisive future business must become a tool. So there is no online mall development program can learn from it?
First, the traditional online mall APP, mainly through APP outsourcing companies to develop.
App development process: pre-communication, the implementation of APP development programs, APP research and development, test and modify bugs, shelves and so on. Because APP involves Android APP, Apple iOS APP, operation management backstage, mobile operator assistant, server, etc., each part needs to start from scratch separately, so it takes a lot of manpower cost. And shopping malls APP requires special features. Therefore, the online mall APP purchase 200,000 start the same city.

Second, the development of the price is so expensive, many people have seen many shopping mall APP template, the effect of these templates?
First of all, the price of a mall APP development itself is more expensive, if it is more mature APP, very few development companies will come up with a separate sale. Second, even the source code, but the mall APP modification is very troublesome, so many outsourcing companies to develop APP later is also modified by the company. APP template for popular needs, so the function is more single, function, performance are very general. The most important thing is that the mobile Internet is constantly evolving, the mobile phone system is constantly upgrading. The mall app template just started working fine, but over time, various problems will emerge soon. So how to build their own online store APP?
Third, now, you can choose to make their own mobile phone APP-free programming, but also can expand the functionality of the APP template can be used directly.
Let people who do not know how to program, you can also puzzle making mobile APP. There are hundreds of common APP features developed here, such as:
Text, Photo, Button, History Navigation, Label Navigation, Gallery, Info, Product Control, Product Aggregation, Personal Center, Search, Map, Post Bar, Shop, Store Aggregate, Forms, City Locator, Sub Account Management, Online Payment, Customer Service System , Dating chatting, event marketing, flexible control of different combinations, can produce different functions of APP.
Free programming, function control drag, easy to use.
Just need to put these functional controls jigsaw-type layout, you can complete the production of APP. The internal function of the template through the platform can also be freely combined. Servers, functional controls and other stakeholders Yau Road platform for unified maintenance, individuals only need to be responsible for APP functions, the content can be updated iteration.
This new model, so that the price of APP can save about 90%. Do not understand Android programming, but also to create their own unique mobile phone APP.

Thursday 11 January 2018

how difficult is APP development in singapore

I think for now, the two main lines of APP development are Web apps and Native apps. In addition to a handful of APP development platforms, the mainstream platforms on the market are still mainly based on the Web App development mode, but their user experience is often unsatisfactory, with the following two problems:

First, the network speed: This issue is more prominent in Singapore, we should all see.
Second, the speed of the phone to parse HTML5, as well as Feature support: This is still not good enough, in urgent need of improvement.

The App software development is a very professional and technical work, so the general public always have some common puzzles, such as "why do you need to develop an app so much ?," or "why it takes so long to develop an App?" Or "App development difficulties in the end where?" Therefore, northeast brother here to use very popular words to explain these issues.

First, let's first understand the nature of these customer issues:

1. App development in the end is what?

A word to explain that the development of an App is from the idea to achieve the process. What does this process specifically include?

Demand pre-assessment: the idea of ​​combing customers one by one, implemented into the table, and ultimately form a App Demand Report
Product prototype design: According to the App demand report, make a prototype version of the App, the main function of each will be arranged in the right place

UI Design: Designing every page

App-side development: that is, the development of the client (front-end), this step is completed, the App appears to the user's way out

Server-side development: that is, the development of data back-end, such as user data, or e-commerce background

Interfacing: Connect the App and the server to form a complete App. Customers can run App and users can use App

Test and Acceptance: App on the phone model tests, bug fixes, adjustment details, etc.

2. Learn the whole process of developing the App, the next question is:

App development is based on what price quote it?

The answer is: workload (time and staff)

How long it takes to develop an App and how many people will ultimately decide how much to spend, and there are two factors that determine time and people:

How and Ease of App Features: The more App features, the more complex the business, the longer it takes, the more people are required

The strength of the technical team: Currently on the market, including individual app developers singapore, development teams and professional App development company singapore, choose a different team will have a great price difference, of course, there will be a big quality gap.

Different development methods: Development of an App can choose different development techniques and methods, with native development, hybrid development, web development.

1) Web Development: Popular is to add a shell with a mobile site, it turned into an App. This method is simple, cheap, but poor results, low quality. There are some bad businesses in this way to deceive customers.

2) native development: iOS and Android were programmed in different languages, this method is the most mature, the cost is the highest;

3) Mixed development: As the name suggests, hybrid development is the combination of native and Web development. This is not only fast development, but also high quality App. Such as mobile Taobao, WeChat and other large App use this development.

Now that we have a basic understanding of the determinants of App development quotes, App development appears to be "what you pay for" but App is very complex and has lots of features that price will be high; but in fact, the hybrid development method, You can develop high quality apps at a lower price.

How to develop mobile APP in singapore

As a company that develops mobile APP software, many APP developers may encounter customers asking how the mobile APP is developed during their contact with customers. How to interpret the APP as a customer? If not, do not worry. Now I will tell you how to customize the mobile app development.
To know how mobile APP software is developed, we must first know what is the mobile APP development. What is the mobile APP development singapore? Phone APP, also called phone client, is software installed on the phone side. Mobile APP application development is to provide mobile software development services activities, but also based on smart phone mobile terminal development. The main types of mobile APP development include iOS APP development, Android APP development, HTML5 mobile APP development.

Know what is the mobile APP software development, it is much easier to know how the mobile client is developed. APP development is to provide software development activities. That development of mobile APP is going to be through individuals or teams that have the ability to develop activities. Therefore, mobile APP development can be achieved through individuals or groups.

How to develop mobile phone APP software

Mobile APP can be developed by individuals, how to develop it? This is also very simple, if the individual has APP development technology and equipment, coupled with APP development funds, the completion of an APP software development is only a matter of time. Good technology, the development of mobile APP can be completed in a short time, the technology almost spent more time.

Team how to develop mobile APP applications

In the current APP development market, there are two types of mobile APP software developed as a team, one is an APP studio and one is an APP development company. Among them, the mobile APP development company as the main group development.
Frontline belongs to the latter, APP  development company. If there is a customer looking for blue label Aurora technology for mobile APP development, Blue Label Technology has a team to serve users, including iOS system development, Android system development, and HTML5 system APP developer. The team is generally mobile phone APP production division of labor cooperation, ui design team responsible for the development of APP ui, programmers responsible for the development of mobile APP program, debugger is responsible for mobile APP debugging after development. How to develop a mobile phone APP can not be efficient?

In short, mobile APP is how to develop it? APP development has a personal development and team development of two, but if you want to ensure the quality of the development of mobile APP, I suggest that the team choose to make APP as well, which in turn is  the best way to develop .

Wednesday 10 January 2018

Wonderful tools for app development in singapore

As Android developers singapore, mainly for the development of consumer App, but we should not forget those developers for the development of App developers.

You developed an app and wanted to post it to the Play Store platform.

How to make your work look better? Put the screenshot into the Device Frame.

With Screener, you can download tons of "device frames" and put in screenshots. You can increase the screen glare and shadow, make the effect more beautiful. Also, the program colors the background based on the screenshots. Everything is free.

Android development essential five APP, hands-on teaching you to develop software

Why use this picture?

Android development essential five APP, hands-on teaching you to develop software

Since you can use such a picture ...

Of course, if you really have no taste, then it is another story.

You can go to the Play Store to download Screener for free.

Material Cue
If you respected Material Design design principles, you should use a Material Cue.

Google does not need Material Cue, but you need it.

Android development essential five APP, hands-on teaching you to develop software

Material Cue places a grid overlay on your screen so you can adjust the position of your own elements.

You can go to the Play Store to download Material Cue for free.

Graphice is an excellent color extraction tool developed by Francisco Franco. Francisco Franco has developed many excellent Android App, Graphice is one of them, is the latest one.

After the introduction of the Palette API, more and more color extraction tools have become worthless on the Play Store, but Graphice is probably the best of them. Yes, it may be better than the tool I developed.

Android development essential five APP, hands-on teaching you to develop software

One thing that Graphice can do, but other similar apps can not: You can select a region in the photo and then refine the palette from that region. When you extract color from a photo, you can also set the amount of color extraction.

If you're ready to develop an App and want to find a "sexy" palette, who do you know who to turn to?

Graphice is also free and can be downloaded from the Play Store; pay more for the $ 2.49 IAP fee.