Thursday 4 January 2018

Apple Augmented Reality APP reached 1000 in singapore

Faced with the assimilation of the smart phone market, Apple's Cook, the mobile phone Augmented Reality (hereinafter referred to as "mobile AR") as a differentiated selling point in the new operating system launched the development platform ARKit. However, according to the latest news from foreign media, developers are not enthusiastic about augmented reality development and have less and less software to upload.
In the iOS 11 operating system, Apple introduced ARKit, third-party developers can facilitate the introduction of augmented reality software. In addition, in the iPhone X mobile phone, Apple also implanted a three-dimensional identification sensor that can identify objects and spaces, including human face, to establish a digital model to help develop augmented reality capabilities.
However, according to AppleInsider, a U.S. technology news site, statistics from professional companies show that Apple developers are not as enthusiastic about augmented reality as Apple did.
Statistics released by mobile Internet market research firm Apptopia on Wednesday showed the AR software in the Apple store increased significantly in September when it first appeared, but hit a new low in November and rebounded slightly in December.
According to statistics, in September, Apple stores uploaded more than 300 ARKit-based applications, down from 200 in October to 150 in November. December rebounded to 170.
To date, there are about 1,000 ARKit-based applications in the Apple Store, totaling 3 million downloads.
Statistics show that about 30% of augmented reality software belong to the game category, the second largest category is entertainment, accounting for 13.2%, followed by tools, accounting for 12%. Other software is distributed in educational, photo, video, living tools and other categories.
It should be noted that although ARKit was introduced in iOS 11, only the iPhone X mobile phone with the 3D identification module can really use the mobile AR function. For example, if a user swipes a room with a cell phone to measure the interior space, an app developer may also place virtual items, game characters, etc. on the three-dimensional model identified by Apple ARKit.
Various data show that iPhone X mobile phone sales have fallen into a downturn. The $ 999 pricing outweighs the purchasing power of some consumers, which also affects the user base of mobile phone augmented reality. According to Taiwanese media reports, Apple has reduced its iPhone X sales forecast for the first quarter of this year from 50 million units to 30 million units.
In several previous public occasions, Apple CEO Cook a high profile talk about cell phone applications augmented reality. In the past year, the decline in Apple's mobile phone, consumers questioned Apple's ability to innovate, so Cook hopes to use the phone AR to iPhone in the smart phone market to achieve differentiated competition.
After Apple introduced ARKit tools, Google also quickly adjusted the strategy to imitate Apple's ARCore platform, ready to launch AR features in Android phones. However, in the three-dimensional recognition of hardware, Android development  lag behind the iPhone.
In addition to mobile phones, Apple is also developing augmented reality headset products, the specific product form is similar to the VR helmet or AR glasses, is still unknown.

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