Wednesday 10 January 2018

Wonderful tools for app development in singapore

As Android developers singapore, mainly for the development of consumer App, but we should not forget those developers for the development of App developers.

You developed an app and wanted to post it to the Play Store platform.

How to make your work look better? Put the screenshot into the Device Frame.

With Screener, you can download tons of "device frames" and put in screenshots. You can increase the screen glare and shadow, make the effect more beautiful. Also, the program colors the background based on the screenshots. Everything is free.

Android development essential five APP, hands-on teaching you to develop software

Why use this picture?

Android development essential five APP, hands-on teaching you to develop software

Since you can use such a picture ...

Of course, if you really have no taste, then it is another story.

You can go to the Play Store to download Screener for free.

Material Cue
If you respected Material Design design principles, you should use a Material Cue.

Google does not need Material Cue, but you need it.

Android development essential five APP, hands-on teaching you to develop software

Material Cue places a grid overlay on your screen so you can adjust the position of your own elements.

You can go to the Play Store to download Material Cue for free.

Graphice is an excellent color extraction tool developed by Francisco Franco. Francisco Franco has developed many excellent Android App, Graphice is one of them, is the latest one.

After the introduction of the Palette API, more and more color extraction tools have become worthless on the Play Store, but Graphice is probably the best of them. Yes, it may be better than the tool I developed.

Android development essential five APP, hands-on teaching you to develop software

One thing that Graphice can do, but other similar apps can not: You can select a region in the photo and then refine the palette from that region. When you extract color from a photo, you can also set the amount of color extraction.

If you're ready to develop an App and want to find a "sexy" palette, who do you know who to turn to?

Graphice is also free and can be downloaded from the Play Store; pay more for the $ 2.49 IAP fee.

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