Thursday 25 January 2018

APP visual design workflow in singapore

To participate in a project, we do not just make a diagram that simple, but to put their work to the entire project process to go.

The first manuscript, we can exchange more. Do UI and interaction for more than two years, in the UI design, many begin to learn UI, especially self-study UI colleagues will ask such a question, what is the UI design?

UI is the abbreviation of User Interface. UI design refers to the overall design of software human-computer interaction, operating logic, beautiful interface.
But in fact, many practitioners UI design only made this part of the interface beautification. All of them sometimes weakened the UI design scope. So what I'm talking to you today is the workflow in the APP visual design. To participate in a project, we do not just make a diagram that simple, but to put their work to the entire project process to go.

first step
We want to know those who have a member of the project, who knows your upstream and downstream who need to import and export those things? We need hands-on designers or product managers to get:
Confirm that there is no comment, start app visual design. Some products or interactions will only give a low-fidelity prototype, but as far as possible to master more processes and user information, you can guide the user through the page in the design.
The second step
Design, design, said some of the major sections of the specific design of the page style, I believe everyone has their own style and ideas. Re-design should focus on platform plug-in style and platform style, it is easier to win the trust of users.
Design of the delivery of the link, this part of the UI novice is a relatively short section, like the same graphic design interface design is good, but how to give the development, so that the development of the product to go, would it be a Large.
First of all, we know that the design deliverables required for the development of iOS and Android should at least have: High-fidelity UI diagram (design draft), annotation, cutting diagram. And know what these deliverables have for development.
Hifi UI Picture:
Hifi UI map played a role, the development will refer to its painting page, just to know the page look like a means, not what high-precision things. So I do not need the same appearance of two sets of IOS and Android, only the size of the map.
Marking and cutting diagram:
Marking and cutting the role of the map is, according to the development of the size of the label, the cut plans in accordance with the layout of high-fidelity UI to do the interface.
Well, the question came, iOS development and Android development required labeling and cutting plans are not the same. How to make two sets of labels and cut charts on a set of iOS high-fidelity UI diagrams?
First ios design pixel size is 640 × 960/1136 (iphone4-5s size)
Android mainstream hdpi mode pixel size is 480 × 800,
Again, we can conclude that in the mobile APP design, IOS and Android two versions of the same as only the size of the design draft, we can do a separate ios @ 2x design draft in the cutting phase in accordance with IOS and Android The relationship between the different versions of different sizes required for the cut map.
Note: Pixel pixelation after slicing is likely to require readjustment, as well as various virtual edges, especially those with transparent shading.
Andriod pixel size into development size, namely: px into dp
We are based on 480 * 800 pixel size design drawings as a benchmark.
Development of the component size dp size is converted, the pixel size * 2 / 3.480px * 2/3 = 320dp
This is the reason why the size of the Android widget should be divisible by 3. As in the hdpi mode, 480 * 800 pixel size design drawings, the development of 300px width to see the label, it is defined as wide 200dp, Android development here to get a real value they will be used for development.

the fourth step
Is the acceptance of development results, we not only bar page designed, but also let him eventually displayed in the product, so after the completion of the development of development, we need to check the interface effect is not consistent with our design. If the same, or because there is no way to achieve development reasons, we will modify the design, design, we pay attention to the ease of development.
The final summary is to do APP design, from getting the low-fidelity prototype to the acceptance of the product, is the UI app builder in a project to participate in their own work. Can also be extended to the interface based on personal ability, interactive design of user tasks.

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