Wednesday 24 January 2018

How to develop a good mobile app in singapore

Want to develop a good mobile phone app, we must first be able to choose a good development team, and secondly, the functional needs of customers can fully understand, and then select the appropriate framework for each app category need to create different Program technology is also different. For example: For security products, native development work is relatively more. Choose the right fit. Currently, there are so many excellent open source components for mobile development that they are flexible and do not need to be rebuilt. The last is to combine the needs of product development.

In the process of developing a mobile phone app, which issues need attention? First, choose a suitable framework is very important, such as the dynamic framework of this step, it is best to consider in the early stage, once the product iteration to a certain stage, Going to consider the cost will be much higher. Second, developers to develop according to the norms, to avoid the developers to do each. Third, developers should pay more attention to the industry's popular technology, framework, thinking whether it can be cited to the current project. How to solve the problem of security vulnerabilities in APP, for the safety of mobile APP development on the one hand, different types of products, the security requirements are not the same, involving the user information, money, security requirements naturally higher Some need to be treated differently. On the other hand, in terms of technology, it is also more important to select more security technologies, such as Baidu https.

With the traditional Internet and traditional mobile Internet enterprises, more and more enterprises began to launch their own APP, the development of APP security has become a major security issue in the industry, on the one hand not only to protect the safety of mobile users, but also To protect the safety of developers, it is even safer for developers to be the source of  android APP development singapore.

How to solve the problem of security vulnerabilities in APP? First of all, for the decompilation loopholes, the need for code confusion, a deeper level of code encryption, through the source code encryption. Second, for memory leaks, do some disaggregation on some application values. However, the disbanding process only increases the difficulty of modifying the memory data and can not fundamentally protect the game data. Third, data falsification loopholes archive, the processing logic of traditional verification can be easily analyzed, only from the bottom of the data encryption and protection in order to ensure data security.

APP development optimization has what difficulties, APP development user experience and performance optimization is that each development team must solve the problem, the entire APP development optimization process which problems are difficult to solve? In this regard, through long-term work practices , Mobile development, stability requirements related to higher, such as collapse, this takes a longer time grinding. Mobile terminal in power consumption, consumption of these need more attention, after all, users are more concerned about these. Install the package size need more attention, too much, not only performance problems, will also download and install a certain impact. Memory, cpu needs to be used as a focus, the smaller the resource overhead is the pursuit of mobile development.

From a professional app development technology to choose, Mo fear technology focused App development, system ios development, WeChat applets, html5 development and other mobile Internet development.

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