Wednesday 17 January 2018

How to develop app in singapore

In the era of mobile Internet, mobile phone APP has become the protagonist of entrepreneurship, and many entrepreneurs rely on a mobile phone APP to overturn the traditional market play with a brand new business model to realize millions of wealth. In the past 2017, Venture Ventures are all based on the mobile APP as a platform, such as various types of sharing economy, content entrepreneurship and more.

If it is a traditional mobile phone APP, it involves a lot of professional knowledge because a complete APP product includes: Android APP, Apple iOS APP, operation management background, server and database related, mobile operator management assistant, third party docking and many more.
These parts involve almost completely different professional knowledge, even if the professional APP development company, but also the team division of labor collaborative development. So, if white, want to own APP development is almost impossible.
However, do not understand the technology you want to complete mobile phone APP production, is not impossible, you can resort to third-party development platform.

APP production principle:
Conventional singapore mobile APP development process is usually the product manager and customer communication to determine the APP development program, the APP model produced, and then by the programmer for each function of the one by one development, development is completed, tested and modified bug on the line .

The frontline is to develop common APP features one by one and placed on the platform, such as map positioning, online chat, paste forums, log in and so on, users use these mature APP control functions, you can directly put together a native APP. And because all of the APP features are well-developed in advance, all can be run online without the need for test modifications.
Free programming, function control drag, easy to use:

Technically, Frontline has also innovated and created the "Android APP development, Apple iOS App, Operation Management Background, Server and Database, and Mobile Operations Management Assistant".
In order to save APP developers time and energy, frontline also precipitated hundreds of vertical industries and the entire set of native APP templates can be used directly, a key to complete the production of APP. The functions and contents of these templates can also be modified twice through the platform.

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