Wednesday 31 January 2018

What is the difference between art design and web design in app development singapore?

HR as an Internet company sometimes really helpless, especially in the same industry, similar positions, many job seekers will choose to do Taobao art design, and do not want to do the site designer, in fact, I probably know Everyone's intention to seek employment, nothing less than tired + money, many people choose Taobao artists around a few produce daily to modify the picture, or do a few topics, very leisure, not competitive because the company can not be equipped with many designers , But also not to mention the pressure, and website companies are different, not to mention the pressure from within the company, the pressure from the customer is great, because often there is the situation of the design department. Now we think about these two differences in the reverse thinking, first of all, the development of different positions, starting from the web company's web design background, must be competent Taobao artist jobs, but Taobao artists may not be able to meet the web design. The Taobao artists make money because Taobao this support, only reflected in the money, and the value of web designers not only pay some sense of accomplishment, after all, the site's visit is a company's face, and Taobao's design is a shop face.

Now we still specifically talk about two positions from the depth of web design considerations, the difference between the two right!

Many customers do not understand the difference between website design and shop decoration, although the two are the same web graphic design, but because of the different platforms, the difference is still great design.

1, the site's design needs to consider the style of the entire site, the layout do not have to rigidly adhere to the framework of the framework, shop decoration but because of the online store platform has fixed the framework, can only be based on the framework of the design.

2, site design needs to consider the overall structure optimization, the code can not be too many, so as not to affect the speed of open web pages, shop decoration without having to consider the complexity of the code level, the effect can be achieved.

3, site construction at the same time to do site SEO optimization work, according to the search engine algorithm to constantly adjust, shop decoration because it is not included in the search engine, so do not consider this feature.

4, a website design includes the purchase of domain names, program production, layout art production, as well as animation visual processing, code optimization nesting, website keyword optimization and maintenance of various maintenance operations. A shop's decoration design includes the customer layout, cut map, upload pictures, decoration code can be produced of IOS app development company.

So from the above points can be seen that the design of the site than the shop decoration design complex, but the price of the shop decoration is much more expensive than the site app design singapore, which can not be considered from the design, but rather and domestic e-commerce Can not be separated from the relationship can be predicted that for a long period of time the site is still only for business promotion services, can only be regarded as an extension of graphic design, because of cheapness and cyclicality, is bound to be universal and Popular.

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