Thursday 11 January 2018

how difficult is APP development in singapore

I think for now, the two main lines of APP development are Web apps and Native apps. In addition to a handful of APP development platforms, the mainstream platforms on the market are still mainly based on the Web App development mode, but their user experience is often unsatisfactory, with the following two problems:

First, the network speed: This issue is more prominent in Singapore, we should all see.
Second, the speed of the phone to parse HTML5, as well as Feature support: This is still not good enough, in urgent need of improvement.

The App software development is a very professional and technical work, so the general public always have some common puzzles, such as "why do you need to develop an app so much ?," or "why it takes so long to develop an App?" Or "App development difficulties in the end where?" Therefore, northeast brother here to use very popular words to explain these issues.

First, let's first understand the nature of these customer issues:

1. App development in the end is what?

A word to explain that the development of an App is from the idea to achieve the process. What does this process specifically include?

Demand pre-assessment: the idea of ​​combing customers one by one, implemented into the table, and ultimately form a App Demand Report
Product prototype design: According to the App demand report, make a prototype version of the App, the main function of each will be arranged in the right place

UI Design: Designing every page

App-side development: that is, the development of the client (front-end), this step is completed, the App appears to the user's way out

Server-side development: that is, the development of data back-end, such as user data, or e-commerce background

Interfacing: Connect the App and the server to form a complete App. Customers can run App and users can use App

Test and Acceptance: App on the phone model tests, bug fixes, adjustment details, etc.

2. Learn the whole process of developing the App, the next question is:

App development is based on what price quote it?

The answer is: workload (time and staff)

How long it takes to develop an App and how many people will ultimately decide how much to spend, and there are two factors that determine time and people:

How and Ease of App Features: The more App features, the more complex the business, the longer it takes, the more people are required

The strength of the technical team: Currently on the market, including individual app developers singapore, development teams and professional App development company singapore, choose a different team will have a great price difference, of course, there will be a big quality gap.

Different development methods: Development of an App can choose different development techniques and methods, with native development, hybrid development, web development.

1) Web Development: Popular is to add a shell with a mobile site, it turned into an App. This method is simple, cheap, but poor results, low quality. There are some bad businesses in this way to deceive customers.

2) native development: iOS and Android were programmed in different languages, this method is the most mature, the cost is the highest;

3) Mixed development: As the name suggests, hybrid development is the combination of native and Web development. This is not only fast development, but also high quality App. Such as mobile Taobao, WeChat and other large App use this development.

Now that we have a basic understanding of the determinants of App development quotes, App development appears to be "what you pay for" but App is very complex and has lots of features that price will be high; but in fact, the hybrid development method, You can develop high quality apps at a lower price.

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