Sunday 14 January 2018

The cost of an wonderful app in singapore

How to develop online shopping mall? Buy a set of online shopping mall APP how much it costs? Mobile Internet era, as the largest mobile phone portal, the decisive future business must become a tool. So there is no online mall development program can learn from it?
First, the traditional online mall APP, mainly through APP outsourcing companies to develop.
App development process: pre-communication, the implementation of APP development programs, APP research and development, test and modify bugs, shelves and so on. Because APP involves Android APP, Apple iOS APP, operation management backstage, mobile operator assistant, server, etc., each part needs to start from scratch separately, so it takes a lot of manpower cost. And shopping malls APP requires special features. Therefore, the online mall APP purchase 200,000 start the same city.

Second, the development of the price is so expensive, many people have seen many shopping mall APP template, the effect of these templates?
First of all, the price of a mall APP development itself is more expensive, if it is more mature APP, very few development companies will come up with a separate sale. Second, even the source code, but the mall APP modification is very troublesome, so many outsourcing companies to develop APP later is also modified by the company. APP template for popular needs, so the function is more single, function, performance are very general. The most important thing is that the mobile Internet is constantly evolving, the mobile phone system is constantly upgrading. The mall app template just started working fine, but over time, various problems will emerge soon. So how to build their own online store APP?
Third, now, you can choose to make their own mobile phone APP-free programming, but also can expand the functionality of the APP template can be used directly.
Let people who do not know how to program, you can also puzzle making mobile APP. There are hundreds of common APP features developed here, such as:
Text, Photo, Button, History Navigation, Label Navigation, Gallery, Info, Product Control, Product Aggregation, Personal Center, Search, Map, Post Bar, Shop, Store Aggregate, Forms, City Locator, Sub Account Management, Online Payment, Customer Service System , Dating chatting, event marketing, flexible control of different combinations, can produce different functions of APP.
Free programming, function control drag, easy to use.
Just need to put these functional controls jigsaw-type layout, you can complete the production of APP. The internal function of the template through the platform can also be freely combined. Servers, functional controls and other stakeholders Yau Road platform for unified maintenance, individuals only need to be responsible for APP functions, the content can be updated iteration.
This new model, so that the price of APP can save about 90%. Do not understand Android programming, but also to create their own unique mobile phone APP.

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